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Is It ­nethical to Design Robots to Resemble Humans?
From ACM TechNews

Is It ­nethical to Design Robots to Resemble Humans?

Society's push toward anthropomorphized machines and humanized virtual assistants could have the unplanned effect of dehumanizing actual human beings. 

First the Cloud, Now AI Takes on the Scientific Method
From ACM Opinion

First the Cloud, Now AI Takes on the Scientific Method

Back when I was doing research, one of my advisors once joked that, if you wait long enough, you can produce an old result using new methods, manage to get it published...

A Guide to Challenges Facing Self-Driving Car Technologists
From ACM Opinion

A Guide to Challenges Facing Self-Driving Car Technologists

In the minds of many in Silicon Valley and in the auto industry, it is inevitable that cars will eventually drive themselves.

Why Apple Is Struggling to Become an Artificial-Intelligence Powerhouse
From ACM Opinion

Why Apple Is Struggling to Become an Artificial-Intelligence Powerhouse

In 2011, Apple became the first company to place artificial intelligence in the pockets of millions of consumers when it launched the voice assistant Siri on the...

Who Will Pay For the Future If Not the Robots?
From ACM Opinion

Who Will Pay For the Future If Not the Robots?

RRobots are taking over the world's workforce—and why shouldn't they?

When Artificial Intelligence Botches Your Medical Diagnosis, Who's to Blame?
From ACM Opinion

When Artificial Intelligence Botches Your Medical Diagnosis, Who's to Blame?

Artificial intelligence is not just creeping into our personal lives and workplaces — it's also beginning to appear in the doctor's office. AI raises profound questions...

Google, Not the Government, Is Building the Future
From ACM Opinion

Google, Not the Government, Is Building the Future

One persistent criticism of Silicon Valley is that it no longer works on big, world-changing ideas.

Finding Solace in Defeat By Artificial Intelligence
From ACM Opinion

Finding Solace in Defeat By Artificial Intelligence

Fan Hui, the European Go champion, needed some fresh air. "I don't understand myself anymore."

Artificial Intelligence: Chess Match of the Century
From ACM Opinion

Artificial Intelligence: Chess Match of the Century

Nearly 20 years ago, I was fortunate enough to play friendly blitz chess against former world champion Garry Kasparov.

Ai's Pr Problem
From ACM Opinion

Ai's Pr Problem

Had artificial intelligence been named something less spooky, we'd probably worry about it less.

With Neuralink, Elon Musk Promises Human-to-Human Telepathy. Don't Believe It.
From ACM Opinion

With Neuralink, Elon Musk Promises Human-to-Human Telepathy. Don't Believe It.

Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, by way of blogger and cartoonist Tim Urban, has revealed in a 36,400-word illustrated explainer the thinking behind his new...

Toward a Ban on Lethal Autonomous Weapons
From Communications of the ACM

Toward a Ban on Lethal Autonomous Weapons: Surmounting the Obstacles

A 10-point plan toward fashioning a proposal to ban some — if not all — lethal autonomous weapons.

Bill Gates Is Wrong: The Solution to AI Taking Jobs Is Training, Not Taxes
From ACM Opinion

Bill Gates Is Wrong: The Solution to AI Taking Jobs Is Training, Not Taxes

Let's take a breath: Robots and artificial intelligence systems are nowhere near displacing the human workforce.

Track How Technology Is Transforming Work
From ACM Opinion

Track How Technology Is Transforming Work

Advances in technology pose huge challenges for jobs. Productivity levels have never been higher in the United States, for example, but income for the bottom 50...

What If We Had Perfect Robot Referees
From ACM Opinion

What If We Had Perfect Robot Referees

Last month, Mark Clattenburg, who is generally regarded as one of the finest referees in professional soccer, left England's Premier League for a better-paying...

War By Any Means: The Story of DARPA
From ACM Opinion

War By Any Means: The Story of DARPA

Shortly after arriving at the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) in April 1958, the new chief scientist presented a plan to the agency's director.

Evolution Strategies as a Scalable Alternative to Reinforcement Learning
From ACM Opinion

Evolution Strategies as a Scalable Alternative to Reinforcement Learning

We've discovered that evolution strategies (ES), an optimization technique that's been known for decades, rivals the performance of standard reinforcement learning...

The Battle For Top AI Talent Only Gets Tougher From Here
From ACM Opinion

The Battle For Top AI Talent Only Gets Tougher From Here

Andrew Ng helped create two of Silicon Valley's leading artificial intelligence labs.

Why the Biggest Challenge Facing AI Is an Ethical One
From ACM Opinion

Why the Biggest Challenge Facing AI Is an Ethical One

Artificial intelligence is everywhere and it's here to stay.

Boston Dynamics' New Rolling, Leaping Robot Is an Evolutionary Marvel
From ACM Opinion

Boston Dynamics' New Rolling, Leaping Robot Is an Evolutionary Marvel

If you're ever feeling down, do yourself a favor and watch some footage from the 2015 Darpa Robotics Challenge.
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