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TinyML: What Is It and How Will It Change Machine Learning Best Practices?
From ACM Opinion

TinyML: What Is It and How Will It Change Machine Learning Best Practices?

TinyML will change machine-learning best practices by encouraging more developers to view it as a viable option.

How Do We Stop the Supercomputing Carbon Crisis?
From ACM Opinion

How Do We Stop the Supercomputing Carbon Crisis?

Efficiency measures are struggling to keep pace with, let alone make headway on, the accelerating demands of modern supercomputers.

Reimplementing Software Interfaces Is Fair Use
From Communications of the ACM

Reimplementing Software Interfaces Is Fair Use

A multifactored rationale for denying Oracle's claim against Google.

Google's AI Approach to Microchips Is Welcome—but Needs Care
From ACM Opinion

Google's AI Approach to Microchips Is Welcome—but Needs Care

Artificial intelligence can help the electronics industry to speed up chip design. But the gains must be shared equitably.

Software Professionals, Malpractice Law, and Codes of Ethics
From Communications of the ACM

Software Professionals, Malpractice Law, and Codes of Ethics

In pursuit of professional status for computing professionals.

Understanding Law and the Rule of Law
From Communications of the ACM

Understanding Law and the Rule of Law: A Plea to Augment CS Curricula

Why law matters for computer scientists and other folk.

Tech in the Post-Pandemic World
From ACM Opinion

Tech in the Post-Pandemic World

Assessing its future, both the bad and the good.

The Push for Stricter Rules for Internet Platforms
From Communications of the ACM

The Push for Stricter Rules for Internet Platforms

Considering the origins, interpretations, and possible changes to Communications Decency Act §230 amid an evolving online environment.

Learning Robotics Is Becoming Fundamental for Youth
From ACM Careers

Learning Robotics Is Becoming Fundamental for Youth

Given the inevitability of robots in our future, we should be doubling down on efforts to teach robotics to the next generation.

Content Moderation Modulation
From Communications of the ACM

Content Moderation Modulation

Deliberating on how to regulate—or not regulate—online speech in the era of evolving social media.

Silicon Politics
From Communications of the ACM

Silicon Politics

Tracing the widening path between Silicon Valley and Washington, D.C.

Removing Kode
From Communications of the ACM

Removing Kode

Dead functions and dead features.

Copyright's Online Service Providers Safe Harbors Under Siege
From Communications of the ACM

Copyright's Online Service Providers Safe Harbors Under Siege

Reviewing the most significant changes recommended in the recently released U.S. Copyright Office Section 512 Study.

The Future of American Industry Depends on Open Source Tech
From ACM Opinion

The Future of American Industry Depends on Open Source Tech

 Open source has two important, and somewhat counterintuitive, advantages: speed and security.

Autonomous Vehicle Safety
From Communications of the ACM

Autonomous Vehicle Safety: Lessons from Aviation

How more than 25years of experience with aviation safety-critical systems can be applied to autonomous vehicle systems.

A Recent Renaissance in Privacy Law
From Communications of the ACM

A Recent Renaissance in Privacy Law

Considering the recent increased attention to privacy law issues amid the typically slow pace of legal change.

AI Authorship?
From Communications of the ACM

AI Authorship?

Considering the role of humans in copyright protection of outputs produced by artificial intelligence.

Consumer AR Could Have Saved Lives, Economy
From ACM Opinion

Consumer AR Could Have Saved Lives, Economy

We need this technology now.

How to Curtail Oversensing in the Home
From Communications of the ACM

How to Curtail Oversensing in the Home

Limiting sensitive information leakage via smart-home sensor data.

A Case for Cooperation Between Machines and Humans
From ACM Opinion

A Case for Cooperation Between Machines and Humans

A computer scientist argues that the quest for fully automated robots is misguided, perhaps even dangerous. His decades of warnings are gaining more attention. ...
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