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Weiner's Law

The Web makes it easier than ever to cheat—and easier than ever for cheaters to get caught.

From ACM Opinion

Will Amazon's Recent Server Failures Slow the Rise of Cloud Computing?

Last Thursday morning around 5 a.m. eastern time, Amazon suffered a major data center outage. These sorts of outages happen now and then, but they seldom makewhy...

No More Privacy Paranoia
From ACM Opinion

No More Privacy Paranoia

Want Web companies to stop using our personal data? Be ready to suffer the consequences.

Have Computers Made Architects Less Disciplined?
From ACM Opinion

Have Computers Made Architects Less Disciplined?

We generally assume that technological advances save time, boost efficiency, increase productivity, and so on. Once we get used to the latest conveniences, we...

Three Cheers For the Judge Who Smacked Down Google Books
From ACM Opinion

Three Cheers For the Judge Who Smacked Down Google Books

For a company with the audacity to make "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible" its mission statement, it takes a lot to take...

Japan Has Shifted 13 Feet!
From ACM News

Japan Has Shifted 13 Feet!

What does Japan's earthquake mean for GPS? Friday's 9.0-magnitude earthquake was so powerful that it actually widened Japan. While parts of the country barely...

The Future of Mobile Gadgets
From ACM Opinion

The Future of Mobile Gadgets

I got my first cell phone a little more than a decade ago, just as I was finishing college and looking for my first job. I didn't need a mobile phone; none of...

From ACM News

Wiring in a Wireless Age

Is Intel's Thunderbolt cable a brilliant innovation or a worthless grasp at the past?

Tech Revolutionaries
From ACM Opinion

Tech Revolutionaries

The Arab Revolt shows that Google's and Twitter's corporate values are better than Facebook's.

My Puny Human Brain
From ACM Opinion

My Puny Human Brain

Jeopardy! genius Ken Jennings on what it's like to play against a supercomputer.

An Html For Numbers
From ACM News

An Html For Numbers

The Age of Data is just around the corner, right where it has been for years. As someone who spends a lot his time creating visualizations, I've been hoping for...

From ACM Opinion

Space Stasis

What the strange persistence of rockets can teach us about innovation.

The Purpose of Science Fiction
From ACM Opinion

The Purpose of Science Fiction

How it teaches governments—and citizens—how to understand the future of technology.

Why You Should Never, Ever Use Two Spaces After a Period
From ACM Opinion

Why You Should Never, Ever Use Two Spaces After a Period

Can I let you in on a secret? Typing two spaces after a period is totally, completely, utterly, and inarguably wrong. And yet people who use two spaces are everywhere...

The Case Against the Consumer Electronics Show
From ACM Opinion

The Case Against the Consumer Electronics Show

A year ago, Steve Ballmer took the stage of the Consumer Electronics Show to tout a technology that he promised would change the world: the Windows operating...

From ACM News

Every Day We Write the Book

What would happen if Facebook made its data available for research?

Don't Stick It In: The Dangers of ­sb Drives
From ACM Opinion

Don't Stick It In: The Dangers of ­sb Drives

Talking to a computer security researcher about Stuxnet is like asking an art critic to describe the finer points of the Mona Lisa. The world's top cybersecurity...

Ban Drone-Porn War Crimes
From ACM Opinion

Ban Drone-Porn War Crimes

Death by joystick is immoral and illegal.

Facebook Knows Where You Are
From ACM Opinion

Facebook Knows Where You Are

The social network's new Places feature will make it more difficult to lie to your friends.

How Often Does Your Phone Drop Calls?
From ACM Opinion

How Often Does Your Phone Drop Calls?

Apple, Research in Motion, and the rest of the cell phone industry don't want you to know.
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