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Communications of the ACM

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Algorithms with Predictions
From Communications of the ACM

Algorithms with Predictions

Seeking a new approach that goes beyond worst-case analysis.

Cookie Monster
From Communications of the ACM

Cookie Monster

Inscrutable cookie banners torment users while failing to inform consent.

The Future of Information Work
From Communications of the ACM

The Future of Information Work

Considering the recent effects of remote work on network structure.

Our House Is On Fire
From Communications of the ACM

Our House Is On Fire: The Climate Emergency and Computing's Responsibility

Efficiencies delivered by computing technology could play a vital role in enabling continued functionality within a resource-constrained future.

The Planning and Care of Data
From Communications of the ACM

The Planning and Care of Data

Rearranging buckets for no good reason.

Involvement and Detachment
From Communications of the ACM

Involvement and Detachment

How detachment from your community blocks your success at leading innovations, and what to do about it.

Information: 'I' vs. 'We' vs. 'They'
From Communications of the ACM

Information: 'I' vs. 'We' vs. 'They'

Seeking a balance between protecting and using personal data.

Toward Justice in Computer Science through Community, Criticality, and Citizenship
From Communications of the ACM

Toward Justice in Computer Science through Community, Criticality, and Citizenship

Proposing a justice-centered CS education.

Cybersecurity as Illuminator for the Future of Computing Research
From Communications of the ACM

Cybersecurity as Illuminator for the Future of Computing Research

Considering the shifting fundamentals of cybersecurity research.

Can Open Source Sustain Itself without Losing Its Soul?
From ACM Opinion

Can Open Source Sustain Itself without Losing Its Soul?

What it means to be an open source contributor or maintainer has changed in recent years.

Systems Abstractions
From Communications of the ACM

Systems Abstractions

Computing professionals use powerful abstractions to tame complexity in large software systems and distributed networks.

Getting Off the Mad Path
From Communications of the ACM

Getting Off the Mad Path

Debuggers and assertions.

Explainable AI
From Communications of the ACM

Explainable AI

Opening the black box or Pandora's Box?

<i>Communications'</i> Digital Initiative and Its First Digital Event
From Communications of the ACM

Communications' Digital Initiative and Its First Digital Event

How AI and science are shaping each other.

The Troubling Future for Facial Recognition Software
From Communications of the ACM

The Troubling Future for Facial Recognition Software

Considering the myriad perspectives of facial recognition technology.

Bursting a Few Balloons Regarding the Famous DARPA Red Balloon Challenge
From Communications of the ACM

Bursting a Few Balloons Regarding the Famous DARPA Red Balloon Challenge

A balloon's-eyeperspective on a unique distributed, time-critical, geo-location problem.

Is a Privacy Crisis Experienced, a Privacy Crisis Avoided?
From Communications of the ACM

Is a Privacy Crisis Experienced, a Privacy Crisis Avoided?

Exploring immersive theatre as a way to educate audiences and study their perceptions of privacy and technology ethics.

A Call to Action
From Communications of the ACM

A Call to Action

Digital dreams have become nightmares: What we must do.

The Lives of Hidden Figures Matter in Computer Science Education
From Communications of the ACM

The Lives of Hidden Figures Matter in Computer Science Education

"I cannot work on what I cannot see . . ." —Katherine Goble, Hidden Figures

I Unplugged What?
From Communications of the ACM

I Unplugged What?

The lessons here are broader than just a simple "Don't do that."
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