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AI Is Not A-OK
From ACM Opinion

AI Is Not A-OK

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt says humans will need to find a way to coexist with artificial intelligence

Henry Kissinger's Last Crusade: Stopping Dangerous AI
From ACM Opinion

Henry Kissinger's Last Crusade: Stopping Dangerous AI

Former secretary of state has a whole new area of interest: artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Needs to Slow Down
From ACM Opinion

Artificial Intelligence Needs to Slow Down

Timnit Gebru believes the incentives around AI research are all wrong

Meta's Andrew Bosworth on Moving Facebook to the Metaverse
From ACM Opinion

Meta's Andrew Bosworth on Moving Facebook to the Metaverse

'The magnitude of technological shifts that we are trying to manifest here hasn't been attempted in a long time'

RL Benchmarking, Climate Impacts of AI, and AI for Law
From ACM Opinion

RL Benchmarking, Climate Impacts of AI, and AI for Law

Stanford JD-PhD candidate Peter Henderson talks about creating robust decision-making systems and ML methods that benefit society

Anne Carpenter: Her Machine Learning Tools Pull Insights from Cell Images
From ACM Opinion

Anne Carpenter: Her Machine Learning Tools Pull Insights from Cell Images

Computational biologist brings the power of machine learning to researchers seeking answers in mountains of cell images

Nicki Washington: How Tackling Tech's Diversity Challenges Can Spur Innovation
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Nicki Washington: How Tackling Tech's Diversity Challenges Can Spur Innovation

Computer scientist and educator says technology's diversity problems begin in learning and working environments

Jeannette Wing: How Computing Has Transformed
From ACM Opinion

Jeannette Wing: How Computing Has Transformed

Data science expert talks about how trustworthy AI and causal reasoning can help society solve real-world problems

Infrastructure as Code
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Infrastructure as Code

Helping software developers use code to access more control over cloud infrastructure assets

SEC Isn't Hurting Crypto Innovation, Says Industry Leader
From ACM Opinion

SEC Isn't Hurting Crypto Innovation, Says Industry Leader

Ethereum co-founder Joe Lubin says SEC Chair Gensler may need greater authority over crypto industry

 Facebook Whistleblower Sophie Zhang Has a Message for the Tech Press, Too
From ACM Opinion

Facebook Whistleblower Sophie Zhang Has a Message for the Tech Press, Too

Zhang came forward with allegations against Facebook long before Frances Haugen, so why has it taken so long for people to listen?

Meta Learning and Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
From ACM Opinion

Meta Learning and Model-Based Reinforcement Learning

Stanford professor Chelsea Finn talks about robotics and meta learning research

Timnit Gebru's Plan to Rethink Big Tech
From ACM Opinion

Timnit Gebru's Plan to Rethink Big Tech

Former Google AI ethics chief says whistleblowers working on AI need newer, better, tougher regulatory protections

Should Oversight of Biased AI Be Left Up to People?
From ACM Opinion

Should Oversight of Biased AI Be Left Up to People?

Mounting research shows humans may not be up to the task of reigning in runaway algorithms

Yann LeCun Talks Research Beginnings and Recent Developments
From ACM Opinion

Yann LeCun Talks Research Beginnings and Recent Developments

Deep-learning pioneer discusses early days in image-processing and developments in self-supervised learning for computer vision

How GitHub COO Erica Brescia Runs the Coding Gold Mines
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How GitHub COO Erica Brescia Runs the Coding Gold Mines

Tech leader discusses the state of GitHub's infrastructure, open source software philosophies, and more

Building Computer Models That See Everything
From ACM Opinion

Building Computer Models That See Everything

Advanced modeling and experimental techniques help computational neuroscientist understand how our minds try to perceive the world

Donald Knuth: The Father of Algorithm Analysis
From ACM Opinion

Donald Knuth: The Father of Algorithm Analysis

Turing Award winner talks programming, algorithms, the meaning of life, and more

Talking Secure Coding
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Talking Secure Coding

Security expert discusses the importance of secure coding, how to improve adoption, best practices, and more

Battery Pioneer Akira Yoshino Talks Tesla, Apple, and the Electric Future
From ACM Opinion

Battery Pioneer Akira Yoshino Talks Tesla, Apple, and the Electric Future

2019 Nobel Prize winner discusses the prospect of hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles and autonomous electric vehicles that charge themselves
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