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"we're at Greater Risk": General Keith Alexander
From ACM Opinion

"we're at Greater Risk": General Keith Alexander

Since Edward Snowden's revelations about government surveillence, we know more about how the National Security Agency has been interpreting Section 215 of the Patriot...

Google Ruling 'astonishing', Says Wikipedia Founder Wales
From ACM Opinion

Google Ruling 'astonishing', Says Wikipedia Founder Wales

The European Courts of Justice ruled on Tuesday that an individual could demand that "irrelevant or outdated" information be deleted from results.

Former Head of the Nsa and Commander of the ­S Cyber Command, General Keith Alexander
From ACM Opinion

Former Head of the Nsa and Commander of the ­S Cyber Command, General Keith Alexander

Recently retired director of the U.S. National Security Agency and commander of the U.S. Cyber Command General Keith Alexander was interviewed by Australian Financial...

Getting Everyday Objects to Think
From ACM Opinion

Getting Everyday Objects to Think

If the so-called Internet of Things ever becomes one of those proverbial next big things in technology, Thomas Lee, a card-carrying member of the cohort of big...

Eugene Kaspersky: Major Cyberterrorist Attack Is Only Matter of Time
From ACM Opinion

Eugene Kaspersky: Major Cyberterrorist Attack Is Only Matter of Time

A major, global cyberterrorist attack has long been the stuff of fiction, the threat that a malevolent hacker could bring down businesses, sabotage power plants...

Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook's Future, From Virtual Reality to Anonymity
From ACM Opinion

Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook's Future, From Virtual Reality to Anonymity

No one ever accused Mark Zuckerberg of standing pat.

Heartbleed: Developer Who Introduced the Error Regrets 'oversight'
From ACM Opinion

Heartbleed: Developer Who Introduced the Error Regrets 'oversight'

The developer who introduced the "Heartbleed" vulnerability to the open-source code used by thousands of websites has told the Guardian it was an "oversight"—but...

Three Questions For Eugene Kaspersky
From ACM Opinion

Three Questions For Eugene Kaspersky

The Moscow-based computer security firm Kaspersky Lab has analyzed major new kinds of malware, including Stuxnet, which four years ago was revealed to have damaged...

Vint Cerf: CS Changes Needed To Address Iot Security, Privacy
From ACM Opinion

Vint Cerf: CS Changes Needed To Address Iot Security, Privacy

The Internet of Things has tremendous potential but also poses a tremendous risk if the underlying security of Internet of Things devices is not taken into account...

While Warning of Chinese Cyberthreat, ­.s. Launches Its Own Attack
From ACM Opinion

While Warning of Chinese Cyberthreat, ­.s. Launches Its Own Attack

The U.S. government has long complained about Chinese hacking and cyberattacks, but new documents show that the National Security Agency managed to penetrate the...

A Conversation With Danah Boyd, Author of 'it's Complicated,' About Teenagers Online
From ACM Opinion

A Conversation With Danah Boyd, Author of 'it's Complicated,' About Teenagers Online

Danah Boyd is a principal researcher at Microsoft Research, a research assistant professor in Media, Culture and Communication at New York University, and a fellow...

Facebook's Security Chief Talks Encryption Plan
From ACM Opinion

Facebook's Security Chief Talks Encryption Plan

Facebook has built its business upon the sharing of content between people worldwide, but protecting that data is a gargantuan responsibility—one that demands an...

The Data Brokers: Selling Your Personal Information
From ACM Opinion

The Data Brokers: Selling Your Personal Information

Over the past six months or so, a huge amount of attention has been paid to government snooping, and the bulk collection and storage of vast amounts of raw data...

Bill Gates: The Rolling Stone Interview
From ACM Opinion

Bill Gates: The Rolling Stone Interview

At 58, Bill Gates is not only the richest man in the world, with a fortune that now exceeds $76 billion, but he may also be the most optimistic.

Are You Too Paranoid About Digital Privacy, or Not Paranoid Enough?
From ACM Opinion

Are You Too Paranoid About Digital Privacy, or Not Paranoid Enough?

Let's start with one thing you hear over and over again when interviewing people about privacy: "I've got nothing to hide."

Hackers Allegedly Stole $400 Million in Bitcoins. Here's How to Catch Them.
From ACM Opinion

Hackers Allegedly Stole $400 Million in Bitcoins. Here's How to Catch Them.

On Friday, what had been the world's leading Bitcoin exchange declared bankrutpcy, claiming that hackers had exploited a technical issue called "transaction malleability...

Everything You Need to Know About the Latest Bitcoin Crisis
From ACM Opinion

Everything You Need to Know About the Latest Bitcoin Crisis

The once-popular Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox has gone dark.

Are There Any Benefits to Losing Our Privacy?
From ACM Opinion

Are There Any Benefits to Losing Our Privacy?

In a digital world, our every move can be tracked, collected and analysed.

How Cybersecurity Laws Are Outdated
From ACM Opinion

How Cybersecurity Laws Are Outdated

Mike McConnell, former director of the National Security Agency and of National Intelligence, talks about the details of the NSA's surveillance program and tells...

Tim Berners-Lee: We Need to Re-Decentralise the Web
From ACM Opinion

Tim Berners-Lee: We Need to Re-Decentralise the Web

Twenty-five years on from the web's inception, its creator has urged the public to re-engage with its original design: a decentralised internet that at its very...
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