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From ACM Opinion

The Future of Moral Machines

A robot walks into a bar and says, "I’ll have a screwdriver." A bad joke, indeed. But even less funny if the robot says "Give me what’s in your cash register."...

Space Elevators and Smart Machines: Life in the Year 2100
From ACM Opinion

Space Elevators and Smart Machines: Life in the Year 2100

In my book, Physics of the Future, I make scores of predictions for this century, based on interviews with over 300 of the world's top scientists, who are inventing...

Voice Recognition: Has It Come of Age?
From ACM Opinion

Voice Recognition: Has It Come of Age?

The man sits down in front of the computer and says, affably: "Computer!"

Doctoral Program Rankings For U.S. Computing Programs
From Communications of the ACM

Doctoral Program Rankings For U.S. Computing Programs: The National Research Council Strikes Out

A proposal for improving doctoral program ranking strategy.

The Grounding Practice
From Communications of the ACM

The Grounding Practice

The skill of making and recognizing grounded claims is essential for professional practice. Getting objective data to support your conclusions is not enough.

Misconceptions in Ai: Or Why Watson Can't Talk to Siri
From ACM Opinion

Misconceptions in Ai: Or Why Watson Can't Talk to Siri

On Tuesday night, I was schooled by Watson on playing Jeopardy in an exhibition match at the Computer History Museum. I discovered that despite our fear of the...

From ACM Opinion

Blogging the Stanford Machine Learning Class

After three weeks of frustrating math dealing with dull statistics problems, we’re on to frustrating math dealing with "neural networks"—models of how the cells...

From ACM Opinion

Don't ­nderestimate the Singularity

Although Paul Allen paraphrases my 2005 book, The Singularity Is Near, in the title of his essay (cowritten with his colleague Mark Greaves), it appears that he...

With Siri, Apple Could Eventually Build A Real AI
From ACM Opinion

With Siri, Apple Could Eventually Build A Real AI

As iPhone 4S's flood into the hands of the public, users are coming face-to-face with something they weren't quite expecting: Apple's new voice interface, Siri...

From ACM Opinion

Apple's Siri Is as Revolutionary as the Mac

The initial reaction to the iPhone 4S was cooler than Apple might have hoped. Expectations had been hyped to such a point that people were looking for a leap...

From ACM Opinion

The Singularity Isn't Near

 Futurists like Vernor Vinge and Ray Kurzweil have argued that the world is rapidly approaching a tipping point, where the accelerating pace of smarter and smarter...

Rise of the Robot Journalists
From ACM Opinion

Rise of the Robot Journalists

The New York Times reported recently that artificial intelligence is being used to compose news stories. Advocates argue that the articles created by "robot journalists"...

From ACM Opinion

A Hint of Deterrence in ­.s. Drone-War Strategy

Here’s the trickiest counterterrorism puzzle for U.S. policymakers: How do you stop al-Qaeda from attacking the American homeland without getting bogged down...

From ACM Opinion

Will Robots Steal Your Job?

If you're taking a break from work to read this article, I've got one question for you: Are you crazy? I know you think no one will notice, and I know that everyone...

Can Brain Research Keep ­S Safe?
From ACM News

Can Brain Research Keep ­S Safe?

Human conflict is often associated with the emergence of a new science or technology. The Civil War's Gatling gun changed battlefield tactics and led to modern...

From ACM News

Captcha Talks Back

What if CAPTCHA messed with you even more than it already does?

Let's Get Back to Real Space Exploration
From ACM Opinion

Let's Get Back to Real Space Exploration

Time to ditch the black armbands and look beyond low Earth orbit again. The shuttle's passing marks the start of an exciting new era.

From ACM Opinion

Let Our Bots Do Our Tweeting For ­S

My tweets generally reflect a set of parochial interests I continually revisit: the shuffle function in iTunes, the Phillies’ crummy batting lineup, reviews of...

In Praise of 'Wilkes, Wheeler, and Gill'
From Communications of the ACM

In Praise of 'Wilkes, Wheeler, and Gill'

Sixty years ago, Maurice Wilkes, David Wheeler, and Stanley Gill produced the first textbook on programming: The Preparation of Programs for an Electronic Digital...

From ACM News

Google's Self-Driving Wreck: Really Human Error?

When a self-driving car crashes, one just has to wonder about those robots. Are they really all they're cracked up to be? Or might they be just as cracked as...
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