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Qlikview Look
From The Eponymous Pickle

Qlikview Look

Several people have pointed me to Qlikview ... Anyone have thoughts about it, pass them along.   " ... The QlikView Business Discovery platform delivers true self...

Book: The Mobile Frontier
From Putting People First

Book: The Mobile Frontier

The Mobile Frontier – A Guide for Designing Mobile Experiences By Rachel Hinman Rosenfeld Media June 2012 Publisher’s page | Amazon page Mobile user experience...

Marty Kaplan: From Attention to Engagement (video)
From Putting People First

Marty Kaplan: From Attention to Engagement (video)

Barcelona Media, an interdisciplinary center of research and innovation, hosted Lear Center director Marty Kaplan to speak at its 10th anniversary celebration on...

Manifesto for design upholding human talents and innovation
From Putting People First

Manifesto for design upholding human talents and innovation

This morning I got an invite in the mail to attend a London design symposium at Brunel University next week (16 June) that will debate the core themes of a new...

Dark Matter and Trojan Horses
From Putting People First

Dark Matter and Trojan Horses

“Dark Matter and Trojan Horses – A Strategic Design Vocabulary” is a short e-book by designer and urbanist Dan Hill in which he argues that in an age of wicked...

Intel Facial Recognition
From The Eponymous Pickle

Intel Facial Recognition

From Intel: A means of  using facial recognition to target ads.  " ... Intel has developed a new set-top box that will monitor who is watching TV at that moment...

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

From time to time, we feature on this Blog an exciting research result that’s been picked up the mainstream media. Here’s one that’s garnered some interest this...

Mapping Medical Conversations
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mapping Medical Conversations

Discursis maps and visualizes medical conversations.   Adds insight to what really helps.   "...  The system can identify effective doctor-patient communication...

Use of QR Code
From The Eponymous Pickle

Use of QR Code

Using QR codes as a time station:   The simple check-in idea has become more common.   Simple is often good to build upon.  Via Walter Riker.

Genevieve Bell: women are tech
From Putting People First

Genevieve Bell: women are tech

Social scientist Genevieve Bell – who is also the interaction and experience research director at Intel Labs – gave a major talk on what the future of technology...

After Broadband: Chocolate Printers
From The Eponymous Pickle

After Broadband: Chocolate Printers

Knowledge@Wharton on what happens when there is truly all pervasive connectivity.  " ... Chocolate printers. Corporate "health meters" based on the Facebook posting...

From Apophenia


On Wednesday night, I arrived at the Hilton Doubletree in Washington DC after an intense day of meetings ready to do a few more hours of work. When I got to the...

From Computational Complexity

A new bound on 3-hypergraph Ramsey Number! Why wasn't it discovered earlier?

When a new result is first discovered one question to ask is Why wasn't it discovered earlier? We look at a result in Ramsey Theory from 2010 and speculate asHypergraph...

Friday Squid Blogging: Baby Opalescent Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Baby Opalescent Squid

Baby squid larvae are transparent after they hatch, so you can see the chromataphores (color control mechanisms) developing after a few days. As usual, you can...

U.S., Japan Collaboration on Big Data and Disaster Research
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

U.S., Japan Collaboration on Big Data and Disaster Research

The heads of the

Bing Links with Britannica
From The Eponymous Pickle

Bing Links with Britannica

ComputerWorld reports: To provide thumbnail encyclopedic information based on search requests. This would be akin to the fact that Wikipedia hits often come up...

New SIGACT Officers
From My Biased Coin

New SIGACT Officers

Lance informs me we have newly elected officers at SIGACT.Chair:  Paul BeameMembers-at-Large:Venkatesan GuruswamiRocco ServedioAvrim BlumTal RabinCongratulations...

Visirule for Expert Systems
From The Eponymous Pickle

Visirule for Expert Systems

I have had reason recently to re-examine the use of expert systems to understand and improve complex business processes.  I have mentioned a package called Visirule...

Wal-Mart and P&G Team for Mobile Shopping
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart and P&G Team for Mobile Shopping

In a unique and novel approach a faux food truck in NYC and Chicago is decorated with QR codes.  Allows the walking shopper to buy an assortment of popular consumer...

NSF, Science Seeking Video Games, Apps for Visualization Challenge
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF, Science Seeking Video Games, Apps for Visualization Challenge

The National Science Foundation (NSF)
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