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Book: Ethnography and the Corporate Encounter
From Putting People First

Book: Ethnography and the Corporate Encounter

Ethnography and the Corporate Encounter: Reflections on Research in and of Corporations Edited by Melissa Cefkin Berghahn Books, July 2009 262 pages Abstract Businesses...

Practices around privacy (and Nokia)
From Putting People First

Practices around privacy (and Nokia)

A few days into the brouhaha about Nokia-Siemens Networks equipment being used for surveillance in Iran, Nokia user researcher Jan Chipchase reflects on the controversy...

How people power can transform Britain
From Putting People First

How people power can transform Britain

The Independent is publishing a collection of essays to launch NESTA

Charles Leadbeater essay: The Art of With
From Putting People First

Charles Leadbeater essay: The Art of With

Charles Leadbeater explores what the advent of the web, collaborative practice and open source ways of working mean for the arts and art organisations in this excellent...

From Putting People First


Malaysian newspaper The Star devotes plenty of space to user-centred design in three stories that feature the work of Genevieve Bell, Intel’s user experience director...

Social media moving to mobile media?
From Putting People First

Social media moving to mobile media?

In an article for Computerworld, Paul Lamb suggests that we are transitioning from online social media to an era of social mobile media or

Do women need special cell phones? Deutsche Telekom says yes
From Putting People First

Do women need special cell phones? Deutsche Telekom says yes

First LIFT09 France videos are online
From Putting People First

First LIFT09 France videos are online

The first LIFT France conference took place last way in Marseilles. Being in Seoul, South Korea, myself, I missed it entirely, but luckily the videos are now becoming...

Four must-read pieces on UX Matters
From Putting People First

Four must-read pieces on UX Matters

Four must-read pieces on UX Matters: The social buzz: designing user experiences for social media By Junaid Asad, UX and human factors professional With the rise...

The rise of the sensor citizen
From Putting People First

The rise of the sensor citizen

Anne Galloway was one of the excellent presenters at the recent LIFT conference in Geneva. So it is with much pleasure to notice that she has written the latest...

Towards social business design
From Putting People First

Towards social business design

Social business design is a new concept that could potentially become quite important for businesses and corporations: In “From Social Media To Social Business...

The revolution will be fetishised
From Putting People First

The revolution will be fetishised

Now that the refrains of “Twitter Revolution” and “the first uprising powered by social media” are fading into the distant memory that is 24 hours ago, we can start...

A range of new products will be created from social data
From Putting People First

A range of new products will be created from social data

LinkedIn founder and CEO Reid Hoffman says in an interview on Nokia’s Ideas Project that the unprecedented accumulation of social network data provides fertile...

Technology is for revolution (and repression)
From Putting People First

Technology is for revolution (and repression)

Far from being a tool for oppression, as often portrayed in old science fiction, technology has become a means of liberation, argues the Financial Times. “Technology...

As blogs are censored, it
From Putting People First

As blogs are censored, it

The New York Times discusses extensively the “Cute Cat Theory of Internet Censorship”, as propounded by Ethan Zuckerman, a senior researcher at the Berkman Center...

Mobile impact
From Putting People First

Mobile impact

Last week I quoted from Robert Fabricant’s contribution to a Fast Company discussion roundtable on the impact of the mobile phone. Robert has meanwhile posted the...

Thomas Crampton on his transition from journalism to digital strategy
From Putting People First

Thomas Crampton on his transition from journalism to digital strategy

Thomas Crampton, a former correspondent for the International Herald Tribune and the New York Times, was asked to address an OECD gathering in Paris about his transition...

UK report on how cities use innovation to tackle social challenges
From Putting People First

UK report on how cities use innovation to tackle social challenges

British Council press release: Breakthrough cities is a groundbreaking report on how cities can mobilise creativity and knowledge to tackle compelling social challenges...

A complex vision of citizen media
From Putting People First

A complex vision of citizen media


Even the BBC believes that we are all hackers now
From Putting People First

Even the BBC believes that we are all hackers now

My quest of understanding the mainstreaming of hacker culture is now also endorsed by the BBC: “The maze of electronics on a typical circuit board can be difficult...
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