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What's Next for Quantum Computing?
From ACM Opinion

What's Next for Quantum Computing?

Companies are moving away from setting qubit records in favor of practical hardware and long-term goals.

Interpretability of Artificial Neural Network Models in AI versus Neuroscience
From ACM Opinion

Interpretability of Artificial Neural Network Models in AI versus Neuroscience

Potential synergies and tensions between neuroscientists and AI researchers in interpreting artificial neural networks.

Getting a Handle on Handles
From Communications of the ACM

Getting a Handle on Handles

Navigating moniker management.

Your Creativity Will Not Save Your Job from AI
From ACM Opinion

Your Creativity Will Not Save Your Job from AI

Once considered capable only of unimaginative, routine work, the robots of today craft articles and create award-winning art.

The 'End of Crypto'? Not So Fast
From ACM Opinion

The 'End of Crypto'? Not So Fast

The trust lost in the FTX debacle will take years to rebuild, but it is certainly not the end of crypto.

Should Quantum Computing Be on IT’s Strategic Roadmap?
From ACM Opinion

Should Quantum Computing Be on IT’s Strategic Roadmap?

Quantum computing is far from being a mature technology, but now is the time to pencil it into IT strategic roadmaps.

Why Synthetic Data Is Key to Paving the Way for Smart Cities
From ACM Opinion

Why Synthetic Data Is Key to Paving the Way for Smart Cities

Synthetic data helps in projects that place heavy demand on data.

More Crypto Regulation Is Needed—Now
From ACM Opinion

More Crypto Regulation Is Needed—Now

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission must use the FTX collapse to get clear about the rules and regulations that govern the crypto ecosystem.

How AI Is Generating a Tech Industry Upturn
From ACM Opinion

How AI Is Generating a Tech Industry Upturn

We have a whole new era of exuberance on our hands.

AI in Medicine Is Overhyped
From ACM Opinion

AI in Medicine Is Overhyped

AI models for healthcare that predict disease are not as accurate as reports might suggest.

AI Model Transferability in Healthcare: A Sociotechnical Perspective
From ACM Opinion

AI Model Transferability in Healthcare: A Sociotechnical Perspective

To realize the promised benefits of applying AI and ML models at scale, a roadmap of the challenges and potential solutions to sociotechnical transferability is...

An Emergent Legal Right to Repair Electronic Devices
From Communications of the ACM

An Emergent Legal Right to Repair Electronic Devices

Parsing the fine print on repair tolerances.

AI Should Supercharge Workers, not Compete with Them
From ACM Opinion

AI Should Supercharge Workers, not Compete with Them

The economy could get a boost if machine-learning engineers switched from copying human abilities to augmenting them.

A Common-Sense Test for AI Could Lead to Smarter Machines
From ACM Opinion

A Common-Sense Test for AI Could Lead to Smarter Machines

Injecting common sense into AI could mean big things for humans.

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Demos
From ACM Opinion

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Demos

One way to examine the relationship between AI and democracy is to turn the attention toward the very basic unit common to all forms of democracy: the people.

AI Needs Pragmatists and Blue-Sky Visionaries
From ACM Opinion

AI Needs Pragmatists and Blue-Sky Visionaries

For humanity's brightest future, the blue-sky, lofty thinkers in AI need the help of the muddy-boots pragmatists.

We Need to Talk About How Good AI Is Getting
From ACM News

We Need to Talk About How Good AI Is Getting

We are in a golden age of progress in artificial intelligence, and it is time to start taking its potential and risks seriously.

These Are Not the Apes You Are Looking For
From Communications of the ACM

These Are Not the Apes You Are Looking For

Considering copyright licensing issues involving non-fungible tokens to manage creative works.

AI Is Transforming How We Bank
From ACM Opinion

AI Is Transforming How We Bank

Regulators need help to keep up.

Virtual Reality Stinks Because It Does Not Smell
From ACM Opinion

Virtual Reality Stinks Because It Does Not Smell

For VR to feel truly immersive, it needs to start stinking it up.
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