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The Man Who Drew Up Sony's Next Game Plan
From ACM Opinion

The Man Who Drew Up Sony's Next Game Plan

Mark Cerny's soft voice and youthful looks belie the position of power he holds in the video-game industry.

Intel's Justin Rattner on New Laser Chip Business
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Intel's Justin Rattner on New Laser Chip Business

Intel came to dominate computing by consistently beating others at packing transistors ever more densely onto chips for desktop computers and servers.

Wearable Computing Pioneer Says Google Glass Offers 'killer Existence'
From ACM Opinion

Wearable Computing Pioneer Says Google Glass Offers 'killer Existence'

Few gadgets have generated as much excitement and hostility as Google Glass, a voice-activated computer-monitor combo worn on eyeglass frames.

The Quantified Brain of a Self-Tracking Neuroscientist
From ACM Opinion

The Quantified Brain of a Self-Tracking Neuroscientist

Russell Poldrack, a neuroscientist at the University of Texas at Austin, is undertaking some intense introspection.

Stephen Wolfram on Personal Analytics
From ACM Opinion

Stephen Wolfram on Personal Analytics

Don't be surprised if Stephen Wolfram, the renowned complexity theorist, software company CEO, and night owl, wants to schedule a work call with you at 9 p.m. In...

Interview with Brain Project Pioneer: Miyoung Chun
From ACM Opinion

Interview with Brain Project Pioneer: Miyoung Chun

Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) project, which President Obama announced in his State of the Union address in February, will...

Steve Ballmer on the Strategy Behind His Strangest Product
From ACM Opinion

Steve Ballmer on the Strategy Behind His Strangest Product

Windows 8, the most recent version of Microsoft's operating system, is the most ambitious and the strangest major product ever released by the software giant.

The Brain Is Not Computable
From ACM Opinion

The Brain Is Not Computable

Miguel Nicolelis, a top neuroscientist at Duke University, says computers will never replicate the human brain and that the technological Singularity is "a bunch...

Q&a with Ben Silbermann
From ACM Opinion

Q&a with Ben Silbermann

Pinterest co-founder and CEO Ben Silbermann discusses his company's popularity, its advancement of online discovery, and how facillitating discovery will eventually...

The Natural Experimenter
From ACM Opinion

The Natural Experimenter

Josh Angrist is an acclaimed experimentalist who does not work in a lab.

Don't Divorce Design from Manufacturing
From ACM Opinion

Don't Divorce Design from Manufacturing

The software company Autodesk doesn't manufacture anything.

The Man Looking to Turn Samsung Into a Silicon Valley Trendsetter
From ACM Opinion

The Man Looking to Turn Samsung Into a Silicon Valley Trendsetter

Samsung Electronics is a company at the top of its game, having become the world’s leading smartphone manufacturer in the last year.

The Woman Charged With Making Windows 8 Succeed
From ACM Opinion

The Woman Charged With Making Windows 8 Succeed

As the head of Windows product development at Microsoft, Julie Larson-Green is responsible for a piece of software used by some 1.3 billion people worldwide.

Security Guru Pledges to Strengthen Critical Computers
From ACM Opinion

Security Guru Pledges to Strengthen Critical Computers

Stuxnet, a piece of malicious software discovered in 2010, targeted industrial software controlling Iran’s uranium-enrichment centrifuges. But the code got loose—and...

Moore's Law Is Becoming Irrelevant
From ACM Opinion

Moore's Law Is Becoming Irrelevant

Companies like Apple and Samsung are the public face of the smartphone and tablet boom, but they all rely on ARM, the British company that licenses the energy-efficient...

Q&a With Salman Khan
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Q&a With Salman Khan

Salman Khan, the amateur teacher who rocketed to fame on the Internet, tells how he'll take his free video tutorials to the next level.

Christopher Soghoian
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Christopher Soghoian

Christopher Soghoian sniffs out security holes and privacy shortcomings on the Web. Then he urges companies that are responsible—Google, AT&T, and Dropbox have...

You Will Want Google Goggles
From ACM Opinion

You Will Want Google Goggles

At first glance, Thad Starner does not look out of place at Google. A pioneering researcher in the field of wearable computing, Starner is a big, charming man with...

Three Questions For Patti Maes
From ACM TechNews

Three Questions For Patti Maes

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researcher Patti Maes recently spoke with Technology Review to discuss the future of mobile technology.  

What Facebook Knows
From ACM News

What Facebook Knows

If Facebook were a country, a conceit that founder Mark Zuckerberg has entertained in public, its 900 million members would make it the third largest in the world...
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