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Communications of the ACM



User-centred approach drives the design of Intel
From Putting People First

User-centred approach drives the design of Intel

In December last year, Intel design researcher Daria Loi made a very strong presentation at the UPA Europe conference showing how people in different cultures “keep...

Cisco CTO: The future of collaboration will be all about user experience
From Putting People First

Cisco CTO: The future of collaboration will be all about user experience

In a series of predictions on the future of collaboration, Padmasree Warrior, the chief technology officer of Cisco Systems, points out that it’s the user experience...

Taking my community
From Putting People First

Taking my community

The latest issue of Vodafone’s Receiver Magazine is entitled “Seizing the Moment”: “Bending and transcending the constraints of time and space has gotten easy for...

As consumers
From Putting People First

As consumers

Over the past few months, frog design’s Robert Fabricant has been “busy riling up the design community with a theory that designers are now in the ‘behavior business’”...

Crowdsourcing, collaborative innovation and co-creation in the mobile industry
From Putting People First

Crowdsourcing, collaborative innovation and co-creation in the mobile industry

Steve Wolak, is the founder and head of the Betavine, Vodafone

Tim Brown on the participation economy
From Putting People First

Tim Brown on the participation economy

Nokia’s IdeasProject site features a video interview with Tim Brown, CEO of Ideo, where he argues that that communications technology is leading us back to the...

Living and learning with social media
From Putting People First

Living and learning with social media

danah boyd (blog), a researcher at Microsoft Research New England and a Fellow at the Harvard University Berkman Center for Internet and Society, was one of the...

Putting people first: working together with user-led organisations
From Putting People First

Putting people first: working together with user-led organisations

This document from the UK Department for Health outlines the benefits that local authorities, and their residents, enjoy when they work with user-led organisations...

On engineering and design: an open letter
From Putting People First

On engineering and design: an open letter

Microsoft Research Principal Scientist Bill Buxton calls for engineers and user-experience designers to learn to appreciate one another: “End-user satisfaction...

ACM rolls out new Communications website, which features Putting People First
From Putting People First

ACM rolls out new Communications website, which features Putting People First

From Putting People First


NESTA, the UK Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts, just announced that it has undertaken research which leads it to believe the UK is unprepared for...

Bill Moggridge wins Cooper-Hewitt Lifetime Achievement Award
From Putting People First

Bill Moggridge wins Cooper-Hewitt Lifetime Achievement Award

Today, Cooper-Hewitt Director Paul Warwick Thompson announced the winners and finalists of the 2009 National Design Awards, which recognise excellence across a...

A selection of CHI2009 papers
From Putting People First

A selection of CHI2009 papers

Today I spent some time looking through the CHI 2009 papers. Here is a personal selection (and you need an ACM membership to access them): A comparative study of...

Is Interaction Design a dead-end job?
From Putting People First

Is Interaction Design a dead-end job?

Tim McCoy of Cooper thinks it is, at least as a service offering and a career path. “IDEO

Social networking sites as building tools
From Putting People First

Social networking sites as building tools

anthrodesign is a Yahoo! group of (currently 1693) individuals interested in the role of applied anthropology in the corporate, public sector, and medical contexts...

User-centred design improves workflows in radiology
From Putting People First

User-centred design improves workflows in radiology

From an article on eHealthNews: “The software developers at Siemens Healthcare have come up with something special for customers employing Siemens PACS (Picture...

From Putting People First


The Plenitude Creativity, Innovation, and Making Stuff Rich Gold Foreword by John Maeda MIT Press, September 2007 We live with a lot of stuff. The average kitchen...

Research on how teenagers use news sites
From Putting People First

Research on how teenagers use news sites

The Newspaper Association of America (NAA) Foundation has published a report on a study on how teenagers use news sites. “The NAA Foundation and the Media Management...

Prepaid economies and bottom of the pyramid research in Helsinki
From Putting People First

Prepaid economies and bottom of the pyramid research in Helsinki

Recent Experientia collaborator and emerging markets expert Niti Bhan, who is currently based in Helsinki, Finland (where we met her yesterday), is involved with...

From Putting People First


After a short hiatus, Vodafone’s Receiver Magazine is updated again with a series of articles under the heading “Seizing the Moment”. The first one in the series...
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