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The business of Inclusive Design
From Putting People First

The business of Inclusive Design

Last year I wrote about the book “Innovating with people

Paul Dourish and Genevieve Bell on ubicomp mythology
From Putting People First

Paul Dourish and Genevieve Bell on ubicomp mythology

Divining a Digital Future: Mess and Mythology in Ubiquitous Computing Paul Dourish and Genevieve Bell MIT Press, April 2011, 264 pages ISBN 978-0-262-01555-4 264...

Documentary highlights how Programma 101 put people first
From Putting People First

Documentary highlights how Programma 101 put people first

The upcoming documentary Programma 101

Female interaction
From Putting People First

Female interaction

Female Interaction is a 2.5 year, DKK 4.7 mio (630,000 euro / 850,000 usd) multidisciplinary research project focusing on female interaction design for advanced...

Experientia at Milan service design conference
From Putting People First

Experientia at Milan service design conference

Experientia will present its expertise in service design next week, at a conference specially dedicated to raising the profile of service design as a discipline...

Research on the importance of collaborative user innovation
From Putting People First

Research on the importance of collaborative user innovation

New research suggests the traditional division of labor between innovators and customers is breaking down as more individual consumers invent and improve products...

Latest developments on Low2No
From Putting People First

Latest developments on Low2No

A team of international and Finnish designers, including Experientia, announced the current status and latest developments of the Low2No project today, at a sustainable...

Experientia selected for second stage FredericiaC competition in Denmark
From Putting People First

Experientia selected for second stage FredericiaC competition in Denmark

A consortium made up of Arup, EFFEKT, Experientia, and consultants from NCC Management Group, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (KA), Conceptura, and Ars Electronica...

Experientia pre-qualifies for FredericiaC competition in Denmark
From Putting People First

Experientia pre-qualifies for FredericiaC competition in Denmark

A consortium made up of Arup, EFFEKT, Experientia, and consultants from NCC Management Group, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (KA), Conceptura, and Ars Electronica...

Passive magic, design of delightful experience
From Putting People First

Passive magic, design of delightful experience

Stefan Klocek, principal designer at Cooper, reflects on what it means to design for wonder and delight in the user experience: “Why is Google Maps on a mobile...

Reflecting on usability and user-centred design
From Putting People First

Reflecting on usability and user-centred design

Two new articles have been published on the UX Matters site: Why don

SEE conference looks at Europe
From Putting People First

SEE conference looks at Europe

Experientia partner Mark Vanderbeeken will be heading to his home country of Belgium in March 2011, to chair the SEE conference on integrating design into regional...

How video calls are changing our daily life
From Putting People First

How video calls are changing our daily life

From deaf people who previously had little use for mobile phones to grandparents wanting to connect with their grandchildren, video calls are changing our lives...

Core77 book review: Living with Complexity, by Donald Norman
From Putting People First

Core77 book review: Living with Complexity, by Donald Norman

The same Robert Blinn who reviewed Jon Kolko’s new book (see previous post), also wrote a review on Core77 on the latest book by Donald Norman: Living with Complexity...

Core77 book review: Exposing the Magic of Design, by Jon Kolko
From Putting People First

Core77 book review: Exposing the Magic of Design, by Jon Kolko

Robert Blinn reviewed Jon Kolko’s new book Exposing the Magic of Design (amazon) for Core77: “Kolko’s book is subtitled “A Practitioner’s Guide to the Methods and...

How do you create hybrid interfaces you touch, talk to and poke?
From Putting People First

How do you create hybrid interfaces you touch, talk to and poke?

With so many ways to control our interfaces, from touch to voice, what’s the key to designing for them all? Rob Tannen gives his take on things: “Providing a choice...

Rentalship is the new ownership in the networked age
From Putting People First

Rentalship is the new ownership in the networked age

Wired UK has published an article by David Rowan, that was published last month in his tech column in the UK’s Cond

New encyclopedia on interactive design, usability and user experience
From Putting People First

New encyclopedia on interactive design, usability and user experience

The people behind introduced a new type of top-quality and free encyclopedia dealing with Interactive Design, Usability, and User Experience...

Innovating in the French wine industry
From Putting People First

Innovating in the French wine industry

How does an entrepreneur successfully introduce innovation to a gastronomic tradition that is a cornerstone of French culture and identity? St

The near future of the user interface
From Putting People First

The near future of the user interface

Two articles and one prototype provide diverging viewpoints on the near future of the user interface: Microsoft plans a natural interface future full of gestures...
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