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Communications of the ACM



Mistakes Made in Machine Learning
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mistakes Made in Machine Learning

These are some of the best known examples of mistakes often made in machine learning i.e. predictive analytics projects.    Well stated, the examples are good,...

November Analytics Magazine: Text Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

November Analytics Magazine: Text Analytics

The Informs Outreach magazine this month has as its emphasis text analytics.  Always interesting, business solution oriented,  not heavily technical.  I read every...

Making Magic With Software
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Making Magic With Software

My friend and fellow teacher Tom Indelicato and I are teaching a new course this year. We are calling to Explorations in Computer Science and it is patterned somewhat...

Views from Our Top Shopper Scientist
From The Eponymous Pickle

Views from Our Top Shopper Scientist

 Colleague and correspondent Herb Sorensen writes about the shopper from the view of a scientist.  He helped us formulate some of the key concepts we used in the...

Machines Taking Over
From The Eponymous Pickle

Machines Taking Over

Are we making it too easy for machines to take over?  In ReadwriteWeb.  Do we see early symptoms when we listen for every smartphone ring?   I have been reading...

Who plays nice? Who plays rough?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Who plays nice? Who plays rough?

I have a confession to make. I am one of these people who can’t watch a TV show like Games of throne because there is too much evil. In fact, I generally cringe...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

In Praise Of Chalk Talks

Chalking up a terrific talk on bit compression Winsor McCay was a cartoonist and animator in the early part of the twentieth century, and authored the comic strip...

From Computational Complexity

A Theorist Goes to SOSP

Monday I attended the 24th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, the lead conference for computer systems research. Why would a nice theorist go to SOSP? Trying...

Risk-Based Authentication
From Schneier on Security

Risk-Based Authentication

I like this idea of giving each individual login attempt a risk score, based on the characteristics of the attempt: The risk score estimates the risk associated...

Big Data and Social Science
From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Data and Social Science

A number of interesting items in the Edge about the implications of new models, and most notable to me the implications of Big Data, for social science.   Social...

Wix as Easy Internet Presence
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wix as Easy Internet Presence

After mentioning the startup Waze, recently acquired by Google, I was sent a note to take a look at the startup Wix.  I was intrigued by their description of it...

Technology and Dementia
From The Eponymous Pickle

Technology and Dementia

Technology solutions for dementia care.  Here from the CACM.  An extensive view of technology current and future uses, and the barriers involved.   I am peripherally...

SIGCSE 2014 a Great Opportunity for Professional Development
From Computer Science Teachers Association

SIGCSE 2014 a Great Opportunity for Professional Development

I just got back from Atlanta where, while wearing one of my other hats, I helped to put together the program for the SIGCSE conference to be held March 5-8...

Deception in Fruit Flies
From Schneier on Security

Deception in Fruit Flies

The wings of the Goniurellia tridens fruit fly have images of an ant on them, to deceive predators: "When threatened, the fly flashes its wings to give the appearance...

Experientia taking on the Nordic Built Challenge, Finland
From Putting People First

Experientia taking on the Nordic Built Challenge, Finland

Experientia team in final four, with community-minded concept “The fundamental idea of the entry – the ENGAGE community noticeboard concept – is worth special mention...

Future of Cloud Computing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Cloud Computing

Recorded Future looks at the future of cloud computing.  " ... As businesses continue to modernize, technological innovation accelerates. Cloud computing is a relatively...

Convincing People Mobile Shopping is Safe
From The Eponymous Pickle

Convincing People Mobile Shopping is Safe

In Baseline Mag: Intrigued by the element of persuasion here.  Not an argument about safety itself.

Elliptic Curve Crypto Primer
From Schneier on Security

Elliptic Curve Crypto Primer

This is well-written and very good.

Smartwatch for Corporate Productivity
From The Eponymous Pickle

Smartwatch for Corporate Productivity

Looking at the smartwatch format as improving corporate productivity.  Seems a stretch beyond the mild improvement in convenience in carrying the things around....

Google Helpouts
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Helpouts

Google now offers a method to seek and potentially sell online assistance via video, called Helpouts.    Google takes a flat 20 percent transaction fee.  More...
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