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The Grill: Tom Mitchell
From ACM TechNews

The Grill: Tom Mitchell

Tom Mitchell, head of Carnegie Mellon University's Machine Learning Department, says that advances in machine learning could bring about a transformation in psychology...

Artificial Intelligence Is More Than Just Talk For Google's Top Inventor
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence Is More Than Just Talk For Google's Top Inventor

Peter Norvig, head of research for Google, says that humans will soon be talking to computers. Norvig notes that humans and computers are already communicating...

Generations Homo-Zapiens
From ACM TechNews

Generations Homo-Zapiens

Information technology (IT) will become increasingly organic and humans will get closer to technology, predicts Eurotech Spa President and CEO Roberto Siagri. By...

Wolfram's Search Goal: Compute All
From ACM TechNews

Wolfram's Search Goal: Compute All

Stephen Wolfram has set the ambitious goal of converting the global corpus of knowledge into a computable format through, a computational knowledge...

Q&A: The Networker
From Communications of the ACM

Q&A: The Networker

Jon Kleinberg talks about algorithms, information flow, and the connections between Web search and social networks.

A Conversation with David E. Shaw
From Communications of the ACM

A Conversation with David E. Shaw

Stanford professor Pat Hanrahan sits down with the noted hedge fund founder, computational biochemist, and (above all) computer scientist.

An Interview with Maurice Wilkes
From Communications of the ACM

An Interview with Maurice Wilkes

Maurice Wilkes, the designer and builder of the EDSAC, passed away on Nov. 29 at age 97. He reflects on his career in this 2009 interview.

The Internet Is Self-Organizing Into a Global Meta-Computer
From ACM TechNews

The Internet Is Self-Organizing Into a Global Meta-Computer

Biologist Joel de Rosnay speculates on the evolution of digital civilization, of which the Internet is just one component. "There is little overall planning in...

Robotics Engineer Aims to Give Robots a Humane Touch
From ACM TechNews

Robotics Engineer Aims to Give Robots a Humane Touch

Georgia Institute of Technology robotics engineer Ronald Arkin has dedicated his life's work to the development of ethical battlefield robots embedded with a sense...

The Next Best Thing to You
From ACM News

The Next Best Thing to You

Have you ever wished you could be in two places at once? Perhaps you've had the desire to create a copy of yourself that could stand in for you at a meeting, freeing...

'it Will Step in on My Day Off'
From ACM TechNews

'it Will Step in on My Day Off'

In this interview, Electronic Arts senior vice-president online Nanea Reeves shares some of her predictions about the future. Reeves says that video games will...

Wikiscanner Creator Virgil Griffith
From ACM TechNews

Wikiscanner Creator Virgil Griffith

California Institute of Technology doctoral candidate in computation and neural systems Virgil Griffith created WikiScanner, software that reveals who has made...

Q&A: The Robot Wars Have Arrived
From ACM TechNews

Q&A: The Robot Wars Have Arrived

Brookings Institution fellow P.W. Singer says in an interview that the military's funding of robotics will have ramifications in areas that people are as yet unaware...

An Interview With C.A.R. Hoare
From Communications of the ACM

An Interview With C.A.R. Hoare

C.A.R. Hoare, developer of the Quicksort algorithm and a lifelong contributor to the theory and design of programming languages, discusses the practical application...

CTO Virtualization Roundtable
From Communications of the ACM

CTO Virtualization Roundtable: Part II

When it comes to virtualization platforms, experts say focus first on the services to be delivered.

CTO Roundtable on Virtualization
From Communications of the ACM

CTO Roundtable on Virtualization: Part I

Virtualization technology is hot again, but for the right reasons?

Q&A: A Complex Thinker
From Communications of the ACM

Q&A: A Complex Thinker

Daphne Koller discusses probabilistic relational modeling, artificial intelligence, and her new work with biologists.
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