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Q&A: Intel CEO Paul Otellini
From ACM TechNews

Q&A: Intel CEO Paul Otellini

Intel CEO Paul Otellini is concerned that U.S. technological and economic competitiveness is eroding due to long-term neglect of support for education, research...

From ACM TechNews

John Shalf Talks Parallel Programming Languages

The National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center's John Shalf describes parallel programming languages as tools designed to program systems with multiple...

­ncovering Results in the Magellan Testbed
From ACM TechNews

­ncovering Results in the Magellan Testbed

The Magellan cloud computing testbed funded by the U.S. Department of Energy is dedicated to studying the advantages and disadvantages of the cloud computing model...

From ACM TechNews

The A-Z of Programming Languages: Objective-C

Brad Cox, creator of the Objective-C programming language, says he co-developed the language with partner Tom Love as a reaction to the C language and its limitations...

Stanford's Top Engineer From Chips to Abcs
From ACM TechNews

Stanford's Top Engineer From Chips to Abcs

James Plummer, dean of Stanford University's school of engineering, envisions an expansion of the electronics industry's purview from information technology to...

Virtual Privacy
From ACM TechNews

Virtual Privacy

Northeastern University professor Alan Mislove, whose research focuses on how people interact in the virtual world, says that many patterns of human interaction...

The Grill: Fred Brooks
From ACM TechNews

The Grill: Fred Brooks

Fred Brooks, who was project manager for the IBM System/360 and the lead designer of its operating system, says that software developers should plan on continuously...

Scaling the Exa
From ACM TechNews

Scaling the Exa

The University of Tennessee's Jack Dongarra says the transition to exascale computing is going to be more dramatic than earlier transitions, and this will result...

Vint Cerf on What the Net Needs Now
From ACM TechNews

Vint Cerf on What the Net Needs Now

Google's Vint Cerf says the Internet needs better security across all of its levels, and says that common ground must be found concerning what constitutes Internet...

An Interview with Ed Feigenbaum
From Communications of the ACM

An Interview with Ed Feigenbaum

ACM Fellow and A.M. Turing Award recipient Edward A. Feigenbaum, a pioneer in the field of expert systems, reflects on his career.

Gary Mcgraw on Developing Secure Software
From ACM TechNews

Gary Mcgraw on Developing Secure Software

Cigital CTO Gary McGraw and colleagues examined 30 companies' secure software development practices to create a measurement instrument that companies could use...

Interview With Dr. Bruno Bachimont
From ACM Opinion

Interview With Dr. Bruno Bachimont

Bruno Bachimont, scientific advisor of the Department of Research and Innovation at France's Institut National de l'Audiovisuel, discusses the constructive mix...

From ACM TechNews

Innovations in STEM Education: A Conversation With Pcast's Jim Gates

An upcoming President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) report will address the issue of improving pre-college math and science education...

So, How Real Are Robots?
From ACM Opinion

So, How Real Are Robots?

Robots can do all kinds of tasks, from folding clothes to fighting wars. But a professor says we should consider the ethics of unleashing robots.

Wendy Hall on What Web Science Could Mean For Businesses
From ACM TechNews

Wendy Hall on What Web Science Could Mean For Businesses

Professor Dame Wendy Hall, who is involved in the newly founded Institute of Web Science, says the field is experiencing rapid growth as governments increasingly...

How the Internet Will Change the World
From ACM TechNews

How the Internet Will Change the World

Pew Internet & American Life Project director Lee Rainie discusses the results of a survey of experts on how technology will develop and impact society in the year...

Marc Maiffret: The Quick Rise of a Teen Hacker
From ACM Opinion

Marc Maiffret: The Quick Rise of a Teen Hacker

For Marc Maiffret, the turning point in his life came when—at the age of 17—he woke up to an FBI agent pointing a gun at his head. A runaway and high school dropout...

Blogging in India and Apple's Ipad
From ACM Opinion

Blogging in India and Apple's Ipad

Amit Agarwal, based in India, has been blogging about technology for six years. He answers a few questions on his blogging career, the future of the Internet in...

Quantum Memories May Lead to Faster, More Secure Computers
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Memories May Lead to Faster, More Secure Computers

Future communications networks could be based on quantum memories, which store data in a pulse of light and are the focus of research by University of Delaware...

Q&A: Systematic Thinking
From Communications of the ACM

Q&A: Systematic Thinking

Andrew S. Tanenbaum talks about MINIX, microkernels, and electronic voting systems.
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