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Communications of the ACM

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From ACM CareerNews

Government Should Help Widen Cyber Knowledge

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security should be doing more to recruit top cyber security talent and develop a highly skilled workforce of cyber security workers...

From ACM Opinion

The Duct Tape Programmer

Jamie Zawinski is what I would call a duct-tape programmer. I say that with a great deal of respect. He is the kind of programmer who is hard at work building...

From ACM Opinion

Should Operating Systems Be Intuitive?

Should computers be intuitive, requiring little to no learning or thinking? Is it even possible for them to be so? “Nothing is intuitive,” said Slashdot blogger...

Retrospective: An Axiomatic Basis For Computer Programming
From Communications of the ACM

Retrospective: An Axiomatic Basis For Computer Programming

C.A.R. Hoare revisits his past Communications article on the axiomatic approach to programming and uses it as a touchstone for the future.

Kode Reviews 101
From Communications of the ACM

Kode Reviews 101

A review of code review do's and don'ts.

Dealing with the Venture Capital Crisis
From Communications of the ACM

Dealing with the Venture Capital Crisis

The venture capital industry, like financial services in general, has fallen on hard times. Part of the problem is that large payoffs...

Reflections on Conficker
From Communications of the ACM

Reflections on Conficker

Conficker's alarming growth rate in early 2009 along with the apparent mystery surrounding its ultimate purpose had raised concern among...

Computing in the Depression Era
From Communications of the ACM

Computing in the Depression Era

Since its beginning, the computer industry has been through several major recessions, each occurring  approximately five years...

Contagious Craziness, Spreading Sanity
From Communications of the ACM

Contagious Craziness, Spreading Sanity

Some examples of the upward or downward spiral of behaviors in the workplace.

How Indian It Became a Respected Global Brand
From ACM Opinion

How Indian It Became a Respected Global Brand

The so-called "Internet Age" we live in imposes what is being called "Internet speed." This accelerated lifestyle is exemplified in an extreme form by the saying...

The A-Z of Programming Languages: Groovy
From ACM TechNews

The A-Z of Programming Languages: Groovy

Groovy project manager Guillaume Laforge says the Groovy programming language was designed to make life simpler for developers through its seamless integration...

Is It Too Much To Expect Judges In Tech Related Cases To Understand Tech?
From ACM Opinion

Is It Too Much To Expect Judges In Tech Related Cases To Understand Tech?

In another case where basic technology illiteracy leads a judge to make very questionable statements, a judge declared that because a specific phrase ("spoiled...

From ACM Opinion

Aligning Computer Science with Mathematics By Felleisen and Krishnamurthi

The July 2009 Communications of the ACM has an interesting article by Matthias Felleisen and Shriram Krishnamurthi "Why Computer Science Doesn't Matter" with the...

The Case Against Literary (and Software) Patents
From ACM Opinion

The Case Against Literary (and Software) Patents

Imagine the outcry if the courts were to legalize patents on English prose. Suddenly, you could get a "literary patent" on novels employing a particular kind of...

World War 3.0: 10 Critical Trends For Cybersecurity
From ACM Opinion

World War 3.0: 10 Critical Trends For Cybersecurity

"Cybersecurity is the soft underbelly of this country," outgoing U.S. National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell declared in a valedictory address to reporters...

Actually, Obama Doesn't Want to Take Over The Internet
From ACM Opinion

Actually, Obama Doesn't Want to Take Over The Internet

A number of people are up in arms about a new bill going through the U.S. Senate that allows President Obama to "take over private networks." Oh no! That would...

Game Over For Sony
From ACM Opinion

Game Over For Sony

I've never really liked the company Sony. On the computer side, it's hardly been a friend of GNU/Linux. The one glimmer of hope for the company was the PS3. Sony's...

The Grill: Aaron Walsh
From ACM TechNews

The Grill: Aaron Walsh

Boston College professor Aaron E. Walsh has a vision of making state-of-the-art education freely available to anyone with a computer and Internet connectivity through...

An Interview with Maurice Wilkes
From Communications of the ACM

An Interview with Maurice Wilkes

Maurice Wilkes, the designer and builder of the EDSAC, passed away on Nov. 29 at age 97. He reflects on his career in this 2009 interview.

Face the Inevitable, Embrace Parallelism
From Communications of the ACM

Face the Inevitable, Embrace Parallelism

Hardware, software, and applications must all evolve in anticipation of the proliferation of parallelism.
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