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Robots: Can We Trust Them with Our Privacy?
From ACM Opinion

Robots: Can We Trust Them with Our Privacy?

Joss Wright is training a robot to freak people out.

Ray Kurzweil
From ACM Opinion

Ray Kurzweil

Ray Kurzweil is teaching computers how to read better—one more step in the march of technological progress.

How Darpa's Augmented Reality Software Works
From ACM Opinion

How Darpa's Augmented Reality Software Works

Six years ago, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) decided that they had a new dream. The agency wanted a system that would overlay digital tactical...

Three Questions with the Man Leading Baidu's New AI Effort
From ACM Opinion

Three Questions with the Man Leading Baidu's New AI Effort

Artificial intelligence is guided by the far-off goal of having software match humans at important tasks.

Amy Robinson, Creative Director
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Amy Robinson, Creative Director

Amy Robinson pulls no punches.

Transcending Artificial Intelligence
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Transcending Artificial Intelligence

While it can be a blast going to see the latest Hollywood sci-fi thriller, watching it along with a leading expert in the science and technology fields relevant...

Roomba Creator: Robot Doubles Need More Charisma
From ACM Opinion

Roomba Creator: Robot Doubles Need More Charisma

Colin Angle is co-founder and CEO of iRobot in Bedford, Massachusetts.

Are the Robots About to Rise?
From ACM Opinion

Are the Robots About to Rise?

It's hard to know where to start with Ray Kurzweil.

Are There Any Benefits to Losing Our Privacy?
From ACM Opinion

Are There Any Benefits to Losing Our Privacy?

In a digital world, our every move can be tracked, collected and analysed.

A Peek at Google's M&a Ambitions
From ACM Opinion

A Peek at Google's M&a Ambitions

Don Harrison became Google's head of mergers and acquisitions about a year ago.

How Real Is Spike Jonze's 'her'? Artificial Intelligence Experts Weigh In
From ACM Opinion

How Real Is Spike Jonze's 'her'? Artificial Intelligence Experts Weigh In

In Spike Jonze's Oscar-nominated, futuristic film 'Her,' computers compose music, carry on seamless conversations with humans, organize emails instantaneously,...

­dacity Founder: Moocs Can Help the Economy, Even If They Can't Replace College
From ACM Opinion

­dacity Founder: Moocs Can Help the Economy, Even If They Can't Replace College

Sebastian Thrun was instrumental in building Google's self-driving car and Glass projects, and helped launch the company's Google X wing to spearhead "moonshot"...

From ACM Opinion

North Dakota Pitches Itself As a ­topia For Drones

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration named six sites dedicated to the research and testing of unmanned aerial systems, or drones.

How Microsoft's 1 Percenters Balance Basic Research with Short-Term Success
From ACM Opinion

How Microsoft's 1 Percenters Balance Basic Research with Short-Term Success

When Microsoft launched its research labs in 1991, the personal computer was just beginning to blossom into a worldwide phenomenon, thanks in no small part to Windows...

James Kuffner, Google Robotics Researcher
From ACM Opinion

James Kuffner, Google Robotics Researcher

At a racetrack in Florida this weekend, 16 robots competed to complete a series of tasks inspired by challenges faced in cleaning up the destroyed Fukushima-Daiichi...

Nasa's Chief Scientist on Mars, Moons, and Money
From ACM Opinion

Nasa's Chief Scientist on Mars, Moons, and Money

Planetary geologist Ellen Stofan joined NASA in August as the agency's chief scientist, an overarching role in which she advises on the science of all NASA programmes...

Doom's Creator Looks Back on 20 Years of Demonic Mayhem
From ACM Opinion

Doom's Creator Looks Back on 20 Years of Demonic Mayhem

At the stroke of midnight on December 10, 1993, an executive at id Software uploaded a file to an FTP site on the University of Washington's network.

Google Puts Money on Robots, ­sing the Man Behind Android
From ACM Opinion

Google Puts Money on Robots, ­sing the Man Behind Android

In an out-of-the-way Google office, two life-size humanoid robots hang suspended in a corner.

A Neuroscientist's Radical Theory of How Networks Become Conscious
From ACM Opinion

A Neuroscientist's Radical Theory of How Networks Become Conscious

It's a question that’s perplexed philosophers for centuries and scientists for decades: Where does consciousness come from?

Will Ibm's Watson ­sher in a New Era of Cognitive Computing?
From ACM Opinion

Will Ibm's Watson ­sher in a New Era of Cognitive Computing?

Computers as we know them have are close to reaching an inflection point—the next generation is in sight but not quite within our grasp.
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