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Storytelling for UX, an interview with Whitney Quesenbery and Kevin Brooks
From Putting People First

Storytelling for UX, an interview with Whitney Quesenbery and Kevin Brooks

Daniel Szuc spoke with Whitney Quesenbery and Kevin Brooks about their new book Storytelling for User Experience: Crafting Stories for Better Design. “Daniel: Why...

India: Land of many cell phones, fewer toilets
From Putting People First

India: Land of many cell phones, fewer toilets

Ravi Nessman reports from Mumbai, India. “The Mumbai slum of Rafiq Nagar has no clean water for its shacks made of ripped tarp and bamboo. No garbage pickup along...

The future of wired retail
From Putting People First

The future of wired retail

In a 2010 survey of U.S. consumers conducted by Buzzback Market Research, findings showed that 88 percent of shoppers are more likely to choose a company that gives...

How the shift to mobile is revolutionising online news design
From Putting People First

How the shift to mobile is revolutionising online news design

At the recent European Information Architecture Summit in Paris, Oliver Reichenstein, who has done several web design projects for Swiss newspapers, talked about...

Reflections on iPad usability
From Putting People First

Reflections on iPad usability

The former design director for the New York Times has written a blog post giving his thoughts on magazine apps for the iPad (something he clearly gets asked about...

Digital-savvy shoppers drive change in retail
From Putting People First

Digital-savvy shoppers drive change in retail

Jonathan Birchall reports in the Financial Times on the challenges of creating a single customer experience both online and in stores: “Shoppers equipped with smartphones...

Meet the 20-cent
From Putting People First

Meet the 20-cent

CNN has an interview up with Nigel Waller, the CEO of Movirtu Limited and the man behind their Cloud Phone, writes Core77. Waller dropped the surprising statistic...

Seeing the world from the East
From Putting People First

Seeing the world from the East

Last week I was in Seoul, South Korea. My third visit. And it struck me again how fast Asia, and South Korea in particular, is moving economically, and hence also...

Intel research projects explore context-aware computing
From Putting People First

Intel research projects explore context-aware computing

If you could look into Intel

Rotman Magazine: It
From Putting People First

Rotman Magazine: It

Five articles in the current issue of Rotman Magazine, the high-level and thoughtful publication of the Roger Martin-led Rotman School of Management in Toronto,...

The most popular phone in the world
From Putting People First

The most popular phone in the world

To fully understand what’s wrong [with Nokia], we’ve got to understand what’s been right, or to put in another way, what’s distracted Nokia. Meet the most popular...

Nokia Research touts 5 innovative mobile interfaces
From Putting People First

Nokia Research touts 5 innovative mobile interfaces

Wired’s Gadget Lab posts five big ideas that are currently under development at Nokia Research Center that reveal some intriguing possibilities on how we will interact...

When augmented reality hits the Internet of Things
From Putting People First

When augmented reality hits the Internet of Things contributor Anna Leach examines how augmented reality and The Internet of Things could impact each other in the coming years. “Both the Internet of...

Usability inspection of digital libraries
From Putting People First

Usability inspection of digital libraries

Lorraine Paterson and Boon Low highlight findings from the usability inspection report conducted for the JISC-funded research project, Usability and Contemporary...

Smartphones are our new drug of choice
From Putting People First

Smartphones are our new drug of choice

Smartphones’ sleek forms, tactile buttons, and blinking lights add up to a sort of game — and a perfect catalyst for compulsive behaviors, writes Shelley DuBois...

The (limited) power of good intentions
From Putting People First

The (limited) power of good intentions

Socially responsible design, writes Julie Lasky in Metropolis Magazine, is a whole lot harder than it looks.

Bill Moggridge audio interview
From Putting People First

Bill Moggridge audio interview

In this audio interview with Design Observer, Bill Moggridge, industrial and interaction designer, co-founder of design firm IDEO, and director of the Smithsonian...

Interactions and sustainability at the RCA, London
From Putting People First

Interactions and sustainability at the RCA, London

Some great news from the RCA this week: Design Interactions Research The Design Interactions program at the Royal College of Art, led by Anthony Dunne and Fiona...

Design for mobile and for public health
From Putting People First

Design for mobile and for public health

Two new articles in UX Magazine: Design for mobile by Juan Sanchez The Design For Mobile conference, which took place September 20-24 in Chicago, brought together...

Innovative ways of appropriating mobile telephony in Africa
From Putting People First

Innovative ways of appropriating mobile telephony in Africa

The French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) have jointly published the report entitled “Innovative ways...
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