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Communications of the ACM



How data use and data visualisations can improve our lives
From Putting People First

How data use and data visualisations can improve our lives

Data use and smart human-centric data visualisations are becoming the “next big thing” in UX design. A number of posts this week delve into the matter: Data for...

The newest web users are changing the culture of the internet
From Putting People First

The newest web users are changing the culture of the internet

The newest billion people to venture online are doing so in developing countries rather than North America or Europe, writes Erik German in Globalpost, and they...

Continuum Advanced Systems at the intersection of technology, systems and human-centered design
From Putting People First

Continuum Advanced Systems at the intersection of technology, systems and human-centered design

Continuum launched of a new division within its organization, known as Continuum Advanced Systems. Focused on the intersection of technology, systems and human-centered...

How the cell phone is changing the world
From Putting People First

How the cell phone is changing the world

In a very general overview article published in Newsweek, Ravi Somaiya reports on how the impact of the ubiquitous device extends from politics to business, medicine...

Privacy and the user experience
From Putting People First

Privacy and the user experience

In a long blog post, designer and developer Alexander Dawson discusses some important privacy-related concerns

Ethnography in industry: methods overview
From Putting People First

Ethnography in industry: methods overview

James Glasnapp, who manages PARC‘s Workscapes and Organization team, has written his second article in a series on ethnography (you can read the first one here)...

Magitti: The future of location apps from PARC?
From Putting People First

Magitti: The future of location apps from PARC?

Bo Begole, principal scientist and manager of PARC‘s (formerly Xerox PARC) Ubiquitous Computing Area, showed Richard MacManus of ReadWriteWeb an app that brings...

The enabling city
From Putting People First

The enabling city

Italian social researcher Chiara Camponeschi has written a fascinating Creative-Commons licensed publication, The Enabling City: Place-Based Creative Problem-Solving...

Do people want location-based social networking?
From Putting People First

Do people want location-based social networking?

Social networks want to know your location. But it

Content Strategy: no longer just the preserve of the web professional
From Putting People First

Content Strategy: no longer just the preserve of the web professional

Jeremy Baldwin, company director at Bright Blue Day, a full-service design and marketing agency in Dorset, UK, argues that we should stop talking about content...

The evolved user experience
From Putting People First

The evolved user experience

Alexander Negash, analytics and user experience manager at the American Cancer Society, discusses on UX Magazine how to adopt social technologies in user research...

Nine reasons smartphones are dumb remotes
From Putting People First

Nine reasons smartphones are dumb remotes

As the Internet and TV converge in living rooms, lots of folks, including the New York Times, have been drooling over the idea of smartphones as next-gen remotes...

Building a Homesense
From Putting People First

Building a Homesense

The London Tinker people have published a nice informal write-up of where things are with the Homesense project they are working on. Homesense is an epic piece...

Four year ethnographic study of Global Voices
From Putting People First

Four year ethnographic study of Global Voices

How would a newsroom look if we could build it from scratch, current technologies in hand? A 4 year ethnograhic study of Global Voices brought Lokman Tsui, an Assistant...

Computational objects with information shadows
From Putting People First

Computational objects with information shadows

Mike Kuniavsky, writer, designer, researcher and entrepreneur and co-founder of both ThingM, an electronic hardware design, development and manufacturing company...

IDEA 2010, an information architecture conference
From Putting People First

IDEA 2010, an information architecture conference

Last month the Information Architecture Institute, a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to advancing and promoting information architecture, held its yearly...

Lost the remote? Another reason to use an app
From Putting People First

Lost the remote? Another reason to use an app

TV viewing habits are changing as more Internet and on-demand content

Ethnographic study on impact of social tools on sales
From Putting People First

Ethnographic study on impact of social tools on sales

An in-depth ethnographic study of the social media habits of Blacksburg, VA, the first internet wired town in the world, demonstrates the power of consumer endorsed...

Smartphone form factor
From Putting People First

Smartphone form factor

In a previous TechRepublic column, Debra Littlejohn Shinder stated that hardware design and features are some of the many criteria to consider when deciding which...

Exposing the magic of design
From Putting People First

Exposing the magic of design

Jon Kolko has published on UXMatters a sample chapter of his forthcoming book, Exposing the Magic of Design: A Practitioner
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