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Communications of the ACM



Antivirus Solution Era Over?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Antivirus Solution Era Over?

In Technology Review:  It appears that new and powerful viruses are on the rise.  Will we simply have to deal with endemic virus infections in the future?

Emerging Practices in Quality Measurement
From The Eponymous Pickle

Emerging Practices in Quality Measurement

Marisa Brown on emerging practices in quality measurement.  And key foundational practices required to implement and maintain a stable and effective quality measurement...

EMC and Gamification
From The Eponymous Pickle

EMC and Gamification

It is more about perceived status than badges.   But then badges can imply status.  Depending as I have said many times before, on the context and embedded culture...

What if CSTA Were the Next Coca- Cola?
From Computer Science Teachers Association

What if CSTA Were the Next Coca- Cola?

Have you ever looked at the history of Coca-Cola? They have been around for 126 years and while they keep re-creating themselves, they have a recognizable brand...

Remodeling Corporate Culture
From The Eponymous Pickle

Remodeling Corporate Culture

For the digital era.    Not an easy thing to do, but becoming increasingly important.  I like the mention of tbe Baby Boomers contribution here.  Much forgotten...

What Facebook knows
From Putting People First

What Facebook knows

Deep inside the company, a team of social scientists is hunting for unprecedented insights about human behaviour, reports Tom Simonite, Technology Review’s senior...

The user experience of Windows 8
From Putting People First

The user experience of Windows 8

Windows 8 and the art of UX compromise by Ryan Bell, user interface software team lead at EffectiveUI Microsoft is cleverly promoting Windows 8 with the tagline...

Army Overhauling Virtual Training Games
From The Eponymous Pickle

Army Overhauling Virtual Training Games

A very telling article on the Process of using Games in DOD applications. My own experience working for the office of the Joint Chiefs in the Pentagon was to perform...

Friday Squid Blogging: Woman's Mouth Inseminated by Cooked Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Woman's Mouth Inseminated by Cooked Squid

This story is so freaky I'm not even sure I want to post it. But if I don't, you'll all send me the links. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk...

FireDogLake Book Salon for <i>Liars and Outliers</i>
From Schneier on Security

FireDogLake Book Salon for Liars and Outliers

On Sunday, I will be participating in a public discussion about my new book on the FireDogLake website. James Fallows will be the moderator, and I will be answering...

Social Local Mobile
From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Local Mobile

A presentation. . On SoLoMo and how it is changing our engagement world.

Why I Love Windows Live Mesh
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Why I Love Windows Live Mesh

It could be argued that I have too many computers. There is my cool demo machine

Autodesk 123D
From The Eponymous Pickle

Autodesk 123D

My previous note led me to Autodesk 123D.  Available as an App on the iPad.  Taking ordinary photos and turning them into 3D models.   See their blog for instructive...

3D Copying - For Sculpture and more
From The Eponymous Pickle

3D Copying - For Sculpture and more

The example here is in art, but I can see this happening much more broadly.  Consider too, its potential integration with remote manufacturing.  " ... using a free...

Center Store Sales
From The Eponymous Pickle

Center Store Sales

A topic we spent time simulating and examining in laboratory settings. A new look at the factors determining shopper behavior.  How can re-design and better shopper...

Can the DPL Work?
From Wild WebMink

Can the DPL Work?

What is patents could be de-weaponized? That’s the goal of the new Defensive Patent License, released this week by law professor (and former EFF lawyer) Jason Schultz...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Why The Hartmanis-Stearns Conjecture Is Still Open

A missed? or forgotten? connection from 1976 Richard Brent is an illustrious Australian mathematician and computer scientist. He is known for Brent’s Theorem, which...

Can Cloud Interdependenices Cause Meltdowns?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Can Cloud Interdependenices Cause Meltdowns?

A piece of research that suggests that over leveraged cloud services could cause service meltdowns.  he suggest that these interdependencies are still little understood...

Rare Rational Comment on al Qaeda's Capabilities
From Schneier on Security

Rare Rational Comment on al Qaeda's Capabilities

From "CNN national security analyst" Peter Bergen: Few Americans harbor irrational fears about being killed by a lightning bolt. Abu Yahya al-Libi's death on Monday...

ACM Webcasting Turing Centenary Celebration Today, Saturday
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

ACM Webcasting Turing Centenary Celebration Today, Saturday

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is holding its A.M. Turing Centenary Celebration in San Francisco, CA, today and Saturday — marking the 100th anniversary...
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