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Was a Texas Student Really Expelled for Refusing To Wear an RFID Chip?
From ACM Opinion

Was a Texas Student Really Expelled for Refusing To Wear an RFID Chip?

The Texas school district that began requiring its students to wear RFID tracking chips this year is now facing a fight in federal court.

Why We Must Fight For the Internet's Freedom
From ACM Opinion

Why We Must Fight For the Internet's Freedom

The Internet empowers each one of us to speak, create, learn, and share.

From ACM Opinion

How to ­se Technology to Make You Smarter

Can a calculator make you smarter?

Can Schools Survive in the Age of the Web?
From ACM Opinion

Can Schools Survive in the Age of the Web?

If you fancy a top-class education but can't afford the fee or the time, there is now an alternative.

In Silicon Valley, Technology Talent Gap Threatens G.o.p. Campaigns
From ACM Careers

In Silicon Valley, Technology Talent Gap Threatens G.o.p. Campaigns

I live in Brooklyn, where President Obama won 81 percent of the vote this month. It's hard to find anywhere in the country that is more Democratic-leaning.

Alan Turing Remembered
From Communications of the ACM

Alan Turing Remembered

A unique firsthand account of formative experiences with Alan Turing.

Why We Need an ACM Special Interest Group For Broadening Participation
From Communications of the ACM

Why We Need an ACM Special Interest Group For Broadening Participation

A proposal for an international group focused on broadening participation.

From Communications of the ACM


Recognizing and working with moods — your own, your team's, and your customers' — is essential to professional success.

Can More Code Mean Fewer Bugs?
From Communications of the ACM

Can More Code Mean Fewer Bugs?

The bytes you save today may bite you tomorrow.

Saving Private Gromit
From Communications of the ACM

Saving Private Gromit

Reflections on the legalities and economics of preserving animations and games in Europe.

IT Innovation For the Bottom of the Pyramid
From Communications of the ACM

IT Innovation For the Bottom of the Pyramid

New ways to develop technologies for the emerging growth markets.

The Real Threat to Internet Freedom Isn't the ­nited Nations
From ACM Opinion

The Real Threat to Internet Freedom Isn't the ­nited Nations

The Internet is often seen as a place of chaos and disorder, a borderless world in which anonymous trolls roam free and vigilante hackers wreak havoc.

Silicon Valley Must Stop U.N. from Regulating the Internet
From ACM Opinion

Silicon Valley Must Stop U.N. from Regulating the Internet

The notion of the United Nations making the rules and governing the Internet should send shivers down the spine of anyone who uses a cell phone, laptop or search...

The Future of the Internet Is Intelligent Machines
From ACM Opinion

The Future of the Internet Is Intelligent Machines

As we know it today, the Internet has been largely about connecting people to information, people to people, and people to business.

In China, 25 Million People ­se Only Their Cell Phones to Read Books
From ACM Opinion

In China, 25 Million People ­se Only Their Cell Phones to Read Books

On vacation in China earlier this month, I stopped by Shanghai's seven-story downtown "Book City," bustling with activity on a weekday afternoon that, as a publisher...

Moral Machines
From ACM Opinion

Moral Machines

Google's driver-less cars are already street-legal in three states, California, Florida, and Nevada, and some day similar devices may not just be possible but mandatory...

The Giant ­nderground Machinery That Runs San Francisco's Famous Cable Cars
From ACM Opinion

The Giant ­nderground Machinery That Runs San Francisco's Famous Cable Cars

Every day and night, beneath the streets of San Francisco, huge wheels turn, pulling cable cars to their far-flung destinations and back again, as if weaving them...

What Sinofsky's Departure Suggests About the Current State, and Likely Future, of Microsoft
From ACM Opinion

What Sinofsky's Departure Suggests About the Current State, and Likely Future, of Microsoft

Steven Sinofsky, president of Microsoft's Windows division, abruptly left the company on November 12, shortly after introducing the latest version of the company's...

How Far Away Is Mind-Machine Integration?
From ACM Opinion

How Far Away Is Mind-Machine Integration?

Okay, great: we can control our phones with speech recognition and our television sets with gesture recognition.

A Touch Literate World: The Global Tablet Craze
From ACM Opinion

A Touch Literate World: The Global Tablet Craze

I haven't been shy about expressing my belief that tablets represent the reinvention of the personal computer.
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