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Security For Mobile and Cloud Frontiers in Healthcare
From Communications of the ACM

Security For Mobile and Cloud Frontiers in Healthcare

Designers and developers of healthcare information technologies must address preexisting security vulnerabilities and undiagnosed future threats.

Ad Tech Is Killing the Online Experience
From ACM Opinion

Ad Tech Is Killing the Online Experience

There's something so wonderfully easy about reading this column in a physical newspaper.

The Reality of Cyberwar
From ACM Opinion

The Reality of Cyberwar

When a series of technical glitches hit companies that ranged from United to the New York Stock Exchange this week, suspicions immediately ran to a cyber attack...

The Social Security Number's Insecurities
From ACM Opinion

The Social Security Number's Insecurities

In both the Anthem insurance hack and the two Office of Personnel Management hacks this year, attackers gained access to Social Security numbers, affecting 80 million...

Technology and The Evolution of Storytelling
From ACM Opinion

Technology and The Evolution of Storytelling

It is such an exciting time to be a filmmaker.

Sean Parker: Philanthropy For Hackers
From ACM Opinion

Sean Parker: Philanthropy For Hackers

In the past several decades, there has been a monumental shift in the distribution of wealth on the planet.

The Future of Computer Science and Engineering Is in Your Hands
From Communications of the ACM

The Future of Computer Science and Engineering Is in Your Hands

How government service can profoundly influence computer science research and education.

African Americans in the U.S. Computing Sciences Workforce
From Communications of the ACM

African Americans in the U.S. Computing Sciences Workforce

An exploration of the education-to-work pipeline.

An Updated Software Almanac
From Communications of the ACM

An Updated Software Almanac

Research into what makes software projects succeed.

Respecting People and Respecting Privacy
From Communications of the ACM

Respecting People and Respecting Privacy

Minimizing data collection to protect user privacy and increase security.

Anti-Circumvention Rules Limit Reverse Engineering
From Communications of the ACM

Anti-Circumvention Rules Limit Reverse Engineering

Considering some of the requested exceptions to technical protection mechanisms.

The Moment I Decided Robots Were As Interesting As Humans
From ACM Opinion

The Moment I Decided Robots Were As Interesting As Humans

When I was little, I was enamored with the idea of being a pioneer; I was drawn to the thought that I could be the first to do something—be a trailblazer, the forerunner...

How the Astros Baseball Hack Explains Chinese Cyberespionage
From ACM Opinion

How the Astros Baseball Hack Explains Chinese Cyberespionage

Two major cybersecurity scandals are currently making headlines: One is the hack of an internal network belonging to a Major League Baseball team, allegedly bya...

What's It Like at a Top-Tier Conservatory? There's an App For That
From ACM Opinion

What's It Like at a Top-Tier Conservatory? There's an App For That

The world of education has become a rapidly expanding universe.

Who Will Own the Robots?
From ACM News

Who Will Own the Robots?

The way Hod Lipson describes his Creative Machines Lab captures his ambitions: "We are interested in robots that create and are creative."  

No One Questions Google's Ability to Innovate, So Why Do Its Moonshots Look Like Money Pits?
From ACM Opinion

No One Questions Google's Ability to Innovate, So Why Do Its Moonshots Look Like Money Pits?

Consider a question that we have been puzzling over at the World Economic Forum.

Why the Opm Breach Is Such a Security and Privacy Debacle
From ACM Opinion

Why the Opm Breach Is Such a Security and Privacy Debacle

If it's not already a maxim, it should be: Every big hack discovered will eventually prove to be more serious than first believed.

What Apple's Tim Cook Overlooked in His Defense of Privacy
From ACM Opinion

What Apple's Tim Cook Overlooked in His Defense of Privacy

Timothy D. Cook, Apple's chief executive, delivered a speech last week that raised some eyebrows in the technology industry.

A Murky Road Ahead For Android, Despite Market Dominance
From ACM Opinion

A Murky Road Ahead For Android, Despite Market Dominance

In 2005, Google bought a tiny mobile software company named Android, and almost nobody in the technology industry saw its potential—not even Eric Schmidt, Google's...

An Npr Reporter Raced a Machine to Write a News Story. Who Won?
From ACM Opinion

An Npr Reporter Raced a Machine to Write a News Story. Who Won?

Even the most creative jobs have parts that are pretty routine—tasks that, at least in theory, can be done by a machine. Take, for example, being a reporter.
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