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From Putting People First


Fronteer Strategy, an Amsterdam-based management strategy consulting firm, has published a short (6-page) paper on co-creation, in which they argue that there are...

From Putting People First

For months now, I have been running with this simple thesis in my head: “We are all hackers now”, and again, again and again I notice it getting confirmed. The...

Design Fiction, an Interactions Magazine cover story by Bruce Sterling
From Putting People First

Design Fiction, an Interactions Magazine cover story by Bruce Sterling

As a contributing editor for Interactions Magazine, I am tasked with finding clever people to write a story for the magazine. My first choice was Bruce Sterling...

Africa Gathering in London
From Putting People First

Africa Gathering in London

Today was the Africa Gathering in London and ICT4D, an Austrian NGO dealing with ICT for development, has done an excellent job at summarising them: Summaries 1...

Keeping it real: Interaction in the real world
From Putting People First

Keeping it real: Interaction in the real world

The latest issue of Interfaces Magazine, a quarterly magazine published by Interaction, the specialist HCI group of the British Computer Society (BCS), is all devoted...

European Commission launches public consultation on design as a driver of user-centred innovation
From Putting People First

European Commission launches public consultation on design as a driver of user-centred innovation

Yesterday, the European Commission launched a public consultation on design and innovation on the basis of a recent Commission staff working document on “Design...

What on Earth are Anthropologists Doing Playing With Mobile Phones?
From Putting People First

What on Earth are Anthropologists Doing Playing With Mobile Phones?

What on earth are anthropologists doing playing with mobile phones, asks Ken Banks, founder of and creator of FrontlineSMS. “It’s widely recognised...

How good is the mobile net experience
From Putting People First

How good is the mobile net experience

BBC technology reporter Maggie Shiels reflects on the quality of the mobile net experience. The article contains many quotes from industry representatives, but...

From Putting People First


Nokia’s IdeasProject site contains this week a video interview with Don Tapscott, and four feature articles that integrate some of the ideas presented thus far...

From Putting People First

AP published an interview with Julie Larson-Green, head of Windows Experience and in charge of Windows 7, the next version of Windows for PCs. “The primary things...

Paper: Mobile phone access and usage in Africa
From Putting People First

Paper: Mobile phone access and usage in Africa

Research ICT Africa!, a network of universities and research institutions from 19 African countries, has a site with some interesting research papers and presentations...

Let them eat tweets
From Putting People First

Let them eat tweets

Virginia Heffernan writes in the New York Times Magazine on why Twitter is a trap. “These worries started to surface for me last month, when Bruce Sterling, the...

Global usability organisation embraces design
From Putting People First

Global usability organisation embraces design

In December last year, the Usability Professionals’ Association (UPA) organised its first European conference in Turin, Italy, with a focus on the connection between...

Persuasive design for sustainability
From Putting People First

Persuasive design for sustainability

Jeremy Faludi has compiled — in an article for Core77 00 a synthesis of the work of Stanford lecturer and researcher BJ Fogg on the field of persuasive design,...

Three environmental discourses in human-computer interaction
From Putting People First

Three environmental discourses in human-computer interaction

Elizabeth Goodman of the UC Berkeley School of Information made a presentation on the past and future of environmental issues and HCI at the recent CHI conference...

Gathering User Ideas
From Putting People First

Gathering User Ideas

Nokia’s IdeasProject website is intriguing. A content focused platform focused on high level discourse, it contains interviews with thought leaders in communications...

Organic interfaces workshop at CHI 2009
From Putting People First

Organic interfaces workshop at CHI 2009

Carla Diana reports on Core77 at length about the highly conceptual CHI presentation/panel “Eek! A Mouse! Organic User Interfaces: Tangible, Transitive Materials...

Data as seductive material
From Putting People First

Data as seductive material

Matt Jones (of Dopplr) gave a talk recently on seduction at the Sensing and Sensuality conference at the Umeå Institute of Design, Sweden. It’s all about seductive...

UCL London is starting a new MA in Digital Anthropology
From Putting People First

UCL London is starting a new MA in Digital Anthropology

UCL (which is the abbreviation for “University College London” although you have to look at the site’s footer to find out) is starting a new MA in Digital Anthropology...

Thinking about the future of news
From Putting People First

Thinking about the future of news

The current paradigm of creating of serious news stories — through newspapers and big media — is under threat. Here is a haul of background on the matter (from...
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