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Apple Needs More Than A Good Lawyer in China
From ACM Opinion

Apple Needs More Than A Good Lawyer in China

Apple has no problem getting Chinese consumers to desire its products, as a near-riot outside its Beijing store showed in January. But the U.S. tech giant has been...

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Warning: This Site Contains Conspiracy Theories

In its early days, the Web was often imagined as a global clearinghouse—a new type of library, with the sum total of human knowledge always at our fingertips. 

I'm Not Here To Make Friends
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I'm Not Here To Make Friends

Google just broke its search engine.

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You Need To Learn How To Program

If you're looking for a New Year's resolution, let me suggest an idea that you might not have considered: You should learn computer programming. Specifically,...

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2011 Was a Terrible Year For Tech

If you read tech criticism often, there’s a good chance that you’ve come upon a staple of the form that I like to call the "mommy dearest" review.

Occupy the Net!
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Occupy the Net!

What would George Orwell make of Facebook? Nothing really: His account would probably be deactivated by the company. If he were lucky, he would be told to produce...

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Blogging the Stanford Machine Learning Class

After three weeks of frustrating math dealing with dull statistics problems, we’re on to frustrating math dealing with "neural networks"—models of how the cells...

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The End of the Credit Card?

A new app called Card Case foretells a world without cash and plastic.

Good Touch, Bad Touch
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Good Touch, Bad Touch

The iconic iPhone interface tarnishes the legacy of Steve Jobs.

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Steve Jobs and Me

 He said my 1971 article inspired him. His iBook obsessed me.

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Will Robots Steal Your Job?

If you're taking a break from work to read this article, I've got one question for you: Are you crazy? I know you think no one will notice, and I know that everyone...

Not Sharing Is Caring
From ACM Opinion

Not Sharing Is Caring

Mark Zuckerberg wants you to share. He doesn't much care if you want to share. Sharing, in Zuckerberg's view, has morphed from an affirmative act—that video was...

Can Brain Research Keep ­S Safe?
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Can Brain Research Keep ­S Safe?

Human conflict is often associated with the emergence of a new science or technology. The Civil War's Gatling gun changed battlefield tactics and led to modern...

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Captcha Talks Back

What if CAPTCHA messed with you even more than it already does?

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What Constitutes an Act of Cyberwar?

Before we get to that, there's a clue in the spelling of the word: cyberwar instead of cyber war. The U.S. Defense Department has determined that cyber is a fifth...

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The Death of Booting ­p

Remember "booting up"? It was the first thing you did every morning—you waited two minutes, three minutes, sometimes even longer while your computer ran through...

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Google's Instant Pages and the Joys of a Computer that Can Read Your Mind

Chrome is reading my mind. When I type a search query in Google's Web browser, it offers me the most likely results right in the address bar. It doesn't justWikipedia...

Why Twitter Should Double Its Character Limit
From ACM Opinion

Why Twitter Should Double Its Character Limit

Five years ago this month, Twitter opened itself up to the public. The new service, initially called Twttr, was born out of software engineer Jack Dorsey's fascination...

Why Facebook Can't Match Ravelry, the Social Network For Knitters
From ACM Opinion

Why Facebook Can't Match Ravelry, the Social Network For Knitters

The best social network you've (probably) never heard of is one-five-hundredth the size of Facebook. It has no video chat feature, it doesn't let you check in...

Has Facebook Peaked?
From ACM News

Has Facebook Peaked?

Facebook's active user base grew by only 1.7% in May. That's about half its usual growth rate, and it came after similarly slow growth in April. According to Inside...
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