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The Promise and Perils of a Datafied World
From ACM Opinion

The Promise and Perils of a Datafied World

In a former life I was a research assistant. After painstaking weeks spent gathering data, I was tasked with putting the numbers into a statistics application that...

Will We Ever ­nderstand How Our Brains Work?
From ACM News

Will We Ever ­nderstand How Our Brains Work?

When it comes to the human brain, many scientists believe that we are incapable of understanding how it works because we lack the tools and intelligence to measure...

Patent Could Shackle 3D Printers with Drm
From ACM Opinion

Patent Could Shackle 3D Printers with Drm

One of the greatest benefits of 3D printing technology—the ability to make replacements or parts for household objects like toys, utensils and gadgets—may be denied...

From ACM Opinion

Augmented Reality Offers a New Layer of Intrigue

If you ever come across a photograph of communist-era East Berlin, or modern Pyongyang in North Korea, the cityscapes look drab and featureless. Billboards, advertising...

Was Our Interview with Lulzsec Hacker an Fbi Set-­p?
From ACM Opinion

Was Our Interview with Lulzsec Hacker an Fbi Set-­p?

In the early hours of 30 June last year, my time spent monitoring the Anonymous chat room finally paid off: "Sabu" would grant me an interview. 

From ACM Opinion

Time For Robots to Get Real

From robotic slug-killers to dancing humanoids, there's a lot of media buzz around robots.

Should Computers Have Their Own Web Sites?
From ACM TechNews

Should Computers Have Their Own Web Sites?

Organizations could use a new top-level domain, .data, to share data in a standard form, writes Stephen Wolfram, creator of the computational knowledge engine Wolfram...

Could You Make It Past Google's Gatekeepers?
From ACM Careers

Could You Make It Past Google's Gatekeepers?

How many taxis are there in New York City? You either know how to answer that question or you don't.

Kinect Weighs Astronauts Just By Looking at Them
From ACM TechNews

Kinect Weighs Astronauts Just By Looking at Them

A body-tracking camera system built into Microsoft's Kinect gaming sensor could be used to monitor the weight of astronauts in space, says Eurecom computer scientist...

From ACM Opinion

A Few Simple Checks Would Transform Science Reporting

The U.K.'s Leveson inquiry is not just about illegally obtained tittle-tattle, it's a chance to curb sensationalist misreporting of science.

Google ­sability Chief: Ideas Have to Be Discoverable
From ACM TechNews

Google ­sability Chief: Ideas Have to Be Discoverable

Google's Dan Russell recently spoke to New Scientist on improving searches. 

Let's Get Back to Real Space Exploration
From ACM Opinion

Let's Get Back to Real Space Exploration

Time to ditch the black armbands and look beyond low Earth orbit again. The shuttle's passing marks the start of an exciting new era.

­ltimate Logic: To Infinity and Beyond
From ACM Opinion

­ltimate Logic: To Infinity and Beyond

The mysteries of infinity could lead us to a fantastic structure above and beyond mathematics as we know it.

Existence: Am I a Hologram?
From ACM Opinion

Existence: Am I a Hologram?

Take a look around you. The walls, the chair you're sitting in, your own body—they all seem real and solid. Yet there is a possibility that everything we see...

From ACM News

Welcome to the Age of the Splinternet

Openness is the Internet's great strength—and weakness. With powerful forces carving it up, is its golden age coming to an end?

The Internet Is a Tyrant's Friend
From ACM Opinion

The Internet Is a Tyrant's Friend

As recent events in Egypt and Tunisia so aptly demonstrate, technology is a double-edged sword: while pro-democracy protesters used sites like Facebook to organise...

From ACM Opinion

2011 Preview: Million-Dollar Mathematics Problem

A draft solution to the so-called "P versus NP" problem generated excitement in 2010; will 2011 bring a correct proof?

Why Graphene Is the Stuff of the Future
From ACM Opinion

Why Graphene Is the Stuff of the Future

Everything in our three-dimensional world has a width, length and height. That was what we thought, at least. But this picture overlooks a whole class of materials...

From ACM Opinion

Will Someone Leak the Leaker's Secrets?

Who has the right to decide what information should be kept secret? That's the vexatious question raised by WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange, who masterminded...

From ACM Opinion

Apple, Trackpads, and the Long Death of the Mouse

Another day, another envelope-pushing design from Apple intended to make us rethink the way we interact with our computers. Welcome to the Magic Trackpad.
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