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 Towards a Conversational Agent that Can Chat About…Anything
From ACM Opinion

Towards a Conversational Agent that Can Chat About…Anything

In "Towards a Human-like Open-Domain Chatbot", we present Meena, a 2.6-billion-parameter end-to-end trained neural conversational model.

Does Artificial Intelligence Technology Foreshadow a New Arms Race?
From ACM Opinion

Does Artificial Intelligence Technology Foreshadow a New Arms Race?

The possibility of an artificial intelligence arms race poses a threat to international security similar to that of a conventional or nuclear armament race.

AI Isn't a Solution to All Our Problems
From ACM Opinion

AI Isn't a Solution to All Our Problems

It's simply a tool—and hardly a perfect one

We're Banning Facial Recognition. We're Missing the Point.
From ACM Opinion

We're Banning Facial Recognition. We're Missing the Point.

The whole point of modern surveillance is to treat people differently, and facial recognition technologies are only a small part of that.

Host of Problems with Facebook Deepfake Ban, Expert Says
From ACM Opinion

Host of Problems with Facebook Deepfake Ban, Expert Says

Facebook's newly announced ban on deepfake videos presents a number of challenges in the fight against the spread of misinformation, says Tim Weninger, associate...

The AI Community Needs fo Take Responsibility for Its Technology and Its Actions
From ACM Opinion

The AI Community Needs fo Take Responsibility for Its Technology and Its Actions

Celeste Kidd, a cognitive psychologist, challenged the audience to think critically about the future they want to build.

Yoshua Bengio, Revered Architect of AI, Has Some Ideas About What to Build Next
From ACM Opinion

Yoshua Bengio, Revered Architect of AI, Has Some Ideas About What to Build Next

The Turing Award winner wants AI systems that can reason, plan, and imagine

Stop Saying Driverless Cars Will Help Old People
From ACM Opinion

Stop Saying Driverless Cars Will Help Old People

And maybe start including them in research instead of just assuming we know what they want.

Artificial Intelligence and the Adversary
From ACM Opinion

Artificial Intelligence and the Adversary

The AI that our top scientists and engineers are now building to advance American security and prosperity could instead sow the seeds of our demise.

AIs Should Have The Same Ethical Protections As Animals
From ACM Opinion

AIs Should Have The Same Ethical Protections As Animals

We will soon have AI as cognitively sophisticated as mice or dogs, so it is time to start thinking about whether these AIs deserve the ethical protections we typically...

The Architect of Modern Algorithms
From ACM Opinion

The Architect of Modern Algorithms

Barbara Liskov pioneered the modern approach to writing code. She warns that the challenges facing computer science today can't be overcome with good design alone...

Removing the Risk of AI Bias in the Public Sector
From ACM Opinion

Removing the Risk of AI Bias in the Public Sector

What practical steps can be taken to drive ethical, unbiased AI use in the public sector?

How to Improve Technical Expertise for Judges In AI-Related Litigation
From ACM Opinion

How to Improve Technical Expertise for Judges In AI-Related Litigation

There are several things court systems and professional organizations should do to enhance the technical capabilities of judges.

We Shouldn't be Scared by 'Superintelligent A.I.'
From ACM Opinion

We Shouldn't be Scared by 'Superintelligent A.I.'

Bostrom, Russell, and other writers argue that even if the probability is small that superintelligent machines will emerge in the foreseeable future, we should...

I Competed Against An AI
From ACM Opinion

I Competed Against An AI

Marc Zao-Sanders, founder and CEO of Filtered, squared off against magpie, the set of algorithms that recommends learning content to people looking to pick up new...

Asimov's Three Laws Have Failed the Robots
From ACM Opinion

Asimov's Three Laws Have Failed the Robots

Almost no one thinks that Isaac Asimov's Three Laws could work for truly intelligent AI.

Don't Fear the Terminator
From ACM Opinion

Don't Fear the Terminator

The fear that artificial intelligence machines could become our overlords — or perhaps wipe us out altogether — reflects a misunderstanding of AI.

How to Build Artificial Intelligence We Can Trust
From ACM Opinion

How to Build Artificial Intelligence We Can Trust

Computer systems need to understand time, space and causality. Right now they don't.

Why American Workers Need to Be Protected From Automation
From ACM Opinion

Why American Workers Need to Be Protected From Automation

Bill de Blasio, New York City mayor and a candidate for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, says that as president he would issue a robot tax for corporations...

Major Tech Companies May Be Putting World at Risk From Killer Robots
From ACM Careers

Major Tech Companies May Be Putting World at Risk From Killer Robots

A new global report ranks 50 tech companies from 12 countries and identifies those at 'highest risk' of putting the world at risk through killer robot development...
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