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Faculty openings in design & human engineering at UNIST in Korea
From Putting People First

Faculty openings in design & human engineering at UNIST in Korea

In December Experientia signed a five-year research and education collaboration agreement with the Design and Human Engineering School (DHE) of the Ulsan National...

Why user experience cannot be designed
From Putting People First

Why user experience cannot be designed

Helge Fredheim wrote a smart article in Smashing Magazine to clarify why UX cannot be designed. “Several models of UX have been suggested, some of which are based...

How honest should smart devices be?
From Putting People First

How honest should smart devices be?

David Sherwin reflects on the frog design blog about the SXSW conference, starting from the questions raised in the contribution by Genevieve Bell (director of...

Tough Sell: Selling User Experience
From Putting People First

Tough Sell: Selling User Experience

Misha W. Vaughan, architect of applications user experience at Oracle USA, reflects in this interesting, small article for the February 2011 issue of the Journal...

Experientia intern wins UNICEF 2010 INDEX design challenge
From Putting People First

Experientia intern wins UNICEF 2010 INDEX design challenge

Experientia intern, Ane Eguiguren, together with her team partner Fran

Ethnography: Caught between myths
From Putting People First

Ethnography: Caught between myths

Qualitative researchers in the commercial sphere often feel they can only do

Repost: Reflections on the LIFT conference 2011
From Putting People First

Repost: Reflections on the LIFT conference 2011

Two weeks ago, Core77 published my review of the LIFT conference in Geneva, Switzerland. In the interest of completeness, I also publish it here: All images by...

Why Nokia failed:
From Putting People First

Why Nokia failed:

Controversial British columnist Andrew Orlowski published a long investigating article on Nokia’s failure to build its own smartphone platform. “When Nokia CEO...

Addressing poverty through human-centered design
From Putting People First

Addressing poverty through human-centered design

A few days ago the global innovation firm IDEO announced its commitment to apply design-thinking to address poverty with the launch of this fall. Of course...

Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces
From Putting People First

Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces

DPPI 11, the 5th conference on Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces, will take place in Milan, Italy this year and Experientia partner Mark Vanderbeeken...

Experientia partner jury lead at Core77 Design Awards
From Putting People First

Experientia partner jury lead at Core77 Design Awards

Experientia partner Mark Vanderbeeken will be one of 15 international Jury Captains for the inaugural year of the Core77 Design Awards. The Core77 Design Awards...

From Putting People First


Last week Experientia participated in Ecobuild 2011 (London, UK) to showcase its work in user-centred sustainable design for the built environment, and in particular...

Understanding society
From Putting People First

Understanding society

Understanding Society is a major

Videos of Interaction 11 Keynotes
From Putting People First

Videos of Interaction 11 Keynotes

Videos are now available for all seven Interaction11 keynote presentations. Interaction is a yearly conference organised by the Interaction Design Association (IxDA)...

Discussing ethnography at University College London
From Putting People First

Discussing ethnography at University College London

Experientia partner Mark Vanderbeeken will be giving a talk tomorrow at 6 pm, as a part of the Digital Anthropology MSc course at University College London (UCL)...

Reflections on the LIFT conference on Core77
From Putting People First

Reflections on the LIFT conference on Core77

A few weeks ago, I went to the LIFT conference in Geneva, Switzerland. It took me a some time to write up all my (personal) thoughts on the presentations, but now...

On the UX revolution coming up
From Putting People First

On the UX revolution coming up

Two articles in UX Magazine describe upcoming UX revolutions: data and the user interface. The UX of data By Scott Jenson / February 17th 2011 Data storage in the...

Experientia at Ecobuild 2011 in London
From Putting People First

Experientia at Ecobuild 2011 in London

Experientia will be taking part at Ecobuild 2011, March 1-3, in London, UK. Ecobuild is the world

Book: Make It So
From Putting People First

Book: Make It So

Make It So: Interaction Design Lessons from Science Fiction A book in progress by Nathan Shedroff & Chris Noessel Publisher: Rosenfeld Media Anticipated publication...

The business of personal data
From Putting People First

The business of personal data

The World Economic Forum just came out with a report, “Personal Data: The Emergence of a New Asset Class,” that surely is going to raise some controversy, as it...
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