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Artificial Intelligence and the Intelligence Community
From ACM Opinion

Artificial Intelligence and the Intelligence Community

The intelligence community's budget and acquisition processes rise to the top of the issues it must address before it can take full advantage of AI

Why 90% of Machine-Learning Models Never Hit the Market
From ACM Opinion

Why 90% of Machine-Learning Models Never Hit the Market

Most companies lack leadership support, effective communication between teams, and accessible data

Is the U.S. Labor Shortage the Big Break AI Needs?
From ACM Opinion

Is the U.S. Labor Shortage the Big Break AI Needs?

Companies experiencing labor shortages should consider where AI can make their employees' lives better and easier.

The Assault on Our Privacy Is Being Conducted in Private
From ACM Opinion

The Assault on Our Privacy Is Being Conducted in Private

The rise of social media, Google, and online shopping and banking has made us far more exposed than back in the Internet’s infancy.

Why Machine Learning Can't Understand Human Language
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Why Machine Learning Can't Understand Human Language

While larger deep neural networks can incrementally improveme specific tasks, they aren't fit for general natural language understanding.

Building Artificial Intelligence: Reward Is Not Enough
From ACM Opinion

Building Artificial Intelligence: Reward Is Not Enough

Rewards are not enough to build artificial intelligence, says data scientist Herbert Roitblat, countering claims from a recent paper by DeepMind scientists.

Robots Were Supposed to Take Our Jobs. Instead, They're Making Them Worse.
From ACM Opinion

Robots Were Supposed to Take Our Jobs. Instead, They're Making Them Worse.

The robot apocalypse is already here, it just looks different than you thought.

TinyML: What Is It and How Will It Change Machine Learning Best Practices?
From ACM Opinion

TinyML: What Is It and How Will It Change Machine Learning Best Practices?

TinyML will change machine-learning best practices by encouraging more developers to view it as a viable option.

Tesla AI Chief Says Self-Driving Cars Don't Need Lidar
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Tesla AI Chief Says Self-Driving Cars Don't Need Lidar

Andrej Karpathy shares why the company still believes in a purely vision-based autonomous driving solution.

 The Danger of Anthropomorphic Language in Robotic AI Systems
From ACM Opinion

The Danger of Anthropomorphic Language in Robotic AI Systems

Clear, non-anthropomorphic language is central to dismantling misconceptions of AI as a black box.

Paving the Way Towards Trustworthy and Responsible AI
From ACM Opinion

Paving the Way Towards Trustworthy and Responsible AI

Public sector AI innovation needs a more sophisticated, data-driven, and mature approach to ensure effectiveness of governments and better citizen outcomes.

Lethal Autonomous Weapons Exist; They Must Be Banned
From ACM Opinion

Lethal Autonomous Weapons Exist; They Must Be Banned

It may not be too late to put the evil "slaughterbots" genie back in the bottle, if the world acts now.

Large Language Models Associate Muslims with Violence
From ACM Opinion

Large Language Models Associate Muslims with Violence

New approaches are needed to systematically reduce the harmful bias of language models in deployment.

Google's AI Approach to Microchips Is Welcome—but Needs Care
From ACM Opinion

Google's AI Approach to Microchips Is Welcome—but Needs Care

Artificial intelligence can help the electronics industry to speed up chip design. But the gains must be shared equitably.

The Coming Productivity Boom
From ACM Opinion

The Coming Productivity Boom

AI and other digital technologies have been surprisingly slow to improve economic growth. But that could be about to change.

Amid a Pandemic, a Health Care Algorithm Shows Promise and Peril
From ACM Opinion

Amid a Pandemic, a Health Care Algorithm Shows Promise and Peril

A machine learning-based score designed to aid triage decisions is gaining in popularity, but lacking in transparency.

Reward Is Enough for Generalized AI
From ACM Opinion

Reward Is Enough for Generalized AI

The generic objective of maximizing reward is enough to drive behavior that exhibits most abilities studied in natural and artificial intelligence.

Reducing Racial Bias in AI Models for Clinical Use
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Reducing Racial Bias in AI Models for Clinical Use

To fully address the issue of racial bias in AI models for clinical use, a top-down intervention is required.

Machine Learning Security Needs New Perspectives and Incentives
From ACM Opinion

Machine Learning Security Needs New Perspectives and Incentives

Researchers and developers racing to make deep learning available to different applications need to actively seek out and address security challenges before they...

For Companies That Use ML, Labeled Data Is the Key Differentiator
From ACM Opinion

For Companies That Use ML, Labeled Data Is the Key Differentiator

Any company that is considering using machine learning cannot overlook one technical choice: supervised or unsupervised learning.
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