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Forget Killer Robots; Bias Is the Real AI Danger
From ACM Opinion

Forget Killer Robots; Bias Is the Real AI Danger

Google's AI chief isn't fretting about super-intelligent killer robots. Instead, John Giannandrea is concerned about the danger that may be lurking inside the machine...

Why Google's AI Can Write Beautiful Songs but Still Can't Tell a Joke
From ACM Opinion

Why Google's AI Can Write Beautiful Songs but Still Can't Tell a Joke

Creating noodling piano tunes and endless configurations of cat drawings with AI may not sound like an obvious project for Google, but it makes a lot of sense to...

The President of Search Giant Baidu Has Global Plans
From ACM Opinion

The President of Search Giant Baidu Has Global Plans

Google and Facebook are household names around the world. Baidu? Not yet. Ya-Qin Zhang, president of China's leading search business, says Chinese companies can...

Nvidia Ceo: Software Is Eating the World, but AI Is Going to Eat Software
From ACM Opinion

Nvidia Ceo: Software Is Eating the World, but AI Is Going to Eat Software

Tech companies and investors have recently been piling money into artificial intelligence—and plenty has been trickling down to chip maker Nvidia.

How to Keep the Government from Breaking the Internet
From ACM Opinion

How to Keep the Government from Breaking the Internet

Telecommunications policy has been in flux since President Trump designated Ajit Pai the new chairman of the Federal Communications Commission in January.

Microsoft: AI Isn't Yet Adaptable Enough to Help Businesses
From ACM Opinion

Microsoft: AI Isn't Yet Adaptable Enough to Help Businesses

The AI revolution may take longer than some expect to spread from Silicon Valley into other industries.

This Entrepreneur Dares You to Hack His Gadgets
From ACM Opinion

This Entrepreneur Dares You to Hack His Gadgets

Serial entrepreneur Andrew "Bunnie" Huang believes that consumer product companies should make their hardware designs publicly available so that anyone can study...

Web Pioneer Tries to Incubate a Second Digital Revolution
From ACM Opinion

Web Pioneer Tries to Incubate a Second Digital Revolution

Brian Behlendorf knows it's a cliché for veteran technologists like himself to argue that society could be run much better if we just had the right software.

Microsoft's Top Lawyer Becomes a Civil Rights Crusader
From ACM Opinion

Microsoft's Top Lawyer Becomes a Civil Rights Crusader

When Apple CEO Tim Cook refused to help the FBI get into a mass murderer's iPhone last winter, he was hailed for his boldness in fighting the government on ...

AI Doomsayer Says His Ideas Are Catching On
From ACM Opinion

AI Doomsayer Says His Ideas Are Catching On

Oxford University philosophy professor Nick Bostrom says major tech companies are listening to his warnings about investing in "AI safety" research.

Q&a: John Chambers
From ACM Opinion

Q&a: John Chambers

Cisco Systems designs, makes, and sells the routers, switches, and other networking equipment with which businesses connect their computers, manage data centers...

The Man Selling Shovels in the Machine-Learning Gold Rush
From ACM Opinion

The Man Selling Shovels in the Machine-Learning Gold Rush

Jen-Hsun Huang, CEO of the chipmaker Nvidia, is either very prescient or very lucky.

Head of British Intelligence Agency on Apple, Snowden, and Regrets
From ACM Opinion

Head of British Intelligence Agency on Apple, Snowden, and Regrets

Shortly after Robert Hannigan took over the British signals-intelligence agency GCHQ in 2014, he implored technology companies to do more to facilitate investigations...

Will Machines Eliminate ­s?
From ACM Opinion

Will Machines Eliminate ­s?

Yoshua Bengio leads one of the world's preëminent research groups developing a powerful AI technique known as deep learning.

Can This Man Make AI More Human?
From ACM Opinion

Can This Man Make AI More Human?

Like any proud father, Gary Marcus is only too happy to talk about the latest achievements of his two-year-old son.

Facebook's Cyborg Virtual Assistant Is Learning from Its Trainers
From ACM Opinion

Facebook's Cyborg Virtual Assistant Is Learning from Its Trainers

Late last month a few hundred lucky users of Facebook's mobile messaging app got an unusual new contact to talk with: M, a virtual assistant powered by a mixture...

3 Questions on Killer Robots
From ACM Opinion

3 Questions on Killer Robots

Delegates to the United Nations Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons are meeting this week in Geneva to discuss fully autonomous weapons—machines that could...

Putting Technology in Its Place
From ACM Opinion

Putting Technology in Its Place

Kentaro Toyama calls himself "a recovering technoholic"—someone who once was "addicted to a technological way of solving problems."

AI Doomsayer Says His Ideas Are Catching On
From ACM Opinion

AI Doomsayer Says His Ideas Are Catching On

Philosopher Nick Bostrom says major tech companies are listening to his warnings about artificial intelligence.

Q&a With Futurist Martine Rothblatt
From ACM TechNews

Q&a With Futurist Martine Rothblatt

In an interview, satellite radio pioneer and futurist Martine Rothblatt says she believes there is little doubt humans will eventually invent ways to create virtual...
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