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Cybercrime: Mobile Changes Everything—and No One's Safe
From ACM Opinion

Cybercrime: Mobile Changes Everything—and No One's Safe

The FBI recently put out a mobile malware alert, providing us with a sobering reminder of this "evil software" for phones and tablets.

Can We Trust Voting Machines?
From ACM Opinion

Can We Trust Voting Machines?

Last week, a congressional report claimed that using Chinese telecommunications companies’ goods and services in the United States could threaten national security...

Intel Strives to Develop Tiny Chips to Run Wearable Computers
From ACM TechNews

Intel Strives to Develop Tiny Chips to Run Wearable Computers

Intel researchers are developing tiny microprocessors that would power wearable computers. 

Keeping Technology Promises
From Communications of the ACM

Keeping Technology Promises

Considering new models for educational technology and methods.

Societal Implications of the Emerging Smart Grid
From Communications of the ACM

Societal Implications of the Emerging Smart Grid

Seeking solutions to concerns that go beyond the engineering of the smart grid.

Learning to Teach Computer Science
From Communications of the ACM

Learning to Teach Computer Science: The Need For a Methods Course

A multipronged approach to preparing computer science teachers is critical to success.

Decentralization Versus Centralization in IT Governance
From Communications of the ACM

Decentralization Versus Centralization in IT Governance

It's not as simple as you might think.

Oracle v. Google
From Communications of the ACM

Oracle v. Google: Are APIs Copyrightable?

Assessing the first phase of the trial based on claims that Google's Android platform infringes Oracle's Java-related copyrights and patents.

The Research Value of Publishing Attacks
From Communications of the ACM

The Research Value of Publishing Attacks

Security research can be improved by more effectively sharing what is learned from attacks on information systems.

DARPA-Funded Radio Hackrf Aims to Be a $300 Wireless Swiss Army Knife For Hackers
From ACM Opinion

DARPA-Funded Radio Hackrf Aims to Be a $300 Wireless Swiss Army Knife For Hackers

Since the days of Alan Turing, the promise of a digital computer has been that of a universal machine, one that can be a word processor one minute and a robot brain...

Ipad Mini Launch: Why Steve Jobs Thought 7in Tablets Would Fail
From ACM Opinion

Ipad Mini Launch: Why Steve Jobs Thought 7in Tablets Would Fail

So if Apple is really launching a 7.85in "iPad mini", how does that square with what Steve Jobs said two years ago?

Capitol Hill Rhetoric Takes Aim at Wrong Cybersecurity Targets
From ACM Opinion

Capitol Hill Rhetoric Takes Aim at Wrong Cybersecurity Targets

Defense secretary Leon Panetta couldn't resist, could he? He couldn't fight the urge to dig deep into the information security cliché handbook and yank out that...

Fresh Windows, but Where’s the Start Button?
From ACM Opinion

Fresh Windows, but Where’s the Start Button?

Over the years, Keith McCarthy has become used to a certain way of doing things on his personal computers, which, like most others on the planet, have long run...

Star Trek Technology: How 21st Century Scientists Are Making It So
From ACM Opinion

Star Trek Technology: How 21st Century Scientists Are Making It So

Destination Star Trek London has kicked off at the ExCeL exhibition centre, and I'm willing to bet that among those heading down for a weekend of pointy-eared fun...

Science in an Election Year
From ACM Opinion

Science in an Election Year

More than a dozen science and engineering organizations worked with to draft 14 top science questions to ask the two main presidential candidates...

Meet a Science Committee that Doesn't Get Science
From ACM Opinion

Meet a Science Committee that Doesn't Get Science

In general, we only become aware of a politician's position on scientific issues during the campaign season. And, with a few exceptions like energy and climate...

And the Firewalls Came Tumbling Down
From ACM Opinion

And the Firewalls Came Tumbling Down

There's much to like about "This Machine Kills Secrets," Andy Greenberg's well-reported history of WikiLeaks and the many projects it has inspired, but one unintentionally...

At Stanford, Scholars Debate the Promises, Pitfalls of Online Learning
From ACM TechNews

At Stanford, Scholars Debate the Promises, Pitfalls of Online Learning

Although online learning has great potential to enhance the education process, Princeton University president emeritus William Bowen cites three obstructions to...

Will Neuroscience Radically Transform the Legal System?
From ACM Opinion

Will Neuroscience Radically Transform the Legal System?

Although academic fields will often enjoy more than Andy Warhol's famous 15 minutes of fame, they too are subject to today's ever-hungry machinery of hype. Like...

Technology Helps Track a Terrorist in 'the Finish'
From ACM Opinion

Technology Helps Track a Terrorist in 'the Finish'

In late summer 2010, at the end of a morning briefing, one of President Obama's security advisers said, "Mr. President, Leon and the guys at Langley think they...
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