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Communications of the ACM



Reflections on ethnography in the new issue of Stanford
From Putting People First

Reflections on ethnography in the new issue of Stanford

The latest issue of Ambidextrous, Stanford University’s journal of design, has just been published. The issue is entirely online. Two of my favourite articles: Mind...

The participatory web
From Putting People First

The participatory web

Web 2.0 solutions offer people in rural areas a platform for networking and knowledge exchange. This brochure, published by GTZ, provides a systematic overview...

Open innovation inside Nokia
From Putting People First

Open innovation inside Nokia

With faith that smart ideas will prevail, Nokia urges workers to say what’s on their minds

R&D 2.0: fewer engineers, more anthropologists
From Putting People First

R&D 2.0: fewer engineers, more anthropologists

Navi Radjou argues on the Voices blog that R&D in emerging markets needs fewer engineers and more anthropologists. “To effectively identify...

From little things
From Putting People First

From little things

The Future Tense programme on Australia’s ABC Radio features bottom-up, user-generated innovation in Africa: “In this program we’ll highlight several interesting...

The Mobile Difference
From Putting People First

The Mobile Difference

The Mobile Difference, a new report by the Pew Internet & American Life project covers at length the current social implications of mobile internet access in the...

From Putting People First

Fabio Sergio, a design and user experience strategist, creative director at frog design, and former associate professor at Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, was...

Barclays on less becoming more in product and service design
From Putting People First

Barclays on less becoming more in product and service design

Barclays 360 magazine, a quarterly thought leadership magazine for senior management within the Barclays Group, is devoted to simplicity in product and service...

SVA lectures on service design
From Putting People First

SVA lectures on service design

Last night the School of Visual Arts in New York hosted a lecture on service design. “While far more attention is still paid to the design of products, there is...

Video interview with M-PESA pioneer Nick Hughes
From Putting People First

Video interview with M-PESA pioneer Nick Hughes

The people of Microfinance Podcast have just posted a short video interview with Nick Hughes, Head of International Mobile Payment Solutions at the Vodafone Group...

The Bottom of the Pyramid
From Putting People First

The Bottom of the Pyramid

This week the Institute for Money, Technology & Financial Inclusion hosted a conference about the “Bottom of the Pyramid” and Elizabeth Losh, author of Virtualpolitik...

Designing things that think they are services, and services that think they are things
From Putting People First

Designing things that think they are services, and services that think they are things

Matt Jones, founder and former lead designer at Dopplr and also former director of UX design at Nokia, is now a principal designer at Schulze & Webb in London....

What Is conversational currency?
From Putting People First

What Is conversational currency?

Jay Deragon argues in a short piece on AlwaysOn that social media and related tools are generating a new currency that is created by the propagation of your conversation...

Efficiency or ambient intimacy?
From Putting People First

Efficiency or ambient intimacy?

The latest issue of Vodafone’s Receiver Magazine is all about a new era of human interaction that is marked by perpetual conversations and perpetual info drip-feed...

Physically digital
From Putting People First

Physically digital

Mac Funamizu explores on Johnny Holland what digital devices with physically changing displays might look like and how their interface language might be conceived...

How designers can influence behavior
From Putting People First

How designers can influence behavior

Robert Fabricant wrote about the role of the designer in behavioural change and describes three new design strategies: persuasion design, catalyst design and performance...

The limits of user-generated contents, as demonstrated by a North-Korean case
From Putting People First

The limits of user-generated contents, as demonstrated by a North-Korean case

About four weeks ago, I wrote a post denouncing Current TV for their hypocrisy: encouraging user-generated content when it is not threatening, but actively censoring...

The Economist on sensors, mapping and mobiles
From Putting People First

The Economist on sensors, mapping and mobiles

The Economist this week comes with a new edition of its 24-page Technology Quarterly supplement, which contains four articles that are related to the theme of this...

Public design projects by Participle
From Putting People First

Public design projects by Participle

The site of Participle, a UK social design consultancy, contains some good materials on the design of the next generation of public services. Only the Lonely: Public...

Mobile gesture design at Nokia - developing a new dialect of interaction
From Putting People First

Mobile gesture design at Nokia - developing a new dialect of interaction

The field of mobile gestures is a fascinating one that Nokia is keenly exploring and researching, with explorative designers Younghee Jung and Dan Macleod on the...
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