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Microsoft Retiring SHA-1 in 2016
From Schneier on Security

Microsoft Retiring SHA-1 in 2016

I think this is a good move on Microsoft's part: Microsoft is recommending that customers and CA's stop using SHA-1 for cryptographic applications, including use...

Walmart v Amazon
From The Eponymous Pickle

Walmart v Amazon

The last battle?  In Knowledge@Wharton.  For dominance in retail. " ... In the retail realm, it’s a clash of the titans: Walmart, the world’s largest retailer,But...

One Way to Study for Exams
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

One Way to Study for Exams

For both my classes, I put together a study guide that included some general tips on studying as well as what topics to focus on.  Since the general advice works...

Blending Data is Good
From The Eponymous Pickle

Blending Data is Good

It has been some time since I looked at the vendor Pentaho.  Examined it for use in the enterprise.  I noticed that they have something called the data blend of...

AmStatNews highlights CCC as Influential to the Research Community!
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

AmStatNews highlights CCC as Influential to the Research Community!

A post this week in AmStatNews, the membership magazine of the American Statistical Association, is a ringing endorsement of CCC’s activities: “On the topic of...

Breaking New Ground: Robot Rings NASDAQ Closing Bell
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Breaking New Ground: Robot Rings NASDAQ Closing Bell

On Tuesday, November 12, 2013, the first non-human rang the closing bell on the NASDAQ stock market. A robotic arm was selected to ring the bell to mark the launch...

DB Pedia
From The Eponymous Pickle

DB Pedia

Can a semi-structured text database like the Wikipedia be used to extract structured data?  This is the goal of the DbPedia: " ... DBpedia is a crowd-sourced community...

Georgia Tech on Wearable
From The Eponymous Pickle

Georgia Tech on Wearable

What are the cultural and social aspects of wearable computing?  A Ga Tech researcher addresses.  While I agree this is an issue, you could, and some did make the...

Another QUANTUMINSERT Attack Example
From Schneier on Security

Another QUANTUMINSERT Attack Example

Der Speigel is reporting that the GCHQ used QUANTUMINSERT to direct users to fake LinkedIn and Slashdot pages run by -- this code name is not in the article --reacted...

Google Code-in 2013
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Google Code-in 2013

This went out to the CSTA Member mailing list tonight. Thought it was worth sharing. Beginning Monday, November 18th, 13-17 year old pre-university studentsgoogle...

2013 Business Intelligence Symposium
From The Eponymous Pickle

2013 Business Intelligence Symposium

Register now to attend the 2013 Business Intelligence Symposium offered through the Center for Business Analytics in the Carl H. Lindner College of Business atThe...

Life is short: pick good ideas!
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Life is short: pick good ideas!

Some of us work hard to generate new ideas. All of us train on how to implement ideas. But our days look like this: I have 100 ideas. I write down 50 of them. The...

Millennials and Shopper Marketing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Millennials and Shopper Marketing

In Smartblogs: The rise of the omni-channel shopper in the millennial.  The link below is also of interest and new to me." ... The Coca-Cola Company sponsors this...

Cryptographic Blunders Revealed by Adobe's Password Leak
From Schneier on Security

Cryptographic Blunders Revealed by Adobe's Password Leak

Adobe lost 150 million customer passwords. Even worse, they had a pretty dumb cryptographic hash system protecting those passwords.

What Drives Internet Traffic?
From The Eponymous Pickle

What Drives Internet Traffic?

Mostly Netflix and Youtube.  Not surprising, being heavily used video resources.   While I am a litte surprised at this: " ... Meanwhile, peer-to-peer file sharing...

From Computational Complexity

Four answers to the Recip problem

In my last post I asked you to solve the following question which was from the Maryland Math Competition: The inequalities 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/6 = 1 and 1/2 + 1/3 +...

Cyc, the Enterprise and Wikipedia
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cyc, the Enterprise and Wikipedia

Recent research had me take a look back on the Cyc project, which we had examined during our AI explorations.   We talked to Lenat's Cycorp. The system promised...

Multi Modal Drones
From The Eponymous Pickle

Multi Modal Drones

In Wired:  As you might expect, the primary uses here are military. " ... This Drone Can Fly, Swim, Drive, and Hop Its Way Through a Mission  .. "  But it points...

Enterprise Architecture
From The Eponymous Pickle

Enterprise Architecture

Thinking Future architecture.  " ... Doing Enterprise Architecture is different from managing other type of IT or business project, as it includes from abstract...

Bizarre Online Gambling Movie-Plot Threat
From Schneier on Security

Bizarre Online Gambling Movie-Plot Threat

This article argues that online gambling is a strategic national threat because terrorists could use it to launder money. The Harper demonstration showed the technology...
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