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It's the 30th Anniversary of the Supreme Court's Monumental Decision About Betamax
From ACM Opinion

It's the 30th Anniversary of the Supreme Court's Monumental Decision About Betamax

Those of us who came of age in the Internet era may not know that they owe their ability to go online to a court decision 30 years ago today about a mechanically...

Why Snowden Won't (and Shouldn't) Get Clemency
From ACM Opinion

Why Snowden Won't (and Shouldn't) Get Clemency

I regard Daniel Ellsberg as an American patriot.

The Nsa's Metadata Program Is Perfectly Constitutional
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The Nsa's Metadata Program Is Perfectly Constitutional

Last month two judges issued two different opinions about the NSA's controversial bulk metadata collection program.

Metadata Isn't Going Away. Here's How to Control It.
From ACM Opinion

Metadata Isn't Going Away. Here's How to Control It.

It's a good bet that, in the next few weeks, President Obama will impose some serious reforms—and ask Congress to enact a few more—on how the National Security...

Why Obama Still ­ses a BlackBerry
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Why Obama Still ­ses a BlackBerry

Barack Obama is the world's most prominent BlackBerry user.

Can You Hack It?
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Can You Hack It?

Wherever you're sitting right now, take a moment to note the connected devices around you.

The Evil Genius of Fantasy Football
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The Evil Genius of Fantasy Football

Watching football means watching young men damage their brains.

To Boldly Go Nowhere, For Now
From ACM Opinion

To Boldly Go Nowhere, For Now

On Aug. 20, NASA's administrator formally welcomed the newest candidates of the astronaut corpsand released a space exploration roadmap that includes robotic and...

Forget Moocs
From ACM Opinion

Forget Moocs

For a year or two there, free online classes seemed like they just might be the future of higher education.

Justice For Alan Turing?
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Justice For Alan Turing?

What do we do with the knowledge that people not all that different from ourselves have behaved with astounding stupidity and cruelty, over and over again, in the...

The Mooc Racket
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The Mooc Racket

The word mooc sounds a bit like slang from Goodfellas or the affectionate shortening of the already-affectionate name of a former outfielder for the New York Mets...

Nsa Can Reportedly Track Phones Even When They're Turned Off
From ACM Opinion

Nsa Can Reportedly Track Phones Even When They're Turned Off

The NSA has a diverse range of surveillance capabilities—from monitoring Google Maps use to sifting through millions of phone call records and spying on Web searches...

Meet the Most Important Tech Company You've Probably Never Heard Of
From ACM Opinion

Meet the Most Important Tech Company You've Probably Never Heard Of

Never trust gadget-makers’ claims about battery life.

The Taming of the Spook
From ACM Opinion

The Taming of the Spook

On March 24, 2009, the National Security Agency’s inspector general issued a 51-page draft report on the President’s Surveillance Program, the warrantless authority...

Connecting the Dots, Missing the Story
From ACM Opinion

Connecting the Dots, Missing the Story

Could Big Data have prevented 9/11? Perhaps—Dick Cheney, for one, seems to think so.

I Would Have Hired Edward Snowden
From ACM Opinion

I Would Have Hired Edward Snowden

I don't know Edward Snowden, but I know his kind.

Why Americans Don't Fear the Nsa
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Why Americans Don't Fear the Nsa

Cybersnooping was always scheduled to be an important topic during President Obama’s meetings with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Who's Watching You? Not Just the Nsa.
From ACM Opinion

Who's Watching You? Not Just the Nsa.

While you were tweeting an Instagram of your home-cooked tikka masala last night, we learned that the National Security Agency (NSA) has been collecting data on...

Our Guts May Hate Mars
From ACM Opinion

Our Guts May Hate Mars

Eighty thousand people recently applied for a trip to Mars, an excursion that will allegedly be funded by selling reality-TV show rights for the voyage.

Steve Jobs' Dream Device Has Arrived
From ACM Opinion

Steve Jobs' Dream Device Has Arrived

Just before he died, Steve Jobs told his biographer Walter Isaacson about his dream for revolutionizing television.
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