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Could You Make It Past Google's Gatekeepers?
From ACM Careers

Could You Make It Past Google's Gatekeepers?

How many taxis are there in New York City? You either know how to answer that question or you don't.

Interfaces For the Ordinary User
From Communications of the ACM

Interfaces For the Ordinary User: Can We Hide Too Much?

Increasing the visibility and access to underlying file structure on consumer devices can vastly improve the user experience.

From Communications of the ACM

The IBM PC: From Beige Box to Industry Standard

Looking back at three decades of PC platform evolution.

From ACM Opinion

The Year on the Web

We've been living in the age of social media for a long time, but 2011 was the year that all the information we share online began to accrete into something greater...

From ACM Opinion

The Rise of the New Information Gatekeepers

The promise of the Internet age is one of unparalleled access to information of all kinds, but it has also seen the rise of some powerful gatekeepers that control...

Google ­sability Chief: Ideas Have to Be Discoverable
From ACM TechNews

Google ­sability Chief: Ideas Have to Be Discoverable

Google's Dan Russell recently spoke to New Scientist on improving searches. 

Why Microsoft Embraced Gaming
From ACM Opinion

Why Microsoft Embraced Gaming

When the original Xbox video-game console went on sale in 2001, it wasn't clear why Microsoft, known for staid workplace software, was branching out into fast...

Information Seeking: Convergence of Search, Recommendations, and Advertising
From Communications of the ACM

Information Seeking: Convergence of Search, Recommendations, and Advertising

How to address user information needs amidst a preponderance of data.

From ACM Opinion

A Google Monopoly Isn't the Point

Even if the Justice Dept. were to establish that Google is a monopoly, it would be hard for anyone to prove that the company's free services have injured consumers...

From ACM Opinion

Yes, Google Really Should Worry About Facebook

The algorithm is the key to success. That's how Google replaced Yahoo as the Web's best search engine in 1998. Google became the font of the online world's information...

Rebooting the CS Publication Process
From Communications of the ACM

Rebooting the CS Publication Process

A proposal for a new cost-free open-access publication model for computer science papers.

From ACM Opinion

Why Google Had to Have Motorola Mobility

For several years now, Google has been following a vow made by former CEO Eric Schmidt: mobile first. New CEO Larry Page is taking that dictum to a new level...

When Knowledge Isn
From ACM Opinion

When Knowledge Isn

“Making fun of Wikipedia is so 2007,” a French journalist said recently to Sue Gardner, the executive director of the foundation that runs the Wikipedia project...

Web Search Is Ready For a Shakeup, Says ­w Computer Scientist
From ACM TechNews

Web Search Is Ready For a Shakeup, Says ­w Computer Scientist

University of Washington (UW) professor Oren Etzioni recently called on the international academic community and engineers to be more ambitious in designing how...

From ACM Opinion

Google's Instant Pages and the Joys of a Computer that Can Read Your Mind

Chrome is reading my mind. When I type a search query in Google's Web browser, it offers me the most likely results right in the address bar. It doesn't justWikipedia...

From ACM News

The Auteur vs. the Committee

At Apple, one is the magic number.

Could Google Have Caught the Norway Killer?
From ACM Opinion

Could Google Have Caught the Norway Killer?

The Norway killer allegedly spent 200 hours searching the Internet for 'how to make a bomb.' Could Google have traced him?

From ACM Opinion

Supporting Choice, Ensuring Economic Opportunity

At Google, we’ve always focused on putting the user first. We aim to provide relevant answers as quickly as possible—and our product innovation and engineering...

From ACM Opinion

Free to Search and Seize

This spring was a rough season for the Fourth Amendment.

From ACM Opinion

Critical Mass: How to Maintain the Power of Online Reviews

The wisdom of crowds can be brilliant. It can also be corrupt.
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