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How to Create Successful Developer Products
From ACM Opinion

How to Create Successful Developer Products

Interested in building software for developers? Follow these three design principles from Akita Software CEO Jean Yang.

Why 90% of Machine-Learning Models Never Hit the Market
From ACM Opinion

Why 90% of Machine-Learning Models Never Hit the Market

Most companies lack leadership support, effective communication between teams, and accessible data

Why Business and Academia Need Each Other for Better AI
From ACM Opinion

Why Business and Academia Need Each Other for Better AI

The best way to accelerate innovation is through cooperation between academics and business.

What OpenAI and GitHub's AI Pair Programmer Means for the Software Industry
From ACM Opinion

What OpenAI and GitHub's AI Pair Programmer Means for the Software Industry

AI-powered code generator provides some interesting hints about the business of large language models and the future of the software industry.

 Non-Relational's Quiet Revolution in Databases
From ACM Opinion

Non-Relational's Quiet Revolution in Databases

It's no longer exciting to talk about the rise of non-relational databases, but it's happening all the same.

TinyML: What Is It and How Will It Change Machine Learning Best Practices?
From ACM Opinion

TinyML: What Is It and How Will It Change Machine Learning Best Practices?

TinyML will change machine-learning best practices by encouraging more developers to view it as a viable option.

 The Next Critical Talent Shortage Won't Be Fortran
From ACM Opinion

The Next Critical Talent Shortage Won't Be Fortran

To understand where talent shortages might arise, look at critical infrastructure.

Reimplementing Software Interfaces Is Fair Use
From Communications of the ACM

Reimplementing Software Interfaces Is Fair Use

A multifactored rationale for denying Oracle's claim against Google.

The Coming Productivity Boom
From ACM Opinion

The Coming Productivity Boom

AI and other digital technologies have been surprisingly slow to improve economic growth. But that could be about to change.

Amid a Pandemic, a Health Care Algorithm Shows Promise and Peril
From ACM Opinion

Amid a Pandemic, a Health Care Algorithm Shows Promise and Peril

A machine learning-based score designed to aid triage decisions is gaining in popularity, but lacking in transparency.

Climate Policy Models Need to Get Real About People—Here's How
From ACM Opinion

Climate Policy Models Need to Get Real About People—Here's How

To predict how society and political systems might actually respond to warming, upgrade integrated assessment models.

What Makes Quantum Computing So Hard to Explain?
From ACM Opinion

What Makes Quantum Computing So Hard to Explain?

To understand what quantum computers can do—and what they can’t—avoid falling for overly simple explanations.

Getting More People With Disabilities Developing Technology Is Good for Everyone
From ACM Opinion

Getting More People With Disabilities Developing Technology Is Good for Everyone

It's not just a matter of fairness and inclusion. Accessible technology is generally better for everyone.

Theorists and Experimentalists Must Join Forces
From ACM Opinion

Theorists and Experimentalists Must Join Forces

Collaborations between theorists and experimentalists are crucial for accelerating research.

For Companies That Use ML, Labeled Data Is the Key Differentiator
From ACM Opinion

For Companies That Use ML, Labeled Data Is the Key Differentiator

Any company that is considering using machine learning cannot overlook one technical choice: supervised or unsupervised learning.

Should Alexa Read Our Moods?
From ACM Opinion

Should Alexa Read Our Moods?

Companies should be barred from analyzing what people say and how they sound to recommend products or personalize advertising messages.

How to Be Responsible in AI Publication
From ACM Opinion

How to Be Responsible in AI Publication

A white paper from Partnership on AI advises on navigating the risks of AI research and responsible publication.

Cooperative AI: Machines Must Learn to Find Common Ground
From ACM Opinion

Cooperative AI: Machines Must Learn to Find Common Ground

To help humanity solve fundamental problems of cooperation, scientists need to reconceive artificial intelligence as deeply social.

Software Professionals, Malpractice Law, and Codes of Ethics
From Communications of the ACM

Software Professionals, Malpractice Law, and Codes of Ethics

In pursuit of professional status for computing professionals.

Understanding Law and the Rule of Law
From Communications of the ACM

Understanding Law and the Rule of Law: A Plea to Augment CS Curricula

Why law matters for computer scientists and other folk.
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