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The Age of Algorithmic Anxiety
From ACM Opinion

The Age of Algorithmic Anxiety

Interacting online today means being besieged by system-generated recommendations, but do we want what the machines tell us we want?

AI Researchers Building Surveillance Tech and Deep Fakes Resist Ethical Concerns
From ACM Opinion

AI Researchers Building Surveillance Tech and Deep Fakes Resist Ethical Concerns

The computer vision research community is behind on AI ethics, but it is not just a research problem.

Could AI Replace Therapists?
From ACM Opinion

Could AI Replace Therapists?

A non-sentient artificial intelligence may be able to offer effective psychotherapy.

Should Machines Replace Mathematicians?
From ACM Opinion

Should Machines Replace Mathematicians?

A "replication crisis" in mathematics raises questions about the purpose of knowledge.

Apple's Challenge to Virtualization Software
From Communications of the ACM

Apple's Challenge to Virtualization Software

Is it okay for security researchers to virtualize software to look for vulnerabilities?

'Sentience' Is the Wrong Discussion to Have on AI Right Now
From ACM Opinion

'Sentience' Is the Wrong Discussion to Have on AI Right Now

A more important conversation would be one about human compatibility and trust.

Human-Like Programs Abuse Our Empathy
From ACM Opinion

Human-Like Programs Abuse Our Empathy

It is easy to be fooled by the mimicry, but consumers need transparency about how such systems are used.

Why All Cryptocurrency Should 'Die in a Fire'
From ACM Opinion

Why All Cryptocurrency Should 'Die in a Fire'

Computer scientist Nicholas Weaver thinks cryptocurrency is a terrible idea that will end in disaster.

Lessons From Deploying Deep Learning to Production
From ACM Opinion

Lessons From Deploying Deep Learning to Production

Peter Gao, an early engineer at Cruise, reflects on his experience deploying deep-learning models into production.

AI Companies Are Massively Faking the Loophole in the Turing Test
From ACM Opinion

AI Companies Are Massively Faking the Loophole in the Turing Test

Claims that an AI has achieved human levels of understanding should be approached with skepticism until it can be shown that humans were not involved.

Beyond Interpretability: Developing a Language to Shape Our Relationships with AI
From ACM Opinion

Beyond Interpretability: Developing a Language to Shape Our Relationships with AI

Wouldn't it be nice if we could ask AI questions to learn how and why it makes its predictions?

To Win the Next War, the Pentagon Needs Nerds
From ACM Opinion

To Win the Next War, the Pentagon Needs Nerds

Data scientists, coders, and other techies could prove decisive in future conflicts—if Uncle Sam can recruit them.

Two Paths for Digital Disability Law
From Communications of the ACM

Two Paths for Digital Disability Law

Understanding the legal drivers of efforts to make technology accessible.

Can AI Improve Road Safety Now?
From ACM Opinion

Can AI Improve Road Safety Now?

Well before self-driving cars become a reality, there are simpler approaches that can make roads much safer.

Why It Is So Hard to Make AI Fair and Unbiased
From ACM Opinion

Why It Is So Hard to Make AI Fair and Unbiased

Competing notions of fairness exist, and sometimes they are totally incompatible with each other.

Can Open Source Sustain Itself without Losing Its Soul?
From ACM Opinion

Can Open Source Sustain Itself without Losing Its Soul?

What it means to be an open source contributor or maintainer has changed in recent years.

How Ukraine Has Defended Itself against Cyber Attacks
From ACM Opinion

How Ukraine Has Defended Itself against Cyber Attacks

As in Ukraine, U.S. organizations should work with U.S. cybersecurity agencies to prepare for and prevent attacks.

The Missing Voices in Natural Language Processing
From ACM Opinion

The Missing Voices in Natural Language Processing

Who and what is being represented in the data and development of NLP models?

Quantum Computing Has a Hype Problem
From ACM Opinion

Quantum Computing Has a Hype Problem

Quantum computing startups are all the rage, but it is unclear if they will be able to produce anything of use in the near future.

How Compute and the Climate Go Hand-in-Hand
From ACM Opinion

How Compute and the Climate Go Hand-in-Hand

Data is critical to the success of all climate tech projects, whether to drive development or improve efficiency.
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