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Risk Exposure Index
From The Eponymous Pickle

Risk Exposure Index

Useful, measurement accurate and comparable indices are always useful.  " ... Risk Exposure Index Starting to Gain Traction, Change Supply Chain Thinking, David...

Seven Computer Scientists Named Members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Seven Computer Scientists Named Members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Seven computer scientists were recently named members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a prestigious 233-year-old national honorary society of leaders...

Ellen on Protecting Passwords
From Schneier on Security

Ellen on Protecting Passwords

Pretty good video. Ellen makes fun of the "Internet Password Minder," which is -- if you think about it -- only slightly different than Password Safe.

Telling a Story with Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Telling a Story with Data

Quite useful view of this interaction.  Data analysis is ultimately about story telling, creating drama and then leading to decision value.  Plus modifying the "...

Got What it Takes to Be a Technical Co-founder? Here's an Opportunity for You!
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Got What it Takes to Be a Technical Co-founder? Here's an Opportunity for You!

Two recent Y Combinator graduates contacted me recently in an effort to recruit a female technical co-founder for their startup.  Although any awesome engineers...

An Embarrassment of Riches
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

An Embarrassment of Riches

It seems like hardly a week goes by without hearing of some new development tool, web site or online training course for the teaching of computer science to beginners...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Can We Prove Better Independence Theorems?

An approach to independence with more complexity dependence Florian Pelupessy recently defended his PhD thesis at the University of Ghent in Belgium. In joint work...

More Plant Security Countermeasures
From Schneier on Security

More Plant Security Countermeasures

I've talked about plant security systems, both here and in Beyond Fear. Specifically, I've talked about tobacco plants that call air strikes against insects...

It Would Be Funny If It Weren’t True
From Wild WebMink

It Would Be Funny If It Weren’t True

Professor Elemental builds a Great Machine for Catching Villains

How Good is Facial Recognition?
From The Eponymous Pickle

How Good is Facial Recognition?

Had followed the technology for some time.  Especially how it had been used in casino applications, to apparently great success.  But under controlled conditions...

Plant Wars player patterns: visualization as scaffolding for ethnographic insight
From Putting People First

Plant Wars player patterns: visualization as scaffolding for ethnographic insight

The latest contribution to Ethnomining, the April 2013 Ethnographymatters edition on combining qualitative and quantitative data, edited by Nicolas Nova, is by...

How will Big Data change design research?
From Putting People First

How will Big Data change design research?

Dave McColgin of Artefact writes about the relationship of design research to the ultimate outcome-focused research tool: Big Data. “Big Data [...] provides us...

Cincinnati Zoo is a MidMarket Engine
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cincinnati Zoo is a MidMarket Engine

In an interesting development our local Cincinnati Zoo has been declared IBM midmarket engine of  the week.   I have been there many times, its a haven for things...

The Police Now Like Amateur Photography
From Schneier on Security

The Police Now Like Amateur Photography points out the obvious: after years of warning us that photography is suspicious, the police were happy to accept all of those amateur...

Free Software Needs Support
From Wild WebMink

Free Software Needs Support

Reblogged from Meshed Insights & Knowledge: This open letter from the director of Bytemark Hosting is a call for other hosting companies to help financially support...

Share your software early: the Reinhart-Rogoff case
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Share your software early: the Reinhart-Rogoff case

I like stories where prestigious professors screw up spectacularly. It reminds us that everybody gets it wrong some of the time. The Reinhart-Rogoff story is one...

Predictive Analytics and the Organization
From The Eponymous Pickle

Predictive Analytics and the Organization

This article states it once again.  The analytics, and all analytics is predictive, must be permanently connected to important decision process.  That implies that...

Google Glass in the Future
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Glass in the Future

In CompterWorld.  An outline of the future of the head mounted display and some of the explorations being done today.  I have reviewed just a few examples, and...

Augmented Reality for Real Estate
From The Eponymous Pickle

Augmented Reality for Real Estate

Walter Riker sends this along.   Augemented reality as a link of real spaces with information.    As an App for ease of installation and use.  Mostly used for retail...

Securing Members of Congress from Transparency
From Schneier on Security

Securing Members of Congress from Transparency

I commented in this article on the repeal of the transparency provisions of the STOCK Act: Passed in 2012 after a 60 Minutes report on insider trading practices...
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