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How and Why to Teach Your Kids to Code
From ACM Careers

How and Why to Teach Your Kids to Code

Whether or not your child grows up to be the next Zuckerberg, programming is a highly useful skill for him or her to learn.

The Banality of 'don’t Be Evil'
From ACM Opinion

The Banality of 'don’t Be Evil'

"The New Digital Age" is a startlingly clear and provocative blueprint for technocratic imperialism, from two of its leading witch doctors, Eric Schmidt and Jared...

Charlie Rose Talks to Tumblr's David Karp
From ACM Opinion

Charlie Rose Talks to Tumblr's David Karp

What made you decide that this was the right time to sell—and that Yahoo! was the right buyer?

The Quantified Brain of a Self-Tracking Neuroscientist
From ACM Opinion

The Quantified Brain of a Self-Tracking Neuroscientist

Russell Poldrack, a neuroscientist at the University of Texas at Austin, is undertaking some intense introspection.

Why the Html5 Standard Fight Matters
From ACM Opinion

Why the Html5 Standard Fight Matters

Today, EFF announced that it was making a formal objection to including consideration of digital rights management (DRM) in the First Public Working Draft from...

Apple Has More Game-Changing Tech in the Works, Says Ceo Tim Cook
From ACM Opinion

Apple Has More Game-Changing Tech in the Works, Says Ceo Tim Cook

Last year, Apple CEO Tim Cook spent a lot of time answering questions about how Apple would be different from what it was under Steve Jobs, and just how he would...

Why Moma Is Exhibiting Tetris and Pac-Man
From ACM Opinion

Why Moma Is Exhibiting Tetris and Pac-Man

Last November, the Museum of Modern Art said that it had acquired 14 videogames, adding working copies and the source code of games like Tetris and The Sims to...

Why the New Google-Nasa Partnership Marks a New Era in the History of Computing
From ACM Opinion

Why the New Google-Nasa Partnership Marks a New Era in the History of Computing

It's easy to become jaded about announcements in the tech world.

Search Me: Online Reputation Management
From ACM Opinion

Search Me: Online Reputation Management

A few weeks ago, I Googled a pub to find out where it was.

Flame One Year Later
From ACM Opinion

Flame One Year Later

It's been a year since the first reports of the Flame malware surfaced, and looking back at the 12 months since then, it seems more and more each day that the discovery...

Government Plan to Build 'back Doors' For Online Surveillance Could Create Dangerous Vulnerabilities
From ACM Opinion

Government Plan to Build 'back Doors' For Online Surveillance Could Create Dangerous Vulnerabilities

Recently, the FBI has been attacking the "going dark" problem—that is, its inability to read all electronic communications—from both legal and technological angles...

Can Patents Keep ­p with Technology?
From ACM Opinion

Can Patents Keep ­p with Technology?

Building Supercomputers with Raspberries
From ACM News

Building Supercomputers with Raspberries

At some point in the not-too-distant future, building powerful, miniature computing systems will be considered a hobby for high schoolers, just as robotics or even...

Jony Ive's New Look For Ios 7: Black, White, and Flat All Over
From ACM Opinion

Jony Ive's New Look For Ios 7: Black, White, and Flat All Over

With the grand unveiling of Apple’s next operating system for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch approaching, sources have provided detailed descriptions of what...

Meet the Man Who Sold a Month-Old App to Dropbox For $100m
From ACM Opinion

Meet the Man Who Sold a Month-Old App to Dropbox For $100m

When Mailbox sold itself to Dropbox for a reported $100 million or so this March, the month-old iPhone app wasn’t even available to the public.

From ACM Opinion

Thoughts on Pew's Latest Report: Notable Findings on Race and Privacy

Pew Internet and American Life Project (in collaboration with Berkman) unveiled a brilliant report about "Teens, Social Media, and Privacy." As a researcher who's...

Access to the Internet Is a Human Right
From Communications of the ACM

Access to the Internet Is a Human Right

Connecting Internet access with freedom of expression and creativity.

Cybercrime, Cyberweapons, Cyber Wars
From Communications of the ACM

Cybercrime, Cyberweapons, Cyber Wars: Is There Too Much of It in the Air?

Where reality stops and perception begins.

What Is a 'Good' Estimate?
From Communications of the ACM

What Is a 'Good' Estimate?

Whether forecasting is valuable.

Swamped By Automation
From Communications of the ACM

Swamped By Automation

Whenever someone asks you to trust them, don't.
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