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Neuromarketing Course
From The Eponymous Pickle

Neuromarketing Course

NeuroRelay reports on a free online neuromarketing course that may be of interest. Recall I had previous connections with startups in this area like Buyology Inc...

Coke Online Mag Succeeds
From The Eponymous Pickle

Coke Online Mag Succeeds

Coke has an online magazine.  Why does one of the best known brands in the world need its own magazine?   Not sure how this would work with much less known brands...

Amazon Does Data Streams with Kinesis
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Does Data Streams with Kinesis

Amazon, like may other players in the space, is now addressing the element of Big Data that looks at big dynamic of high speed, real time data streams.   The legendary...

A Look at SAP Lava
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Look at SAP Lava

From a SAP community blog. Was involved fairy early on with SAP's Business Objects data visualization play.  We approved it for use in the enterprise.  New is a...

Augmented Pixels Continued
From The Eponymous Pickle

Augmented Pixels Continued

Recently brought to my attention this augmented reality delivery company: Augmented Pixels  (Formerly AR3D ) advertising, sales and entertainment implementations...

Security Tents
From Schneier on Security

Security Tents

The US government sets up secure tents for the president and other officials to deal with classified material while traveling abroad. Even when Obama travels to...

Thoughts—Some Random, Some Structured
From CERIAS Blog

Thoughts—Some Random, Some Structured

On October 9th, 2013, I delivered one of the keynote addresses at the ISSA International Conference. I included a number of observations on computing, security,...

10 Companies Who Control What You Buy
From The Eponymous Pickle

10 Companies Who Control What You Buy

From    " .... According to this chart via Reddit, called "The Illusion of Choice," these corporations create a chain that begins at one of 10 superClick...

Google Wins Book Scanning Case
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Wins Book Scanning Case

In GigaOM: A long term suit against Google scanning and storing books.  Have followed this for a long time.  Finally decided in Google's favor, apparently using...

Time of Day Shopping
From The Eponymous Pickle

Time of Day Shopping

In PopAI:  An area that we explored in our laboratory stores, but not in this predictive detail: " ... Dr Scott G. Dacko, an associate professor in marketing and...

Data to Knowledge to Action: White House Announces Big Data Partnerships
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Data to Knowledge to Action: White House Announces Big Data Partnerships

On November 12, 2013, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the Networking and Information Technology R&D (NITRD) program held an event...

Essentials of Business Analytics Book
From The Eponymous Pickle

Essentials of Business Analytics Book

A number of my colleagues at the University of Cincinnati have just come out with a new book on the delivery of business analytics entitled:  Essentials of Business...

IBM Announces Watson on Internet
From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM Announces Watson on Internet

In the NYT:   Delivered  via the Internet.   Now we await the interface needed for intelligent connections.  " ...  On Thursday IBM will announce that Watson, the...

Doing Code Right The Second Time
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Doing Code Right The Second Time

Last week I wrote a program. I wrote about it on this  blog (Making Magic With Software) but only about what was visible to the user. This week I decided to show...

From Computational Complexity

Local Reductions

With the STOC deadline passing on Monday, now is a good time to look at the arXiv to see what has been posted since then. Hamid Jahanjou, Eric Miles and Emanuele...

A Fraying of the Public/Private Surveillance Partnership
From Schneier on Security

A Fraying of the Public/Private Surveillance Partnership

The public/private surveillance partnership between the NSA and corporate data collectors is starting to fray. The reason is sunlight. The publicity resulting from...

DARPA Learning Machines
From The Eponymous Pickle

DARPA Learning Machines

New kinds of machine learning have been an emphasis of DARPA.  In Wired,   " ... The Pentagon’s blue-sky research agency is readying a nearly four-year projectWhen...

Online Professional Learning Communities for CS Teachers
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Online Professional Learning Communities for CS Teachers

Last week, the NSF brought together leaders of the CS10K effort to discuss potential online supports for teachers and students in computer science. Though the concept...

Storytelling Nodes of New Technologies
From The Eponymous Pickle

Storytelling Nodes of New Technologies

If you have followed this space for a long time, you know I cover many technologies and their implications.  Most of which I started looking at in the enterprise...

Shapeshifting Touch Display
From The Eponymous Pickle

Shapeshifting Touch Display

An example of virtual interaction. " ... The Tangible Media Group at MIT's Media Lab has unveiled a futuristic display made of atoms, not pixels. We live in an...
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