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Bitcoins in the Mainstream Media
From Schneier on Security

Bitcoins in the Mainstream Media

Interesting article from the New Yorker. I'm often asked what I think about bitcoins. I haven't analyzed the security, but what I have seen looks good. The real...

Book: Service Design by Industrial Designers
From Putting People First

Book: Service Design by Industrial Designers

Service Design by Industrial Designers By Froukje Sleeswijk Visser Technical University Delft 2013, 104 pages Design practice is changing. The applications of design...

A Plan for Big Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Plan for Big Data

In McKinsey Quarterly:  A good piece about planning for Big Data projects and value.   The detailed article makes a considerable  parallel to strategic planning...

It's a Rosie the Riveter Moment!
From Computer Science Teachers Association

It's a Rosie the Riveter Moment!

Ayna Agarwal and Ellora Israni, Stanford University computer science students who refer to themselves as "good girls gone geek," are the founders of she++. She...

We are  sentenced to permanent cognitive stretching
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

We are sentenced to permanent cognitive stretching

If you want to get better at something, should remain in your comfort zone? Or should you, rather, be exposed to ideas or techniques slightly beyond your reach?...

Elite Panic
From Schneier on Security

Elite Panic

I hadn't heard of this term before, but it's an interesting one. The excerpt below is from an interview with Rebecca Solnit, author of A Paradise Built in Hell...

Best Reviews & Notable Books and Articles of 2012
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Best Reviews & Notable Books and Articles of 2012

Computing Reviews (an ACM/ThinkLoud publication) has released the 2012 Best Reviews & Notable Books and Articles in Computer Science. The Best Review of 2012 is...

Mobile Business Intelligence in Contexts
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mobile Business Intelligence in Contexts

An area I am currently exploring again here a  Good overview article.  As the article suggests, there are benefits and barriers.  In early tests, we sought to have...

Addressing Human Trafficking: Guidelines for Technological Interventions
From Apophenia

Addressing Human Trafficking: Guidelines for Technological Interventions

Two years ago, when I started working on issues related to human trafficking and technology, I was frustrated by how few people recognized the potential of technology...

Joining Open Invention Network
From Wild WebMink

Joining Open Invention Network

Reblogged from Meshed Insights & Knowledge: Open Invention Network is a novel company formed to operate patent defenses for open source developers. It owns a number...

From Computational Complexity

Is the rule of threes a meta-urban legend?

Roger Ebert died on April 4, 2013 Margaret Thatcher died on April 8, 2013. I have heard the urban legend that celebrities die in threes. Does anyone really believe...

Zero TV Homes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Zero TV Homes

I lived in such a home through graduate school.  Even in the early days of working at a large company whose business was built directly through TV media.  Of course...

Keep the Data Scientists Happy
From The Eponymous Pickle

Keep the Data Scientists Happy

Whatever they really are.  This is not unusual for more creative employees.  You have to balance focus with creativity. And seek creative ways to measure it.  I...

Visualization Apps for Office 365
From The Eponymous Pickle

Visualization Apps for Office 365

Overview of their recent Visualization Apps development.  A friend had mentioned to me that there have been considerable updates for Excel data visualization.  Used...

Bring Your Own Device to Work
From The Eponymous Pickle

Bring Your Own Device to Work

This article and slide show touts it as the new normal.  We experimented with the concept for years. Security issues remain. It still makes the IT groups nervous...

Government Use of Hackers as an Object of Fear
From Schneier on Security

Government Use of Hackers as an Object of Fear

Interesting article about the perception of hackers in popular culture, and how the government uses the general fear of them to push for more power: But theseoverzealous...

Interesting Links 8 April 2013
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 8 April 2013

According to the daffodils in the front of the house it really is spring. A small pile of snow in my backyard is fighting but I think it is doomed to failure. I...

Data Democracy for the Little Guy
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Democracy for the Little Guy

In GigaOM: It points to two items mentioned here.  Intuit's pushing the idea of an era of big data for the little guy.  And also data visualization techniques that...

On Competitions and Competence
From CERIAS Blog

On Competitions and Competence

This is a follow-up to my last post here, about the "cybersecurity profession" and education. I was moderating one of the panels at the most recent CERIAS Symposium...

Hacking Design
From The Eponymous Pickle

Hacking Design

My favorite UK correspondent points me to a BBC World News video.  ' ... "Hacking" has become a little-known, but fast-developing trend in the design world, involving...
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