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Communications of the ACM



Participatory design in action at Experientia
From Putting People First

Participatory design in action at Experientia

As a people-centred design company, Experientia

Book: Connected Health
From Putting People First

Book: Connected Health

Connected Health: How mobile phones, cloud, and big data will reinvent healthcare by Jody Ranck, DrPH GigaOm Books, June 2012 170 pages [Amazon Kindle edition]...

Designing Dashboards
From The Eponymous Pickle

Designing Dashboards

Good overview about the process.  Simple focused and uncluttered.   " ... It

Live Online Tomorrow: Turing Celebration
From The Eponymous Pickle

Live Online Tomorrow: Turing Celebration

If you can't attend ACM's Turing Centenary Celebration, you can still experience the thrill of rubbing elbows with ACM Turing Award winners

Boom for Online Workers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Boom for Online Workers

MJ Perry reports.    Increasingly,  suppliers of remote online expertise are gaining acceptance.  Expect this to continue as the Cloud increases its resources.

Eye Tracking Research for Food Labeling
From The Eponymous Pickle

Eye Tracking Research for Food Labeling

Fairly obvious.  But worth reviewing for understanding how shoppers interact with labeling.  Shoppers also interact with labels differently according to the store...

Dad's Influencing Shopping More
From The Eponymous Pickle

Dad's Influencing Shopping More

Dad's increase their influence on shopping, according to recent study.   " ... with 52% reporting being the household's primary grocery shopper, according to the...

OMB, OSTP Specify Priorities for FY 2014
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

OMB, OSTP Specify Priorities for FY 2014

Around this time every year, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) typically issue a joint guidance...

Cheating in Online Classes
From Schneier on Security

Cheating in Online Classes

Interesting article: In the case of that student, the professor in the course had tried to prevent cheating by using a testing system that pulled questions at...

Spotfire Adds Hadoop and iPad Support
From The Eponymous Pickle

Spotfire Adds Hadoop and iPad Support

In a further nod to the sexiness of big data and mobile tablets, Tibco's Spotfire analytics and visualization tool has added  a number of new capabilities.  Spotfire...

From Computational Complexity

Do 50-1 longshots in the Kentucky Derby ever come in?

(I delayed posting this until after The Belmont Stakes since I wanted to see if there would be a Triple Crown winner.Alas, I'll have another was scratched. From...

Live Webcast: Launching the US Ignite Broadband Initiative
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Live Webcast: Launching the US Ignite Broadband Initiative

As we described in this space yesterday, this morning at an event at the White House,

Cyberwar Treaties
From Schneier on Security

Cyberwar Treaties

We're in the early years of a cyberwar arms race. It's expensive, it's destabilizing, and it threatens the very fabric of the Internet we use every day. Cyberwar...

Microsoft Store Summer Camps are Now Open for Registration!
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Microsoft Store Summer Camps are Now Open for Registration!

Microsoft Store Summer Camps are Now Open for Registration! Our 2012 Summer Camps are first come, first served. Don't...

How Grad School Prepared Me For Looking After a Baby
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

How Grad School Prepared Me For Looking After a Baby

Odd as it may seem, there are some things that grad school has done well to prepare me for surviving my maternity leave.Here are a few:I'm used to being home alone...

Computer Science or Information Technology
From The Eponymous Pickle

Computer Science or Information Technology

On the evolution of the computer science degree.   I had a discussion with a prof recently on his school's removing the CS degree and how businesses adamantly disagreed...

Administration Announcing US Ignite Broadband Initiative
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Administration Announcing US Ignite Broadband Initiative

At a White House event Thursday morning, the Administration

Teaching the Security Mindset
From Schneier on Security

Teaching the Security Mindset

In 2008 I wrote about the security mindset and how difficult it is to teach. Two professors teaching a cyberwarfare class gave an exam where they expected their...

Bringing Research to Bear on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Minors (a.k.a.
From Apophenia

Bringing Research to Bear on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Minors (a.k.a.

I believe that technology can be leveraged to empower people in amazing ways, but I also recognize that it can also be used in deeply disturbing ways. All too often...

From Putting People First


Method principal Reuben Steiger argues that companies need to start thinking about the holistic relationship between their brands, products, and services. “Crafting...
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