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Building Privacy Right Into Software code
From ACM Opinion

Building Privacy Right Into Software code

When I was 15, my parents did not allow me to use AOL Instant Messenger. All of my friends used it, so I had to find a way around this rule.

Before the Internet
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Before the Internet

Before the Internet, you would just sit in an armchair with a book open on your lap, staring into space or staring at a decorative broom on the wall—kind of shifting...

Minitel, the Open Network Before the Internet
From ACM Opinion

Minitel, the Open Network Before the Internet

In 1991, most Americans had not yet heard of the internet.

How to Call B.s. on Big Data: A Practical Guide
From ACM Opinion

How to Call B.s. on Big Data: A Practical Guide

"Nothing that you will learn in the course of your studies will be of the slightest possible use to you," the Oxford philosophy professor John Alexander Smith told...

Google, Not the Government, Is Building the Future
From ACM Opinion

Google, Not the Government, Is Building the Future

One persistent criticism of Silicon Valley is that it no longer works on big, world-changing ideas.

Google and Facebook's Idealistic Futures Are Built on Ads
From ACM Opinion

Google and Facebook's Idealistic Futures Are Built on Ads

In 2011 a young computer scientist named Jeff Hammerbacher said something profound while explaining why he'd decided to leave Facebook—and the promise of a small...

What to Expect Now That Internet Providers Can Collect and Sell Your Web Browser History
From ACM Opinion

What to Expect Now That Internet Providers Can Collect and Sell Your Web Browser History

After Congress handed President Trump legislation Tuesday that would wipe away landmark privacy protections for Internet users, we received a lot of reader questions...

Learning with Mobile Technologies
From Communications of the ACM

Learning with Mobile Technologies

Considering the challenges, commitments, and quandaries.

Will Algorithms Erode Our Decision-Making Skills?
From ACM Opinion

Will Algorithms Erode Our Decision-Making Skills?

Algorithms are embedded into our technological lives, helping accomplish a variety of tasks like making sure that email makes it to your aunt or that you're matched...

What If the Internet Stopped Working For a Day?
From ACM Opinion

What If the Internet Stopped Working For a Day?

Jeff Hancock likes to give his Stanford University students weekend assignments that let them experience concepts discussed in class for themselves.

5 Big Predictions For Artificial Intelligence in 2017
From ACM Opinion

5 Big Predictions For Artificial Intelligence in 2017

Last year was huge for advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning. But 2017 may well deliver even more.

Tech That Will Change Your Life in 2017
From ACM Opinion

Tech That Will Change Your Life in 2017

If you've seen in it in a movie, you might see it in reality in 2017.

Building Jarvis
From ACM Opinion

Building Jarvis

My personal challenge for 2016 was to build a simple AI to run my home—like Jarvis in Iron Man.

The Internet Is Broken. Starting from Scratch, Here's How I'd Fix It.
From ACM Opinion

The Internet Is Broken. Starting from Scratch, Here's How I'd Fix It.

My big idea is that we have to fix the Internet.

Google, Democracy and the Truth About Internet Search
From ACM News

Google, Democracy and the Truth About Internet Search

Here's what you don’t want to do late on a Sunday night. You do not want to type seven letters into Google. That's all I did.

Sue Over Fake News? Not So Fast
From ACM Opinion

Sue Over Fake News? Not So Fast

The latest controversy involving so-called fake news has left many wondering why websites that publish patently false statements on the Internet have not been prosecuted...

Why Facebook Can't Fix Fake News
From ACM Opinion

Why Facebook Can't Fix Fake News

Imagine going on Facebook and finding no political posts—just your friends and their updates.

Facebook Fake News Row: Mark Zuckerberg Is a Politician Now
From ACM Opinion

Facebook Fake News Row: Mark Zuckerberg Is a Politician Now

I've long suspected that Mark Zuckerberg, who often refers to himself as the "leader" of Facebook, has dreams of high office.

Silicon Valley Reels After Trump's Election
From ACM Opinion

Silicon Valley Reels After Trump's Election

Silicon Valley's luminaries woke up Wednesday morning to a darkened new global order, one that the ceaseless optimism of their tech-powered visions seemed suddenly...

Whoever Wins the White House, This Year's Big Loser Is Email
From ACM Opinion

Whoever Wins the White House, This Year's Big Loser Is Email

Every four years, pundits race to anoint this or that newfangled tech trend as the next disruptive force to forever alter the mechanics of American democracy.
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