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Communications of the ACM



When is Augmented Reality the Right Choice?
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

When is Augmented Reality the Right Choice?

Last fall, we published a paper about augmented reality, cognitive theories, and learning. I previously wrote about the design advantages of AR; these give insight...

Remotely Hijacking an Aircraft
From Schneier on Security

Remotely Hijacking an Aircraft

There is a lot of buzz on the the Internet about a talk at the Hack-in-the Box conference by Hugo Teso, who claims he can hack in to remotely control an airplane's...

The Book Reimagined by Video Game Makers
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

The Book Reimagined by Video Game Makers

VIDYA BOOKS: the book, as reimagined by video game makers is a Kickstarter project that is being spearheaded by someone I met while I was at Microsoft. Joe Booth...

IBM and Flash Memory
From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM and Flash Memory

IBM reports that it will invest $1 Billion in Flash memory development.  In particular, this can point to fast analytics solutions for Big Data Applications.  ...

OSI License Clinic
From Wild WebMink

OSI License Clinic

In a new departure, the Open Source Initiative will hold a small open source license clinic oriented towards US Federal agencies. The event will be at the Library...

From Putting People First


Right now, data may be what we intentionally share, or what is gathered about us – the product of surveillance and tracking. We are the customer, but our data are...

Insights from network data analysis that yield field observations
From Putting People First

Insights from network data analysis that yield field observations

As part of Ethnomining, the April 2013 Ethnographymatters edition on combining qualitative and quantitative data, edited by Nicolas Nova, Fabien Girardin describes...

Bitcoin is just the poster currency for a growing movement of alternative tender
From Putting People First

Bitcoin is just the poster currency for a growing movement of alternative tender

Scott Smith of futures research lab Changeist writes in Quartz about the long history of alternative currencies, and criticizes Bitcoin because “they set too high...

Designing better experiences through data
From Putting People First

Designing better experiences through data

Access to big data is growing at an incredible pace. With increased information from various sources available on smartphones and tablets, many companies now realize...

Technologies of Touch
From The Eponymous Pickle

Technologies of Touch

From a recent TED:  A look at the technology of Touch.  We did a number of experiments with touch interaction with products.  The attempt was to include other senses...

Effective Data Visualization
From The Eponymous Pickle

Effective Data Visualization

In Greenplum: Procter's now classic data visualization dashboards compared to other approaches like Infographic style producer Periscopic.  I have problems with...

Data Science
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Science

In the NYT quoting the HBR:  On the sexiness of data science.  Its still structure, logic and quantitative analytics.  Hardly sexy to most.    Well described "...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Measures Are Better

The Littlewood conjecture—another drive you crazy conjecture John Littlewood is the latter half of famous duo of Hardy-Littlewood. I have discussed him before here...

On Choosing Between Good Schools
From updated sporadically at best

On Choosing Between Good Schools

I have been talking to many people recently about choosing schools, both for undergraduate and graduate education. Here is a compilation and elaboration of what...

Reminder: Call for White Papers on Mid-Scale Infrastructure Investments for Computing Research
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Reminder: Call for White Papers on Mid-Scale Infrastructure Investments for Computing Research

As we’ve previously blogged, The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is turning to the Computing Research community for their input on the needs and potential...

why I’m quitting Mendeley (and why my employer has nothing to do with it)
From Apophenia

why I’m quitting Mendeley (and why my employer has nothing to do with it)

Earlier this week, Mendeley was bought by Elsevier. I posted the announcement on Twitter to state that I would be quitting Mendeley. This tweet sparked a conversation...

CISE AD Issues Letter to the Community on FY14 Budget
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CISE AD Issues Letter to the Community on FY14 Budget

Yesterday, the President submitted his FY14 budget request to Congress.  This request included an 8.4% increase over 2012 levels for NSF, with a 9.8% increase in...

Resources For Teaching Binary Numbers
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Resources For Teaching Binary Numbers

Several years ago I wrote a post on my old blog with resources for teaching Binary. Since I no longer have access to that site I can’t update it with more links...

P&G and Shopper Marketing
From The Eponymous Pickle

P&G and Shopper Marketing

In Adage:  P&G regains top slot in shopper marketing.  Based on a survey of agencies.  No direct indication of innovation.

Thinking Of Starting A Foundation?
From Wild WebMink

Thinking Of Starting A Foundation?

Reblogged from Meshed Insights & Knowledge: Open source projects are increasingly opting to form an independent entity – a “Foundation” – to form the core of their...
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