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Communications of the ACM



[Book] The Qualified Self
From Putting People First

[Book] The Qualified Self

The Qualified Self: Social Media and the Accounting of Everyday Life by Lee Humphreys MIT Press May 2018, 179 pages How sharing the mundane details of daily life...

[Book] The Qualified Self
From Putting People First

[Book] The Qualified Self

The Qualified Self: Social Media and the Accounting of Everyday Life by Lee Humphreys MIT Press May 2018, 179 pages How sharing the mundane details of daily life...

Human-centred design in the industrial context
From Putting People First

Human-centred design in the industrial context

Three papers from the last couple of years: The Benefits of Human-centred Design in Industrial Practices: Re-design of Workstations in Pipe Industry By Margherita...

Human-centred design in the industrial context
From Putting People First

Human-centred design in the industrial context

Four papers from the last couple of years: The Benefits of Human-centred Design in Industrial Practices: Re-design of Workstations in Pipe Industry By Margherita...

Want to craft better policy? Hire an anthropologist
From Putting People First

Want to craft better policy? Hire an anthropologist

In the spring of 2017 the Danish Business Authority and MindLab, a Danish policy lab, developed a methodology to quickly identify costly regulations and how they...

Want to craft better policy? Hire an anthropologist
From Putting People First

Want to craft better policy? Hire an anthropologist

In the spring of 2017 the Danish Business Authority and MindLab, a Danish policy lab, developed a methodology to quickly identify costly regulations and how they...

Putting humans at the center of health care innovation
From Putting People First

Putting humans at the center of health care innovation

The healthcare industry has long relied on traditional, linear models of innovation – basic and applied research followed by development and commercialization.Putting...

Putting humans at the center of health care innovation
From Putting People First

Putting humans at the center of health care innovation

The healthcare industry has long relied on traditional, linear models of innovation – basic and applied research followed by development and commercialization.Putting...

[Paper] The Intuitive Appeal of Explainable Machines
From Putting People First

[Paper] The Intuitive Appeal of Explainable Machines

The Intuitive Appeal of Explainable Machines by Andrew D. Selbst (Data & Society Research Institute; Yale Information Society Project) and Solon Barocas (Cornell...

[Paper] The Intuitive Appeal of Explainable Machines
From Putting People First

[Paper] The Intuitive Appeal of Explainable Machines

The Intuitive Appeal of Explainable Machines by Andrew D. Selbst (Data & Society Research Institute; Yale Information Society Project) and Solon Barocas (Cornell...

Anthropology in Industry w/ Natalie Hanson
From Putting People First

Anthropology in Industry w/ Natalie Hanson

Design and anthropology have been seen together with increasing frequency over the last few years, but how do design and anthropology fit together in relation to...

Anthropology in Industry w/ Natalie Hanson
From Putting People First

Anthropology in Industry w/ Natalie Hanson

Design and anthropology have been seen together with increasing frequency over the last few years, but how do design and anthropology fit together in relation to...

Three-Part Series on the Intersection of Ethnography and Design
From Putting People First

Three-Part Series on the Intersection of Ethnography and Design

The Society for Cultural Anthropology (SCA) published some months ago a three-part podcast series on the intersection of ethnography and design. The series, produced...

Three-part series on the intersection of ethnography and design
From Putting People First

Three-part series on the intersection of ethnography and design

The Society for Cultural Anthropology (SCA) published some months ago a three-part podcast series on the intersection of ethnography and design. The series, produced...

Designing Better Elderly Healthcare with with Singapore’s Public Services
From Putting People First

Designing Better Elderly Healthcare with with Singapore’s Public Services

Many public services, from welfare to healthcare, are mainly intended for the elderly. One of the challenges of designing digital services is to create simple and...

Designing better elderly healthcare with with Singapore’s public services
From Putting People First

Designing better elderly healthcare with with Singapore’s public services

Many public services, from welfare to healthcare, are mainly intended for the elderly. One of the challenges of designing digital services is to create simple and...

[book] This Is Service Design Doing
From Putting People First

[book] This Is Service Design Doing

This Is Service Design Doing: Applying Service Design Thinking in the Real World by Marc Stickdorn,‎ Markus Edgar Hormess,‎ Adam Lawrence,‎ and Jakob Schneider[Book]...

[Book] This Is Service Design Doing
From Putting People First

[Book] This Is Service Design Doing

This Is Service Design Doing: Applying Service Design Thinking in the Real World by Marc Stickdorn,‎ Markus Edgar Hormess,‎ Adam Lawrence,‎ and Jakob Schneider[Book]...

Google Design on “human-Centered Machine Learning”
From Putting People First

Google Design on “human-Centered Machine Learning”

As was the case with the mobile revolution, and the web before that, machine learning will cause us to rethink, restructure, and reconsider what’s possible in virtually...

Google Design on “human-centered machine learning”
From Putting People First

Google Design on “human-centered machine learning”

As was the case with the mobile revolution, and the web before that, machine learning will cause us to rethink, restructure, and reconsider what’s possible in virtually...
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