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From ACM Opinion

Google Should Answer Some Searching Questions

Google woos people with its "don't be evil" slogan and assures us that everything it does is meant to enhance our online experience. But a new study by U.S. advocacy...

From ACM Opinion

How E-Maps Curtail Our Freedom

Electronic maps are arguably the quintessential innovation of 20th-century cartography. Although a few academic cartographers accord the map mystical powers, it...

From ACM Opinion

Venter: The Implications of Our Synthetic Cell

We did not create life from scratch: we transformed existing life into new life. Nor did we design and build a new chromosome from scratch. Rather, using only digitised...

Scientists Should Be on Tap, Not on Top
From ACM Opinion

Scientists Should Be on Tap, Not on Top

Should scientists have a special voice when it comes to deciding government policy? On Tuesday (February 16) Robert May, the U.K. government's former chief scientific...

From ACM Opinion

Don't Let Politicians Forget the E Word

Hugh Griffiths is chair of the executive committee of the Campaign for Science & Engineering (CaSE) and chair in intelligent radar systems at University College...

Berners-Lee: We No Longer Fully ­nderstand the Web
From ACM Opinion

Berners-Lee: We No Longer Fully ­nderstand the Web

World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee wants to put the Web under the microscope to investigate how it changes our behavior. He discusses the Web Science Research...
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