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Thoughts on Bring Your Own Device to School
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Thoughts on Bring Your Own Device to School

I seldom pay attention to the cars that students drive to school. I’m not that interested. Their technology on he other hand does interest me. I see all manner...

Nokia Attacks
From Wild WebMink

Nokia Attacks

I remain bemused by Nokia’s attack on the prospects of the VP8 video format becoming an open standard. I can’t see what they & their shareholders get as a benefit...

Skein Collision Competition
From Schneier on Security

Skein Collision Competition

Xkcd had a Skein collision competition. The contest is over -- Carnegie Mellon University won, with 384 (out of 1024) mismatched bits -- but it's explained here...

Free resources provided by the Interaction Design Foundation
From Putting People First

Free resources provided by the Interaction Design Foundation

A few days ago, I reported on the news that SAP has become the first major sponsor of the Interaction Design Foundation (IDF). Today, Rikke Friis Dam, Co-Founder...

How P&G Presents Data to Decision Makers
From The Eponymous Pickle

How P&G Presents Data to Decision Makers

In the HBR:  This effort started long ago as a method to deliver data and models to executives, and has evolved much more broadly for many employees.  And has finally...

Upcoming Events
From My Biased Coin

Upcoming Events

I've been asked to post for some upcoming events. The Simons Institute will have a multi-day symposium on Visions of the Theory of Computing May 29-31, just before...

On Collaboration for Reliable Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Collaboration for Reliable Data

Very true:  In the end it is all about the decision processes themselves, equally important to the correctness of the data that drives them.  Collaboration drives...

What Designers Need to Know About Strategy
From The Eponymous Pickle

What Designers Need to Know About Strategy

Good general advice:  I think there is more 'magic' in design driven organizations, thus strategy is even more important than in engineering/quant driven.    Good...

She++ Is a Winner
From Computer Science Teachers Association

She++ Is a Winner

Yesterday evening, I saw She++, one of the most amazing documentary videos. Two of my students, Ellora Israni and Ayna Agarwal, produced this documentary on young...

Disappearing Messages
From The Eponymous Pickle

Disappearing Messages

In MIT Technology Review:  The increasing use of messages that will expire, self destruct and just go away.   When I first saw evidence, I wondered how much consumer...

Steamrolled by Big Data
From Putting People First

Steamrolled by Big Data

“Some problems do genuinely lend themselves to Big Data solutions,” writes Gary Marcus in The New Yorker. “But not every problem fits those criteria; unpredictability...

Gestural, Wearable, Neural – the new pillars of interaction design
From Putting People First

Gestural, Wearable, Neural – the new pillars of interaction design

This is an exciting time to be a digital designer, as the future of digital interaction is all around us, writes Nev Fordyce, reflecting on his SxSW experience....

From Computational Complexity

Gary Miller to Receive the Knuth Prize

The 2013 Knuth Prize will be awarded to Gary Miller at STOC (ACM Press Release). The Knuth prize is now given yearly for outstanding contributions to the foundations...

NSA Crossword Puzzles
From Schneier on Security

NSA Crossword Puzzles

Two puzzles from a 1977 issue of Cryptolog.

Jan-Christoph Zoels speaker at three Salone del Mobile events
From Putting People First

Jan-Christoph Zoels speaker at three Salone del Mobile events

Jan-Christoph Zoels, one of Experientia’s founding partners and our creative director, is going to be a lot in Milan next week. Aside from his participation on...

Vega: A Visualization Grammar
From The Eponymous Pickle

Vega: A Visualization Grammar

Intriguing idea, for any visualization." ... Vega is a visualization grammar, a declarative format for creating, saving and sharing visualization designs.  With...

What we Don't Know
From The Eponymous Pickle

What we Don't Know

In the Edge:  Posed as questions from our own field that we dread being asked. The examples are very interesting.  Mapping out what we know we don't know.  For "How...

Nanotech Motors
From The Eponymous Pickle

Nanotech Motors

In Foresight: A good place to follow progress in the nanotech space.   A visual of a nanotech motor that might be used in some spectacular ways:  " ... Near-term...

New York Times Article Highlights ‘Gentle’ Robots
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

New York Times Article Highlights ‘Gentle’ Robots

A recent article in the New York Times describes the newer generation of robots that are able to interact with and learn from humans. In the past, factories separated...

About Risk
From The Eponymous Pickle

About Risk

In Corporate Governance:  I particularly like the discussion of how you deal with different kinds of risk.  Risk is often considered an afterthought, even in sophisticated...
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