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Tech's 'frightful 5' Will Dominate Digital Life For Foreseeable Future
From ACM Opinion

Tech's 'frightful 5' Will Dominate Digital Life For Foreseeable Future

There's a little parlor game that people in Silicon Valley like to play. Let's call it, Who's Losing?

In 2016, Terror Suspects and 7-Eleven Thieves May Bring Surveillance to Supreme Court
From ACM Opinion

In 2016, Terror Suspects and 7-Eleven Thieves May Bring Surveillance to Supreme Court

It has now been 2.5 years since the first Snowden revelations were published. And in 2015, government surveillance marched on in both large (the National Security...

Learning to Apply Data Science to Business Problems
From ACM Opinion

Learning to Apply Data Science to Business Problems

One of the most exciting parts of data science is that it can be applied to many domains of knowledge, given our newfound ability to gather valuable data on almost...

Google's New Autoreply Sounds Great!!!!
From ACM Opinion

Google's New Autoreply Sounds Great!!!!

On April 1, 2009, Google unveiled Gmail Autopilot, a plug-in that promised to read and generate contextually relevant replies to the messages piling up in users'...

Why Yahoo Faded: The Internet Changed, But It Didn't
From ACM Opinion

Why Yahoo Faded: The Internet Changed, But It Didn't

Yahoo and I go way back.

Eric Schmidt on How to Build a Better Web
From ACM Opinion

Eric Schmidt on How to Build a Better Web

Turning Point: The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria declares a war on Twitter.

The Digital Dark Age
From Communications of the ACM

The Digital Dark Age

. . . and why it will have to wait.

Why Google Is Willing to Give Away Its Latest Machine-Learning Software
From ACM Opinion

Why Google Is Willing to Give Away Its Latest Machine-Learning Software

Google's move to give away its latest machine-learning software, key to its speech- and photo-recognition programs, isn’t as crazy as it may appear.

Informatics: Make Sense of Health Data
From ACM Opinion

Informatics: Make Sense of Health Data

If you are wondering whether exposure to some chemical could increase your chances of getting colon cancer, you could easily find supportive evidence from animal...

Tech Companies Can Blame Snowden For Data Privacy Decision
From ACM Opinion

Tech Companies Can Blame Snowden For Data Privacy Decision

A ruling the Europe Union’s highest court yesterday may create enormous headaches for US tech companies like Google and Facebook.

Fighting Isis Online
From ACM Opinion

Fighting Isis Online

The two men pecked out messages on opposite sides of the country.

Stop Googling. Let’s Talk.
From ACM Opinion

Stop Googling. Let’s Talk.

College students tell me they know how to look someone in the eye and type on their phones at the same time, their split attention undetected.

We're on the Brink of a Revolution in Crazy-Smart Digital Assistants
From ACM Opinion

We're on the Brink of a Revolution in Crazy-Smart Digital Assistants

Here's a quick story you’ve probably heard before, followed by one you probably haven't.

Making AI Work in the Real World
From ACM Opinion

Making AI Work in the Real World

Until recently, AI seemed firmly stuck in the realm of science fiction.

You Can't ­nderstand Security Without These Classic Works
From ACM Opinion

You Can't ­nderstand Security Without These Classic Works

There are seminal books, movies, articles, and more that you've been meaning to get to but just haven't made the time for.

The ­pside of a Downturn in Silicon Valley
From ACM Careers

The ­pside of a Downturn in Silicon Valley

In October 2008, in the early days of the last economic collapse, Sequoia Capital invited founders of technology companies to a frank meeting outlining the new...

The Pros and Cons of the 'PACM' Proposal
From Communications of the ACM

The Pros and Cons of the 'PACM' Proposal: Point

In "Should Conferences Meet Journals and Where?" ACM Publications Board co-chairs Joseph A. Konstan and Jack W. Davidson introduce a proposal that would interweave...

Move Over, Siri—the Next Generation of Virtual Assistants Is Almost Here
From ACM Opinion

Move Over, Siri—the Next Generation of Virtual Assistants Is Almost Here

Virtual voice-controlled assistants such as Siri, Cortana and Google Now are magical.

It's Operating Systems Vs. Messaging Apps In The Battle For Tech's Next Frontier
From ACM Opinion

It's Operating Systems Vs. Messaging Apps In The Battle For Tech's Next Frontier

As mobile devices continue to explore and colonize the technology landscape, their conquests are leading us to a new era, beyond search and apps.

Why Larry Page Is Stepping Away
From ACM Opinion

Why Larry Page Is Stepping Away

In the ten years that I’ve been watching him, Larry Page has always wanted to play by his own rules.
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