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Europe split in happiness survey
From Putting People First

Europe split in happiness survey

In one of the biggest surveys of happiness carried out in the aftermath of the economic crisis, the vast majority of people in Britain, France and Italy have little...

Achieving a sense of home for people who travel extensively
From Putting People First

Achieving a sense of home for people who travel extensively

One of the people presenting at the DPPI conference in Milan last week was Aviaja Borup Lynggaard, an industrial Ph.D. scholar at Bang & Olufsen (B&O), attached...

Toyota and CIID open a Window to the World
From Putting People First

Toyota and CIID open a Window to the World

Imagine when a journey from A to B is no longer routine, as your car in the near-future encourages a sense of play, exploration and learning. This is the image...

Studying interaction design in Switzerland
From Putting People First

Studying interaction design in Switzerland

A new master in interaction design will start in September in Switzerland — with some teaching support from Experientia — and a few places are still available....

Book: Ethnographies of the Videogame
From Putting People First

Book: Ethnographies of the Videogame

Ethnographies of the Videogame: Gender, Narrative and Praxis by Helen Thornham, City University London, UK Ethnographies of the Videogame Ashgate, July 2011, 218...

Enchanted Objects: The next wave of the web
From Putting People First

Enchanted Objects: The next wave of the web

David Rose (LinkedIn), CEO of Vitality (where he works on healthy behavior change) and lecturer at MIT Media Lab (and former CEO of Ambient Devices), gave a talk...

What is Your Influence Score?
From Putting People First

What is Your Influence Score?

Imagine a world in which we are assigned a number that indicates how influential we are. This number would help determine whether you receive a job, a hotel-room...

IBM reveals untapped mobile users of the future
From Putting People First

IBM reveals untapped mobile users of the future

Consumers have a growing appetite for health and wellness gadgets and this represents a burgeoning market opportunity for device manufacturers that has barely been...

Activate 2011: Technology powered by people
From Putting People First

Activate 2011: Technology powered by people

Ken Banks, founder of and FrontlineSMS, reports on how Activate 2011, the one-day conference in London on technology and development, made clear it’s...

Achieving long-term sustainability at a Belgian expo centre
From Putting People First

Achieving long-term sustainability at a Belgian expo centre

A road(map) to sustainability: How an Expo centre can become low-impact The Event project, funded by Flanders In Shape, a Flemish design promotion agency, created...

Individual and networked privacy
From Putting People First

Individual and networked privacy

Danah Boyd, researcher at Microsoft Research New England and Fellow at the Harvard Berkman Center for Internet and Society, posted the crib of her recent Personal...

Book: ethnography and the corporate encounter
From Putting People First

Book: ethnography and the corporate encounter

Ethnography and The Corporate Encounter Reflections on Research in and of Corporations Edited by Melissa Cefkin Berghahn Books 2010, 262 pages Businesses and other...

SEE Conference report by Mark Vanderbeeken
From Putting People First

SEE Conference report by Mark Vanderbeeken

On 29 March, Experientia partner Mark Vanderbeeken chaired the European SEE Conference on integrating design into regional and national policies. The high-level...

Book: What
From Putting People First

Book: What

What’s Mine Is Yours: How Collaborative Consumption is Changing the Way We Live by Rachel Botsman and Roo Rogers Collins, 2011 304 pages In the 20th century humanity...

Shareable: Share or Die [new e-book]
From Putting People First

Shareable: Share or Die [new e-book]

Share or Die is the first collection of writing from Generation Y about post-college work and life in the 21st Century. “It contains nearly 30 essays, cartoons,...

Open Source Architecture (OSArc)
From Putting People First

Open Source Architecture (OSArc)

Domus Magazine has published an op-ed advocating a different approach to designing space – to succeed the single-author model – that includes tools from disparate...

In the fight for better experiences, are you winning or losing?
From Putting People First

In the fight for better experiences, are you winning or losing?

UX Magazine attended the 2011 IA Summit in Denver this year to interview conference speakers and attendees. In this video, 15 interviewees respond to the question...

Measuring national happiness
From Putting People First

Measuring national happiness

Your Better Life Index is an interactive tool that allows you to see how countries perform according to the importance you give to each of 11 topics

Experientia wins Italian National Prize for Innovation in Services
From Putting People First

Experientia wins Italian National Prize for Innovation in Services

Experientia wins Italian National Prize for Innovation in Services, sponsored by the Italian government and Confcommercio. The President of the Republic, Giorgio...

Experientia vince il Premio Nazionale per l
From Putting People First

Experientia vince il Premio Nazionale per l

Experientia vince la terza edizione del Premio Nazionale per l
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