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Apple's Big Win Over Samsung—what Does It Mean?
From ACM Opinion

Apple's Big Win Over Samsung—what Does It Mean?

History buffs will note that Apple scored one of the most lopsided victories since Agincourt on Tim Cook's one-year anniversary as the company's CEO.

How Google Is Becoming an Extension of Your Mind
From ACM Opinion

How Google Is Becoming an Extension of Your Mind

It's time to think of Google as much more than just a search engine, and that should both excite and spook you.

Why Google Glass Is the Next Frontier For Developers
From ACM Opinion

Why Google Glass Is the Next Frontier For Developers

When Google co-founder Sergey Brin demoed Google Glass, the search giant's attempt to build a next-generation wearable computer, with skydivers live streaming their...

Schmidt: The Web Will Dissolve National Barriers
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Schmidt: The Web Will Dissolve National Barriers

Google's Eric Schmidt believes the Internet is breaking down national barriers. "Loyalty is not just to a nation but to friends and interests," Schmidt said in...

­.s. Senators: No Time to Lose on Strengthening Cybersecurity
From ACM Opinion

­.s. Senators: No Time to Lose on Strengthening Cybersecurity

Four U.S. senators sound a warning on cybersecurity, comparing the present to the days prior to September 11, 2001. The system is blinking red, and we are failing...

Lightsquared Blew It, and Here's Why
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Lightsquared Blew It, and Here's Why

LightSquared may have had a great case for building its wireless network, but the fledgling company lacked the political tact to see it through.

Apple: Five Predictions For 2012
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Apple: Five Predictions For 2012

Expecting something from Apple can be a dangerous game, but that doesn't mean it's not fun to try and read the tea leaves every once in a while.

From ACM Opinion

Take That, Adobe! Jobs Gets Last Laugh on Flash

In April, 2010, Steve Jobs devoted about 1,700 words to a public post ripping Adobe's Flash to shreds. His most cutting comments concerned the mobile version of...

From ACM Opinion

Why iOS 5 Is a Big Deal

While most of this week's attention is going to be on Apple's new iPhone 4S and how it sells, the most important thing to come out of the company is a new version...

From ACM Opinion

What I Learned from Steve Jobs

 Many people have explained what one can learn from Steve Jobs. But few, if any, of these people have been inside the tent and experienced first hand what it was...

From ACM Opinion

Yes, Google Really Should Worry About Facebook

The algorithm is the key to success. That's how Google replaced Yahoo as the Web's best search engine in 1998. Google became the font of the online world's information...

From ACM News

The America Invents Act and the Individual Inventor

Much has been said about how the newly passed patent reform legislation, the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act, benefits large corporations. While that argument...

What Became of Multi-Core Programming Problems?
From ACM Opinion

What Became of Multi-Core Programming Problems?

As the Intel Developer Forum gets under way this week, one hardly unexpected theme of CEO Paul Otellini's keynote address was that Moore's Law continues. Ivy...

From ACM News

Google's Self-Driving Wreck: Really Human Error?

When a self-driving car crashes, one just has to wonder about those robots. Are they really all they're cracked up to be? Or might they be just as cracked as...

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Who Is Behind the Hacks?

Every day there's another report of a computer hack. Yesterday it was a video game company and a U.S. Senate database. And today it could be the Federal Reserve...

From ACM Opinion

Is It Better to Buy Apple Products or Apple Stock?

Sometimes, people have the most wonderful ideas. And not merely people at Apple. A software-engineering intern at Twilio (who also happens to be a computer science...

From ACM Opinion

Apple: Disrupt or Perish

While the secret for Apple's success seems patently obvious to most&meash;as obvious as the form and function of the iPhone 4—a more subtle reason is the company's...

Wolfram Education Apps Raise Teaching Dilemma
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Wolfram Education Apps Raise Teaching Dilemma

Wolfram Research, a software company with deep mathematical and scientific expertise, is expanding to the broad education market with a range of mobile apps.

Arm Ceo on Microsoft, Tech's Rise
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Arm Ceo on Microsoft, Tech's Rise

ARM chief executive Warren East discusses major announcements from Microsoft, Nvidia, and Motorola involving his company and its chip architecture.

Web Giants Get Bigger, Location Takes Off
From ACM News

Web Giants Get Bigger, Location Takes Off

The easiest way to sum up the Web in 2010 is that it was a year of growth. The big got bigger and smaller companies came out of the woodwork with new plays on...
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